Woke Teachers - Pledge of Allegiance to the Pride Flag.

5,018 Views | 66 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by 91AggieLawyer
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Well since you have proof there were gays at Normandy this whole conversation is moot.
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What benefit is there to pretending they weren't there? They don't deserve your respect as veterans of WW2? Their contribution was less?
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What proof do you have they were there ?
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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You have any links for this? And does this known status apply to among themselves, or to their superior officers? Homosexuality in the armed forces was not an accepted practice in those days. Now so you are clear, I did not just say there were no gay soldiers. Don't ask, don't tell ring any bells? Gay soldiers weren't storming any beaches while proclaiming their gayness, they kept that to themselves or perhaps to those like them.
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This thread has been high jacked because a gay person got their feelings hurt. Pathetic!
Sea Speed
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What percentage of men do you think are gay? Tens of thousands out of 156k? We are looking at almost 13% to reach the tens of thousands.
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doubledog said:

I must have missed it when these "guys"? stormed Omaha beach.
Yeah, I'm sure there were zero gay men at d-day.

Pledge of allegiance is a little weird to begin with, but pledging to a pride flag is bizarre and inappropriate.

Of course there were. But they weren't fabulous, wearing leather chaps, nor waving pride flags.

Single issue voters are terrible.
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hedge said:

What proof do you have they were there ?
LOL if you have 100 men in a room there are gay men, 156k people is a statistical certainty many many many times over - you need to get out more.

Again, what is your point? Gay men can't be good soldiers/marines/sailors/airmen and gay men had no involvement in WW2 or other conflicts? Some of you folks will convince yourselves of anything to avoid reality of the world. Gay people are everywhere.
Kyle Field Shade Chaser
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The only play for conservatives or people who lover America and recognize it's the best country in the world is simple.play the game, fight back, go take seats on the school board. Become principals and teachers and win our education system back. Otherwise, let's form own homeschool system and fight for new laws so we don't have to pay schools taxes for schools we won't use.

If you sit and do nothingit's on us..might as well insert old man yells at the cloud meme if we don nothing about it.
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e=mc2 said:

This thread has been high jacked because a gay person got their feelings hurt. Pathetic!
This is a post about a bizarre teacher who thinks the pride flag should be pledged to, something I think most anyone with an ounce of sense would disagree with (including me in my first reply).

That the usual F16 hate crowd on here decided to then pivot to there were no gay men at D-day is silly. It flies in the face of what I thought was a thing for most here to respect military services.

Gay people arguably make up 5% at a minimum of the population, many studies suggest much higher numbers (even in older populations to eliminate what I know is a point of view here that young people are being culturally pushed to being gay - a dumb point of view).
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the 1940s were a different time, also you have no proof so now youre just making false claims
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How I vote has exactly zero to do with this thread.
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I have posted this before, but this is straight out of the communist / 1984 playbook. Destroy the past. The things that define a country /culture/language /traditions /values /a people. All most be torn down and destroyed to make way for the new communist utopia they are trying to create At the start of the Cultural Revolutions they called it the " Four Olds " then started the blood letting /mass murder/genocide and 10 years of absolute insanity. We are heading in the exact same direction. Or, I should say the left and the new world order/traitorous elements in our government/academia /press /education are forcing America in the direction.

From Wikipedia about the Cultural Revolution
The Four Olds or the Four Old Things (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: s ji) was a term used during the Cultural Revolution by the student-led Red Guards in the People's Republic of China in reference to the pre-communist elements of Chinese culture they attempted to destroy. The Four Olds were: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs (Chinese: Ji Sxing , Ji Wnhu , Ji Fngs , and Ji Xgun ).[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Olds#cite_note-Spence-1][1][/url] The campaign to destroy the Four Olds began in Beijing on August 19, 1966 (the "Red August", during which a massacre also took place in Beijing[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Olds#cite_note-:2-2][2][/url]), shortly after the launch of the Cultural Revolution.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Olds#cite_note-Law-3][3][/url]

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hedge said:

the 1940s were a different time, also you have no proof so now youre just making false claims

Is the WW2 museum sufficient source material? 9,000 people were discharged (caught) so there were LOTS more.

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First off that woman is mentally ill and secondly she is immature and has no business being in charge of children.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
Sea Speed
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hedge said:

the 1940s were a different time, also you have no proof so now youre just making false claims

Is the WW2 museum sufficient source material? 9,000 people were discharged (caught) so there were LOTS more.


I have zero issue admitting there were gay people in the military, then and now. Seems obtuse to argue otherwise. However, several posts in this thread contradict each other.
You stated there were probably 10s of thousands of gay men at dday out of 156 k. Thats nearly 13%. You then post an estimate that the genpop is at 5%. Those numbers don't jive at all. And yes, 9000 were kicked out for being ga according to that article, I would also bet that a decent amount of those people were caught up in the witch hunt. I would also think that a lot tried to get out on those grounds because they didn't want to be in (think Klinger)We see something similar today with the covid hysteria, we saw it with satanic panic as well as with the communist purge by the government. People DO get caught up in these machines. The qrticle also does not specify the time period for which those 9000 were removed.
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So you disagree with tens of thousands, whatever. I'm pretty indifferent to that disagreement - I can't prove it and neither can you. There aren't exactly reliable figures from that period - gay men didn't self identify and anyone who served during this period said they weren't gay during screening (doesn't mean much, who was going to say that in early 40's). I say 5% because it seems impossible for anyone (other than here) to say that's not a reliable floor number based on any recent studies. Many point to a significantly larger number of people who identify as something other than straight in younger demographic that didn't grow up with the discrimination and other issues like HIV/AIDS. If someone (not saying you) thinks being gay is a cultural phenomenon, choice, etc I don't know what to tell them. The world didn't just get gayer in last 10 years, it was always there.

I think your point of view on the 9,000 figure probably has some truth too, but I doubt they were actively discharging soldiers at the peak periods of war (eg battle of bulge, late stages before d-day, etc.). Don't ask don't tell may not have been the policy of the time, but pretty safe bet that's what the practice was from what I've read/seen. Also, the 9,000 relates to WW2 veterans from my read, it's certainly not ALL veterans discharged for being gay. There were 13k discharged during dont ask don't tell 17 year period for example.

I don't mind arguing the numbers and that's not really my main issue, it's the crowd here that wants to trivialize an entire group of people's contributions, service, etc. because they're gay? That's ridiculous.

Don't really have anything else to say on this.
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Thank God my kids never had a moron like this for a teacher, but I fear my grandkids are suffering.
This woman is a disgrace to the teaching profession.
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The rotten apple doesn't fall far from it's tree.
Her parents must be very proud of the trash they produced.
Gramercy Riffs
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That the usual F16 hate crowd on here decided to then pivot to there were no gay men at D-day is silly.

Except that wasn't the intent of the original comment you replied to, and that poster has already explained what was obvious to the rest of us. It must be hell to be a part of one of the groups who so commonly finds a way to get offended over nothing.
All I do is Nguyen
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Not all public school teachers are bad. My wife is super libertarian and only asks her students to think for themselves, she will also play devils advocate to most viewpoints just to draw out discussion, even if she agrees with what a student is saying. She's trying to provoke debate, ina friendly way, and help open kids minds.
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So you disagree with tens of thousands, whatever. I'm pretty indifferent to that disagreement - I can't prove it and neither can you. There aren't exactly reliable figures from that period - gay men didn't self identify and anyone who served during this period said they weren't gay during screening (doesn't mean much, who was going to say that in early 40's). I say 5% because it seems impossible for anyone (other than here) to say that's not a reliable floor number based on any recent studies. Many point to a significantly larger number of people who identify as something other than straight in younger demographic that didn't grow up with the discrimination and other issues like HIV/AIDS. If someone (not saying you) thinks being gay is a cultural phenomenon, choice, etc I don't know what to tell them. The world didn't just get gayer in last 10 years, it was always there.

I think your point of view on the 9,000 figure probably has some truth too, but I doubt they were actively discharging soldiers at the peak periods of war (eg battle of bulge, late stages before d-day, etc.). Don't ask don't tell may not have been the policy of the time, but pretty safe bet that's what the practice was from what I've read/seen. Also, the 9,000 relates to WW2 veterans from my read, it's certainly not ALL veterans discharged for being gay. There were 13k discharged during dont ask don't tell 17 year period for example.

I don't mind arguing the numbers and that's not really my main issue, it's the crowd here that wants to trivialize an entire group of people's contributions, service, etc. because they're gay? That's ridiculous.

Don't really have anything else to say on this.
I feel sorry for you.
We know your only choices were gay or incel. Your entire existence appears to be laser focused on the one group that did not shun you like the rest of society. While it's understandable in your case, realistically nobody here really cares.

Did you know there were thousands of service members at the time that had never eaten a pineapple?

Pineapple free troops should be honored for their efforts and the contributions they made to our liberty and freedom.

Gays must hate people that didn't eat pineapple because they always try to trivialize their contributions or just deny the fact that some people lived their entire lives without eating pineapple.

This place is so full of hate for the pineapple free folk. Just because you ate pineapple once does not make you better!

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Thread mentions gay people? TXAGFAN never fails to completely derail it. Maybe all these other posters have him blocked, idk, kudos to y'all who ignore him... I mean seriously, we're arguing about statistics of # gay men at D-Day? Wowzers.
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just ignore him.

he is a broken record and learned troll.

engaging him just gets threads locked.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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TChaney said:

She's the worst and she should be fired immediately.
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
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Wow, you really read me. Spot on.

Notice, the two or three who said there were no gay men at d-day never addressed why. They know it's complete horse***** I didn't say gay people needed some special recognition, everyone's the same except the people here who clearly think gay is less than - whether it's the usual hot topics like marriage or how dumb they are to vote Democrat or in this case the point of view that they can't possibly serve in military. Impossible.

Edit: This post is on a gay topic so how can I possibly derail it? Especially I think MOST gay men would find this inappropriate and said so. As expected though the usual suspects jumped to the ALL democrats, ALL liberals, ALL gays schtick based on one dumbass on twitter. Lazy.
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Wow, you really read me. Spot on.

Notice, the two or three who said there were no gay men at d-day never addressed why. They know it's complete horse***** I didn't say gay people needed some special recognition, everyone's the same except the people here who clearly think gay is less than - whether it's the usual hot topics like marriage or how dumb they are to vote Democrat or in this case the point of view that they can't possibly serve in military. Impossible.

Edit: This post is on a gay topic so how can I possibly derail it? Especially I think MOST gay men would find this inappropriate and said so. As expected though the usual suspects jumped to the ALL democrats, ALL liberals, ALL gays schtick based on one dumbass on twitter. Lazy.
What's it like being so enlightened and cool?

Edit to add: I think youre a concern trolling communist most likely.
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Another great read. Dumb, liberal, gay, incel, communist. Love it.
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Another great read. Dumb, liberal, gay, incel, communist. Love it.
We just can't fathom your intellectual complexity. Your irony is just beyond our understanding.
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Democratic Socialists of America
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An example of a communist teacher. Communism has infiltrated our colleges, public schools, teachers unions and school boards. This was forecasted by Lenin and has come to fruition.
Marvin J. Schiller
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waitwhat? said:

Public school needs to be abolished.
THAT. And the campus system jettison the sociology related Liberal Arts.
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rocky the dog said:

And in the other one, there's no celebration of anything.
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