***** OFFICIAL Russia v. Ukraine *****

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CW Griswold
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This afternoon, a satellite pass over Polijarny found heat blooms in the engineering plants at the Kirov, the Minsk, and more than 20 other cruisers and destroyers, indicating they were preparing to sail.
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CW Griswold said:

This afternoon, a satellite pass over Polijarny found heat blooms in the engineering plants at the Kirov, the Minsk, and more than 20 other cruisers and destroyers, indicating they were preparing to sail.
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it.
Today, unfortunately, many Americans have good reason to fear that they will be victimized if they are unable to protect themselves. And today, no less than in 1791, the Second Amendment guarantees their right to do so. - Justice Samuel Alito 2022
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Vlad started it. I hope we have a strategy to embarrass the hell out of him. BTHO RUSSIA!!!
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I hope we have someone a lot smarter than Biden calling the shots n our side...Vlad has been preparing for war.....We have been focusing on making sure our war fighters wear masks, get poked, validate others' pronouns, remove any conservative thinkers......

if we get in a fight I hope are guys are prepared....
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Either way, we will win the pronouns war, that is what is important
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wildmen09 said:

GAC06 said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

LMCane said:

if/when the Russkies invade..

would they kick it off in darkness or during the daylight?

Personally, I'd expect probably twilight or daybreak. Daybreak would put light behind the Russians and silhouette their forces. Twilight if limited capacity with optics or other equipment would limit the amount they could effectively move until complete darkness. I don't know how well equipped for the night the Russian military at large is though.

Russia isn't as good at night as we are but they probably still have an advantage over the Ukrainians. If that tweet about about shelling in Luhansk is accurate, we may be seeing this kick off

Javelins work great at night though

Almost a full moon and near 100% illlum right now. Unless there is serious cloud coverage (likely in winter) they won't be in the dark

Supposedly that had some impact of the intelligence that they were going on the 16th
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GAC06 said:

wildmen09 said:

GAC06 said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

LMCane said:

if/when the Russkies invade..

would they kick it off in darkness or during the daylight?

Personally, I'd expect probably twilight or daybreak. Daybreak would put light behind the Russians and silhouette their forces. Twilight if limited capacity with optics or other equipment would limit the amount they could effectively move until complete darkness. I don't know how well equipped for the night the Russian military at large is though.

Russia isn't as good at night as we are but they probably still have an advantage over the Ukrainians. If that tweet about about shelling in Luhansk is accurate, we may be seeing this kick off

Javelins work great at night though

Almost a full moon and near 100% illlum right now. Unless there is serious cloud coverage (likely in winter) they won't be in the dark

Supposedly that had some impact of the intelligence that they were going on the 16th
That is my read also. We have overheads. We have sigint. We have seen and have timetables from when the Russians have run training exercises and have a pretty good idea of how long it takes for them to get their pieces in place. Their last major formation was detraining earlier this week and then took 24 hours to get formed up and move out probably 48 hours to get supplied at your launch positions. Then looked at lunar calendar and said hey they have communicated orders to troops and here is the optimal day to launch an attack and so this is the day we think they will go.

We blast that out. That shakes them a bit. GRU and FSB do a quick check. Putin calls a 24 to 48 hour delay. Pumps up propaganda. Today we see large escalation in the occupied territory.

Again all guess work but I'm betting tomorrow we get a big false flag type scenario followed by a demand and a threat several hours later. Then we get an invasion. All that is IF (and it is an if) Putin has decided to roll in like the Brits think.

The fleet firing up their powerplants all at once is extremely worrisome. But hey I was gonna go Navy before I got hurt at A&M soooo service bias? Lol.
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CW Griswold said:

This afternoon, a satellite pass over Polijarny found heat blooms in the engineering plants at the Kirov, the Minsk, and more than 20 other cruisers and destroyers, indicating they were preparing to sail.

Do you have a link to this?
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Solid summation of where we stand up to now if you haven't been following closely.

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aezmvp said:

CW Griswold said:

This afternoon, a satellite pass over Polijarny found heat blooms in the engineering plants at the Kirov, the Minsk, and more than 20 other cruisers and destroyers, indicating they were preparing to sail.

Do you have a link to this?

It's a quote from "The Hunt for the Red October."

They've sortied their whole bloody fleet!
Sarge 91
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Salute CornPops Message said:

I hope we have someone a lot smarter than Biden Mark Milley calling the shots n our side...Vlad has been preparing for war.....We have been focusing on making sure our war fighters wear masks, get poked, validate others' pronouns, remove any conservative thinkers......

if we get in a fight I hope are guys are prepared....
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outofstateaggie said:

aezmvp said:

CW Griswold said:

This afternoon, a satellite pass over Polijarny found heat blooms in the engineering plants at the Kirov, the Minsk, and more than 20 other cruisers and destroyers, indicating they were preparing to sail.

Do you have a link to this?

It's a quote from "The Hunt for the Red October."

They've sortied their whole bloody fleet!
I love that movie and totally didn't realize it and feel like a total idiot. Thanks! A laugh is quite helpful right now!
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Sarge 91 said:

Salute CornPops Message said:

I hope we have someone a lot smarter than Biden Mark Milley calling the shots n our side...Vlad has been preparing for war.....We have been focusing on making sure our war fighters wear masks, get poked, validate others' pronouns, remove any conservative thinkers......

if we get in a fight I hope are guys are prepared....

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Rossticus said:

Reposting here. Posted elsewhere because I'm fed up with the narrative that the USA is so weak that Joe Biden automatically makes us a loser at everything, everywhere.

You're overestimating Biden's involvement in this and a potential Taiwan engagement unless he just inexplicably chooses to back out. There are too many other players involved in both matters. If this was unilateral US action then I'd get your point but we're talking about Biden PLUS the leaders of most of Europe. President dementia's impact is sufficiently diluted.

The whole "US is automatically a loser because Biden is president" is starting to piss me off. I don't define myself or my country by who the temporarily elected leader is. Russia IS Vladimir Putin. The United States of America IS NOT Joe ****ing Biden. We have a lot of brilliant and brave folks working on our behalf and I refuse to discount their impact based on one doddering old man.

Even in the midst of the Cold War, Reagan's onset of Alzheimer's didn't sink us. FDR didn't sink us in WW2. Biden will not sink us. We're better than that. We're more than that.

This is far more on the Obama administration (now President creepy pee-paw included) setting the stage with their "non deterrence doctrine". They set this stage but we're not going to be defined by them.
This isn't actually the problem.

The problem is the question of what worldview we're fighting for.

The American people are not for pushing smut, LGBTQ++, Soros, etc but that seems to be where we've aligned ourselves internationally.

You distrust the swamp here but suddenly trust them as soon as we leave American soil?

Sorry, I don't give a sh*t about a Russian/Ukraine spat other than hoping there is limited human suffering.

I care much more about the fact that our own country is in a slow motion cultural collapse.
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I'm waiting on your proposal where you explain how allowing Russia to destabilize Europe, prevent democracy, gain additional strategic advantages, install additional puppet governments, etc. contributes to remedying the issues you outlined.
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Rossticus said:

I'm waiting on your proposal where you explain how allowing Russia to destabilize Europe, prevent democracy, gain additional strategic advantages, install additional puppet governments, etc. contributes to remedying the issues you outlined.
"Prevent democracy" and "install puppet governments"??

Yeah, I agree we should be extremely worried about this. And I'm not talking about in Ukraine or anywhere else in the world.
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Serotonin said:

Rossticus said:

I'm waiting on your proposal where you explain how allowing Russia to destabilize Europe, prevent democracy, gain additional strategic advantages, install additional puppet governments, etc. contributes to remedying the issues you outlined.
"Prevent democracy" and "install puppet governments"??

Yeah, I agree we should be extremely worried about this. And I'm not talking about in Ukraine or anywhere else in the world.

Addressing one does not preclude addressing the other.
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Most Patriots I Know are rooting for Russia. **** the deep state controlling the world.
The Kraken
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redsquirrelAG said:

Most Patriots I Know are rooting for Russia. **** the deep state controlling the world.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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redsquirrelAG said:

Most Patriots I Know are rooting for Russia. **** the deep state controlling the world.
I'm not rooting for Russia even if they are the anti-globalist side here.

But I am wondering who wants us to fight and why.

Why are we more concerned about Ukraine's borders than our own?

Ultimately we are controlled by forces like the State Department (that's 95%+ Dem/Deep State) and Foundations/NGOs far, far more than we understand.
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Serotonin said:

redsquirrelAG said:

Most Patriots I Know are rooting for Russia. **** the deep state controlling the world.
I'm not rooting for Russia even if they are the anti-globalist side here.

But I am wondering who wants us to fight and why.

Why are we more concerned about Ukraine's borders than our own?

Because it could lead to WWIII if they keep moving west or north or south. That's why.

Don't believe that this is just about Ukraine. If we sanction this **** out of Russia do you think they'll just back away and cry uncle?
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redsquirrelAG said:

Most Patriots I Know are rooting for Russia. **** the deep state controlling the world.

Hahahahahaha. Sure thing comrade. Get bent.
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wildmen09 said:

Serotonin said:

redsquirrelAG said:

Most Patriots I Know are rooting for Russia. **** the deep state controlling the world.
I'm not rooting for Russia even if they are the anti-globalist side here.

But I am wondering who wants us to fight and why.

Why are we more concerned about Ukraine's borders than our own?

Because it could lead to WWIII if they keep moving west or north or south. That's why.

Don't believe that this is just about Ukraine. If we sanction this **** out of Russia do you think they'll just back away and cry uncle?
Why do you say this? Are they going to march to Paris?

And even if they could who is at fault in that scenario (when the EU is multiple times the size of Russia economically)?
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We can't secure the border and you fools are controlled by the MSM over this. Like a puppet. Let Putin find and expose all of the Bidens *****
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redsquirrelAG said:

We can't secure the border and you fools are controlled by the MSM over this. Like a puppet. Let Putin find and expose all of the Bidens *****

Uh huh. Putin is the filthiest of swamp creatures. He's too busy trying to secure his dictatorial legacy at the moment to expose much of anything.
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redsquirrelAG said:

We can't secure the border and you fools are controlled by the MSM over this. Like a puppet. Let Putin find and expose all of the Bidens *****
Putin's a bad guy, make no mistake about it.

My problem is that I can't get a grip on our foreign policy and who is running it. We support Saddam and then we fight him. We support the Taliban and then we fight them. We develop a democracy in Afghanistan and then we leave it for the Taliban to take over.

So now we're going to protect Ukraine? For how long? Will we weaken them as we've done with Western Europe to the point where apparently they can't even protect themselves from an economically inferior Russia?? It's laughable.

Why not get back to the basics? Why does our government exist and why do we pay them taxes every year?

The government should provide for the general welfare by protecting our borders and keeping criminals off the streets, at a bare minimum. Yet they aren't doing that. At all. That's what I'm pissed about.
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That's the inherent issue with electoral turnover every 4-8 years. There's no ideological consistency.
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Rossticus said:

That's the inherent issue with electoral turnover every 4-8 years. There's no ideological consistency.

This and a military industrial complex too big to fail.

But, yeah. I choose to believe my S2/G2 over keyboard warriors. But keep at it. Let me know how the sand tastes.
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wildmen09 said:

Rossticus said:

That's the inherent issue with electoral turnover every 4-8 years. There's no ideological consistency.

This and a military industrial complex too big to fail.

But, yeah. I choose to believe my S2/G2 over keyboard warriors. But keep at it. Let me know how the sand tastes.

And by the way, they don't need to march to Paris. All they have to do is go a few miles into the Baltics and it's go time.
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Rossticus said:

That's the inherent issue with electoral turnover every 4-8 years. There's no ideological consistency.
Agree, but if that's the case shouldn't we stop spending taxpayer dollars on weapons to be captured by a future enemy based on our wishy washy foreign policy?
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wildmen09 said:

wildmen09 said:

Rossticus said:

That's the inherent issue with electoral turnover every 4-8 years. There's no ideological consistency.

This and a military industrial complex too big to fail.

But, yeah. I choose to believe my S2/G2 over keyboard warriors. But keep at it. Let me know how the sand tastes.

And by the way, they don't need to march to Paris. All they have to do is go a few miles into the Baltics and it's go time.

I think you're responding to the wrong guy. I'm not the "March to Paris" guy or the Putin fan.
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I'm not sure why Biden keeps hyping this game when the teams aren't even scheduled to meet this year. It's almost as if he is the television executive trying to promote a matchup that will make the network a lot of money but won't serve anyone else.
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Rossticus said:

wildmen09 said:

wildmen09 said:

Rossticus said:

That's the inherent issue with electoral turnover every 4-8 years. There's no ideological consistency.

This and a military industrial complex too big to fail.

But, yeah. I choose to believe my S2/G2 over keyboard warriors. But keep at it. Let me know how the sand tastes.

And by the way, they don't need to march to Paris. All they have to do is go a few miles into the Baltics and it's go time.

I think you're responding to the wrong guy. I'm not the "March to Paris" guy or the Putin fan.

Yeah, my bad. Was responding to your comment about the electoral democracy + mil ind complex.
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