txags92 said:
Joe Boudain said:
txags92 said:
Jason C. said:
Joe Boudain and Rebel
Porn is bad for men psychologically and physically; it's bad for women for all the obvious exploitative reasons. "We can't eradicate it completely therefore we shouldn't even try to" is the same non-sequitur used by libs who want abortion, drugs, or any other type of evil.
And you porn-addicts/enablers' appeals to libertarian principles are sort of reasonable superficially ("it's not hurting anyone", or "what I miserably and compulsively do in the confines of my *everywhere* is none of your business"). But then those arguments fall apart because, again, (1) evidence and real life shows it's bad for men because it changes them for the worse and (2) bad for women. Not to mention all the underage kids looking at it, who are able to do so because efforts to block porn and fought off by perverts and pimps (investors/producers).
What's harmful for individuals on a massive scale has structural consequences for society. That harm warrants a societal, coordinated response to stop or minimize that harm. A healthy society would recognize this.
So we are now in favor of government banning anything that we perceive to be bad for people? So you are in favor of banning swimming pools, bicycles, family dogs, cars that are capable of going over 35 mph, refined sugar, tobacco, and alcohol? All of those things kill or injure a ton of people every year, so why should they be allowed to exist? How about hammers and clubs...lots of people get killed by them every year too. What about swimming at the beach? That is dangerous too, dozens of deaths or serious injuries every year. I won't even get into snow skiing, sky diving, bungie jumping, skateboarding, etc. So where do you anti-porn and anti-libertarian folks draw the line on how much government should dictate what people can and can't do? What is your red line that makes you say "whoa" to the full on nanny state declaring everything but work, eating, and sleeping to be illegal? At what point do people have the right to make their own decisions about things that could harm themselves?
When did we lose the capacity for reason and the ability to differentiate between different flavors of evil and act accordingly.
Swimming pools can be used properly, as can fast food, tobacco and most things. Pornography cannot, there is no good end possible with pornography. It has massively evil fruits that lead to societal ills.
As always, the red line is what makes sense. It's the same reason 18 is old enough to vote and not 17.5, or 45 is the speed limit and not 46. The fact that something is cumbersome or imperfect doesn't mean it isn't needed.
So if a consenting adult agrees to strip naked and take pictures, and a consenting adult agrees to pay for those pictures, to you that is an evil that will cause irreparable harm to all of society that is worse than a kid drowning in a swimming pool or a toddler being killed by their family's dog? You and I are just going to have to agree to disagree on that one. There are certainly aspects of porn that can be harmful, but to pretend that it is any business of government to stamp out all porn is stupid and you should be laughed at for thinking so. People are sentient beings with freewill, and the constitution defines very tightly the powers of government. I don't see anything in there that gives government the power to ban what a small group of puritans considers to be "evil" in the name of protecting the rest of us from ourselves.
Yes, everyone knows it is bad to drown children in pools or to create the situation where it's likely a child will drown in a pool. Your post is evidence that there is a huge school of people that think it's okay to do a bad thing a good way as long as both people consent.
Your non-aggression has gotten us to porn on demand at the click of a button, the hypersexualization of children, massively increased divorce rates, and fertility rates under replacement level. Japan has such an issue with porn they can't find kids to have sex or even want to get married, because it's so much easier just to watch porn.
I also don't really give a **** about the Constitution, as it sits now it's only used as a weapon against the actual right and rarely ever used for what it's meant to be used for.
The country was founded by a bunch of puritans who figured they didn't need to put a bunch of **** in because there's no way possible society would ever degenerate to the level it has now, but we've proved them wrong.
Under the current constitution if 100,000,000 ChiCom nationals managed to sneak onto US soil and pop a child out in the next 10 years, those children would be citizens just as you and I. That's stupid. The Constitution is a document, its hurting us, stop worshipping it.