It's about to get bad in Afghanistan.

67,784 Views | 619 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by will25u
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FriscoKid said:

I don't do Twitter but please tell me someone replied reminding her it was her Dad who got us mired in that ****hole.
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Funky Winkerbean
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Do yourself a favor and look at front page of CNN and MSNBC.
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FriscoKid said:

Get em Jess

I can't express how angry/sad I am right now. I can't imagine being a parent of a fallen soldier from the last 20 years or a parent of a soldier getting deployed right now.
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Troutslime said:

Do yourself a favor and look at front page of CNN and MSNBC.
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Seabreeze said:

From the timeline we have seen to date....undoubtedly.

From a pure objective viewpoint as a very amateur military history nut, it is rather fascinating as to how incredibly fast this thing completely collapsed.

This is what total and decisive victory looks like. Gonna go ahead and say it. This is Desert Storm level of coordination and speed. Crazy to think it was a terrorist organization that would be perpetuating it though.
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Good thing this is nothing like Vietnam
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This is what total and decisive victory looks like. Gonna go ahead and say it. This is Desert Storm level of coordination and speed. Crazy to think it was a terrorist organization that would be perpetuating it though.
20 years to plan for it and just wait for the right time.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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I have a feeling many American lives will be lost tonight. I'm out guys, I can't post anymore. My blood is boiling and I feel sick. Say a prayer .
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You have to factor who they're up against. This ain't Trump.
Who is John Galt?

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That looks really bad if that's close to the embassy.
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any blood is on Biden, this is on his watch he had plenty time to formulate an exit/evacuation plan....Total and complete miscalculation disaster.......
[b][raiderjay, you need to come up to the front of the bus where I can see you in this giant mirror above my steering wheel. -Staff][/b]
Dan Scott
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It's just another Saturday night per the Snapchat's from Kabul. It's like Americans care more than the Afghanis.
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14.2 million women being forced back into covering themselves and not being allowed to work.

thanks Joe!
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PrincessButtercup said:

FriscoKid said:

Get em Jess

I can't express how angry/sad I am right now. I can't imagine being a parent of a fallen soldier from the last 20 years or a parent of a soldier getting deployed right now.

This is 100% on Biden. Absolute disaster.
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Q Mr. President, some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam, with some people feeling

THE PRESIDENT: None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy six, if I'm not mistaken.

The Taliban is not the south the North Vietnamese army. They're not they're not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There's going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.
[b][raiderjay, you need to come up to the front of the bus where I can see you in this giant mirror above my steering wheel. -Staff][/b]
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Artorias said:

Good thing this is nothing like Vietnam

Come on, you're just saying that because thousands of Americans died in a decades-long war that ended in a total loss as helicopters evacuated the embassy minutes ahead of advancing enemy troops funded by the Chinese and a feckless American president looked on in befuddlement. Other than that, nothing alike.
Dan Scott
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I remember reading a quote from a Taliban fighter saying "Americans might have watches, but we have the time."

Is Taliban smart enough to infiltrate a new Afghani government tricking everybody to get all the resources knowing eventually the US the will bounce. A new Taliban government has to be stronger now after the new infrastructure and weapons they got paid for by American tax payers.
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Seabreeze said:

I have a feeling many American lives will be lost tonight. I'm out guys, I can't post anymore. My blood is boiling and I feel sick. Say a prayer .
It's very possible.

I see four five real possibilities here. Feel free anyone to counter or add.

In order of chaos:

  • Taliban holds back and lets us leave
  • Taliban closes with and skirmishes with our forces. Shoot a lot but never really pushes. We kill a lot of them and they kill a few of us. Normal status quo of the past 20 years.
  • Taliban pushes but our blocking forces hold off indefinitely. Thinking like a Khe Sanh event. Hairy at times but we hold.
  • Taliban pushes hard and fast and gets in and among our guys. Street level fighting a la Mogadishu circa '93. This type of fighting sucks and will lose a lot. Also chance of elements being overrun.
  • Taliban pushes hard and fast and we collapse. Fall of Saigon Part 2. A lot of people die.

The biggest wildcard I think is two fold. How serious is the Taliban in trying to kill us and what our air situation looks like. It is no secret that our forces rely on air power to control our situation. If our air force is truly caught out of position and can't provide constant coverage at a tactical level.....odds trend downward for us very fast.

This sucks.
Ag In Ok
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China is likely stoking this and Russia, I'm not so sure they are pleased. I am stunned that no one saw this coming - now they are sending in special forces? Barksdale should have been a damn hotbed a week ago. Flights outta Bragg, some ships en route. Something. Just pray China isn't setting up another geopolitical strongpoint.

Now is the time to embrace India, militarily and economically.
Dan Scott
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Taliban is going to do nothing to Americans. They've waited 20 years for us to leave. They can't be stupid enough to attack us as we are leaving.
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Dan Scott said:

Taliban is going to do nothing to Americans. They've waited 20 years for us to leave. They can't be stupid enough to attack us as we are leaving.

My thoughts as well
Ag In Ok
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Couldn't agree more.

The latter options churn my stomach. The power of combined arms flew out last month. AC-130s and a **** ton of drones are needed.
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Taliban is going to do nothing to Americans. They've waited 20 years for us to leave. They can't be stupid enough to attack us as we are leaving.
easy to say, hard to execute in the fog of war at night without power and chaos of combat....I hope you are right
[b][raiderjay, you need to come up to the front of the bus where I can see you in this giant mirror above my steering wheel. -Staff][/b]
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Biden should be impeached over this.

But Democrats will still pursue Trump instead.
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SexyAg said:

Should roll some Spookys in to do some surgical work.
From where? Diego Garcia will require inflight refueling.
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black_ice said:

Dan Scott said:

Taliban is going to do nothing to Americans. They've waited 20 years for us to leave. They can't be stupid enough to attack us as we are leaving.

My thoughts as well

I suppose we have to hope they act rationally. But this is not a strategic professional military. This is a group of desperate hopeless people who are on an adrenaline high from kicking out the infidels in about 72 hours with little opposition
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Dan Scott said:

Taliban is going to do nothing to Americans. They've waited 20 years for us to leave. They can't be stupid enough to attack us as we are leaving.

They could have waited 30 more days and we wouldn't have been there at all. Going now means they wanted us physically present when they took over.

The question now is why. Is it because they want to "show mercy" as we get out of Dodge, or is it because they want to begin their new reign with a decisive victory over American forces and a prison full of American hostages?

We'll know in a few hours.
Not a Bot
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The frustrating element is that these guys are riding in on mopeds and Toyotas, including menacing 4-door sedans. Little resistance from the Afghan troops that we've trained for the better part of 2 decades. I think we were expecting at least having another day or two to get out. At this point it is a matter of hours left.
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