The indictment of Washington attorney Michael Sussman accused of lying to the FBI in order to smear Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign reveals the ace up the sleeve of high-powered Democrats. It's a card they played time and again to advance the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory: friends in high places.
They used friends in law enforcement to launch secret investigations; they used friends in the federal government to broaden those investigations; and they used friends in the media to spread the word about Trump and his organization being under investigation.
The Russia fiasco metastasized in large part because those involved in advancing the false allegations had important connections. They used friendships with powerful federal officials to encourage investigations against team Trump. Those targeted by Sussmann and others were unabashed outsiders, and as such lacked the sort of connections the insiders exploited so adroitly....
Securing a meeting with the FBI's top lawyer can't have been easy. But for Sussmann it was.
Not just anyone can call up the bureau's general counsel and, with amorphous claims of conspiratorial criminality by a presidential candidate, promptly get a private sit-down. And yet that is exactly what Sussmann did. How? Because, as Baker told congressional investigators, Sussmann came to him "based on a preexisting relationship."...
Sussmann wasn't the only old friend feeding Russia conspiracy stories to James Baker. In the fall of 2016, another Washingtonian with the general counsel's ear was David Corn, the Washington bureau chief of the left-wing magazine Mother Jones.
"David had part of what is now referred to as the Steele dossier and he talked to me about that and wanted to provide that to the FBI," Baker told lawmakers. "And so, even though he was my friend, I was also an FBI official. He knew that. And so he wanted to somehow get that into the hands of the FBI."
How did a Mother Jones reporter/columnist get chosen to drop a dime on Trump with the FBI?
"David is a friend of mine" "Longtime friend?" "Longtime friend." "When did you first meet Mr. Corn?" "Years and years and years ago," Baker said to congressional investigators. "Our kids carpooled together. We carpooled with them when our kids were little."
As with the materials from Sussmann, Baker took dossier sections from David Corn and passed them on to FBI counterintelligence agents....
From Michael Sussmann's relationship with the FBI's general counsel, Jim Baker, to Baker's friendship with David Corn of Mother Jones; from Bruce Ohr's long connection with Christopher Steele to Steele's decade-long association with Jonathan Winer, the stealthy dissemination of allegations against Trump, his businesses and his staff remains a blueprint of how Washington works.
If we can't figure out how to dismantle law firms like Perkins Coi and "research" firms like Fusion GPS, along with getting Counter-Intelligence and Media back in check, we are doomed as a Republic.
There could be all the evidence in the world for this, Hunter's lap top, the big guy, covid, and every other scandal these low life scumbags are involved in and NOTHING will ever be done about it. They're too connected and anyone who comes after them, will wind up in a body bag.
There could be all the evidence in the world for this, Hunter's lap top, the big guy, covid, and every other scandal these low life scumbags are involved in and NOTHING will ever be done about it. They're too connected and anyone who comes after them, will wind up in a body bag.
I believe Republicans could uphold the law if conservatives started electing conservatives and held them accountable.
The MSM propaganda has done their job. Conservatives expect Republicans to fail and believe that there's nothing they can do to change it. Protesting, demanding, and fighting against Republicans who won't uphold the law is the only solution.
There could be all the evidence in the world for this, Hunter's lap top, the big guy, covid, and every other scandal these low life scumbags are involved in and NOTHING will ever be done about it. They're too connected and anyone who comes after them, will wind up in a body bag.
I believe Republicans could uphold the law if conservatives started electing conservatives and held them accountable.
The MSM propaganda has done their job. Conservatives expect Republicans to fail and believe that there's nothing they can do to change it. Protesting, demanding, and fighting against Republicans who won't uphold the law is the only solution.
**** like this goes deep and is everywhere. Wanna know how it's so easy for Marxism to permeate the lives of people just working for a living?
Easy. These ****ing East coast liberals are recruited at a young age by an already compromised alphabet agency, if not totally indoctrinated from birth.
They then are fast tracked by similarly compromised headhunter firms and then WHADDAYA KNOW! Your beloved mom & pop pillar of the community home grown privately owned company is now eyeball deep in SJW bull*****
Hint: this has happened to a ton of regional retail outlets all over the place. Including a few here in SA. The CEO of one very familiar store was visited by 44 personally on several occasions.
Oppo-research firms and Law firms are just the peas and carrots. The heart of the matter is the weaponization of the alphabets agencies that is the crux of the problem. When the opposite party can turn the full power of the CIA, NSA, FBI/DOJ on their opponent, that's the real issue. Oppo-research running smear campaigns and lawdiems laundering money are the least of it. Roger Stone was the Godfather of Smear and Oppo-research attacks. He ise to have all the media on the take and used it to it's fullest. The left played the long game and sewed together the Alphabets and took it to the next level.
DC has to be broken up. Decentralize all these agencies. The CIA needs to go permanently, leave the intelligence to the Military Abolish the Patriot act, and neuter the NSA. Do away with the FISA court, it's a scam. If the NSA wants to spy on foreign countries like it was originally intended for, they don't use the FISA court, they just spy. The FISA court is a kangaroo court to spy on US citizens. If the FBI wants to wiretap someone in the US let them get a Title 3 surveillance warrant before a District Judge. Screw the "secret court" BS. Article 2 is far too abused, to allow it to continue.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because hard men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
If we can't figure out how to dismantle law firms like Perkins Coi and "research" firms like Fusion GPS, along with getting Counter-Intelligence and Media back in check, we are doomed as a Republic.
Well the Podesta group is no more. That's something, right?
If we can't figure out how to dismantle law firms like Perkins Coi and "research" firms like Fusion GPS, along with getting Counter-Intelligence and Media back in check, we are doomed as a Republic.
Well the Podesta group is no more. That's something, right?
Not really because on July 23, 2021, Huawei hired Podesta as consultant and lobbyist, after Biden rescinded Trump's EO banning Huawei from doing business in the US, with the sole goal of nurturing the company's relationship with the Biden administration and making sure the big guy gets his 10%.
The rest of the Podesta Group just rebranded themselves as Cogent Strategies and are going the same Lobbying they were doing before.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because hard men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
This is the same crew pushing the "Capitol riot" nonsense narrative.
Everyone knows that wasn't a riot but they insist on punishing everyone involved because they're afraid. They're afraid because 300 unarmed yokels drunk on s'more schnapps waltzed through the building after invitation from security. Security footage the feds insisted was a confidential "state secret" showed exactly this.
But people eat up the narrative because it suits their political persuasion and because their minds have been ground down to pulp by endless consumption of social media, public education, instant gratification, and sound bite factoids in place of actual analysis. It's like their brains were cultivated to be lazy and then run over by a media-driven narrative train.
If we can't figure out how to dismantle law firms like Perkins Coi and "research" firms like Fusion GPS, along with getting Counter-Intelligence and Media back in check, we are doomed as a Republic.
They already got away with it. Russian Collusion is what really sunk the Trump administration. Sussman will get a slap on the wrist and get a pay day from Perkins Coie for being the fall man. David Corn is still at his job, and nothing has changed. The Deep State has real power now and will wield it against the next candidate.
He's getting closer. It's been interesting to watch his progression.
He seems to imply direct democracy is the path to freedom and liberty, among other indicators, he obviously has a little ways to go in understanding the problems with that and understanding how the progressive things he beleives in are actually used as tools for the tyranny he opposes.
But I like his progress! It's refreshing to watch.
On a note related to Brands analysis of Greenwald article and Russia Hoax:
I'm not a subscriber to Greenwalds Substack. But from what Brand quoted I'm a little bit irritated. The way he phrased some things made it read like the Russian hoax was isolated and a problem of the 2016 campaign cycle. Perhaps Greenwald unpacks it more, if so, than Brand is to blame for the impression. If not, than Greenwald needs to rework his narrative to include context that Russian hoax was used as a weapon by the Democrats, FBI, GOPe, and Intellegence from 2016-2019. It had a direct impact on the results of the 2018 elections. At this point readers need to be reminded just how long and how many institutions were involved in perpetuating a lie that some key decision makers knew was a lie back in 2016 because they created it, and most others that were used to perpetuate the lie knew by early 2017. A lie that was dragged out until Spring of 2019. When Mueller couldn't discover something else to entrap Trump with during the Russian hoax investigation, they had an operative assigned to the NSC make up something about a phone call just a few months later.
But Don Jr. committed TREASON by sitting down with a Russian that ended up telling him nothing bad about HRC. Most leftists still believe this while simultaneously acknowledging that HRC/DNC hired a foreigner to go to Russia to be fed disinformation by Russian intel assets and then spinning it into the Russia Collusion hoax. They're amazing.
To fix this we have to elect a President who is solely focused on giving the government back to the people. A few key principles 1. The US government support and defends the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. 2. Citizens are one here legally and they are responsible and accountable for their decisions to pursue life, liberty and happiness. 3. The federal government will only be as big as needed for #1. 4. Where constitution is silent all those decisions go to the states.
Now what do those principles look like in concrete action steps. 1. Redraw territory lines of federal courts. President has this in his authority and add courts with constitutionalists. As an example I would only all the 9th circuit to have jurisdiction over San Francisco city limits decisions. 2. Federal government workforce will be cut by 40% 10% a year. 3. Congress will pass a balanced budget that starts paying down debt. I would shut the government down for as long as it takes. I would ignore any law or court that said I would have to give back pay. Only the military and social security gets paid. 4. All federal welfare programs are cut (food stamps, etc. 5. DOJ must be focused on corruption of elected leaders. Every Governor, Congress person, senator, will be vetted to ensure no misconduct. 6. Every federal employee will re interview for the remaining positions available. Anyone with social media or work history tying them to ideas not reflective of our constitutional principles will not be able to work for the federal government. 7. Any law passed or any EO must include government officials be held to the same standard. 8. Drilling on all federal lands approved 9. Work with states to build enhanced job requirements, training, salary scale for teachers. Again anyone tied to social media not reflecting constitutional ideas will not be allowed to work as a teacher. 10. Access to business license will require adherence to constitutional principles. Woke support will be grounds for suspension of business license and heavy fines.
Only be in office for 4 years then walk away to prove you are not drunk on power.