No. It's most likely you are completely wrong, goaltending for a terrible administration that desperately needs COVID to stay an issue, amyet contjnue spamming thread after thread with no facts.
Wait, sorry, hold on. Facts?
You mean like the information from the website that lists the number of doses going to each state that shows that Florida and Texas are getting the most on an absolute and per infection basis? And says that they're distributing to the state level, who then make local decisions?
The irony of this is when I said "There's a nonzero chance that Montgomery County could have just been 'robbed' by Harris or Travis county" the county judge posted that "Texas Department of State Health Services has reinstated the Montgomery county allocation for monoclonal antibodies." And THEN you talk about being completely wrong.
Who has more facts here? I'd like to see them. What have you contributed, fact-wise?
The information at hand doesn't line up with the Biden administration punishing red states.
It's asinine to say that this is goaltending for an administration I don't support and didn't vote for. Have some intellectual honesty.