DonaldJTrump said:
If you believe the media is controlled by Dems, its not my fault your conservative media (OAN, newsmax, fox) can't make a dent.
Can't make a dent.
Fox blows away CNN and the other leftist cable networks.
Once again, you post something totally wrong and completely ****ing stupid. There's a reason you don't make any $.
Im not the one whining and complaining about the media all the time like conservatives do. If you want the stories you think are being ignored do better, find a new strategy.
Why are you wanting to get into a dick measuring contest AGAIN tonight? Just for grins I looked last night during our pissing match, my income (just my W2, not my 1099 or investments) is in 98% for a person my age. Get a new stereotype, not all Democrats are welfare recipients.
Edit: clarified the income item
You mean like, if Twitter bans your views, you move to Parler? Oh....yeah, and then that tech company bans you.
Must be nice living on the side of the Emperor who can shut down others that don't agree with him...