rgag12 said:
I wonder what congress did before twitter and TV. Seems like 99.99% of what they do now is spend most of their time crating insult sound bites and throwing them at each other hoping their followers get them trending and engagement.
LOL, cute that you and so many think this. They did basically the same thing, knowing that the media outlets at the time would report on it, and they typically reported more fairly, even if there was some bias. If R's and D's were going at each other's throats, you had a much greater likelihood of both sides being presented.
Over two hundred years ago, here is what Thomas Jefferson apparently had to say about John Adams:
"… a blind, bald, crippled, toothless man who is a hideous hermaphroditic character"
And Adams on Jefferson:
"a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."
We need to get over the silly notion that decorum was cherished and the absolute standard only until recently. These are people who rebelled over a tea tax. They actually killed their British oppressors. We are extremely soft by comparison.
Boebert is speaking the hard truth that people need to hear and it is refreshing. But people like Ilhan Omar and other anti-American politicians should be driven out by force.