Here is some info about all the candidates you mentioned:
Phil Covarrubias - Doesn't Live in District - Lives in Clearlake. Crazy Far Right Guy
Alex Cross - Isn't Campaigning at all, no one know who he is hasn't shown up to forums
Jerry Ford - Is a Democrat, Nice Guy, But ran against Sheila Jackson Lee as a Democrat
Brett Guillory - Really good guy, educator, instructor, I met him a few times at PG, Lots of good Ideas, solid pick, running because of the election mess, good friends with Nolan Cain and Schloss, sends Baseball players to TAMU. Anti-Establishment Conservative, for Term Limits
David Hogan - Real good guy, Young, Pastor that was mad at Shutting down the churches during pandemic. Running on Religious Freedom.
Wesley Hunt - Definite No, he is the political establishment. McCarthy chose him to run. They choose military guys because republicans support the military. Second coming of Dan Crenshaw, they campaign together. Doesn't show to forums, Won't answer any questions, Doesn't believe there was election fraud, flipped his stance on Abortion, supports CRT, Washington gave him a million dollars before Oct to run for a district that hadn't been created yet. Appreciate his service but he is a bought and paid for Rino no doubt. Voting for Hunt is like Voting for Crenshaw. Oh, and Hunt voted for Obama, so there's that..
Roland Lopez - He's been running since April, kind of odd if you ask me, wants to be a politician it seems, speaks well but not a lot of trust there, salesman type vibe with a sketchy history.
Damien Mockus - Nice guy, He's deaf, gym owner, doesn't campaign, shows to forums, mad they closed his gym during pandemic
Mark Ramsey - Nice Guy but has been in politics for over 40 years, 75-85 years old, has lots of political connections.
Richard Welch - Nice Guy but has no clue.