Will heckling be the norm at State of the Union addresses?
Hopefully someone will have the guts to stand up and discuss the greatness of Oasis.Tramp96 said:
Seems to work for UK and Canada parliaments.
Anything to make the Democrats look bad and punish the lies they spew.hoopla said:
Will heckling be the norm at State of the Union addresses?
AKA, be nice, and "get along" and give the Democrats what they want so they can be seen as bipartisan.coupland boy said:
I guess the days of expecting Republicans to be the adults in the room are now gone.
This is why professional wrestling still makes money.Spotted Ag said:
It's refreshing. People need to be called on their BS. This entire charade of decorum is moronic. I would likely be kicked out of congress if I was ever elected due to my inability to play the "my friend from whatever state" game.
Every single democrat up there deserves to be left on an island in the Antarctic.
BQ_90 said:
yes please, stop the heckling so we can get back to the pre-arranged standing ovations that happen on que during the address.
It's all theater, there isn't one single purpose of the SOTU other than propaganda for both sides.
Well said. I watched the first 20 minutes and turned it off in disgust. They are the worst people and completely oblivious to how much they are despised. I hope heckling happens just as often as these self-congratulatory jackasses stand up and applaud every platitude that is uttered.Quote:
The entire aristocratic spectacle is beyond ridiculous, and so is the haughty airs they put on regarding decorum while burying knives In eachother's backs, and screwing over whoever gets between them and the next dollar more often than not.
hoopla said:
Will heckling be the norm at State of the Union addresses?
DallasAg 94 said:
A much better video:
We would be better off if this was the behavior on the house floorDallasAg 94 said:
A much better video:
Thatcher was such a freaking boss.DallasAg 94 said:
A much better video:
Spotted Ag said:
It's refreshing. People need to be called on their BS. This entire charade of decorum is moronic. I would likely be kicked out of congress if I was ever elected due to my inability to play the "my friend from whatever state" game.
Every single democrat up there deserves to be left on an island in the Antarctic.