oh no said:

MaxPower said:

Using their own metric, I'd speculate it was also 95+% peaceful" so why is that considered by many lefties to be worse than 9/11?
Because the democracy was at risk!! Those unarmed citizens led by a man with no shirt and horns on his hat were angry about the election and angry about the authoritarian left using propaganda media fake news, compromised tech platform monopolies, bought and paid for judicial systems, and weaponized/politicized bureaucracies to interfere, censor, silence, change rules, vilify, humiliate, and dehumanize patriotic supporters of America first policies, and steal an election. They thought the democracy was already stolen from "we the people" and the the Capitol Police allowed them to walk in and demonstrate, pose for pictures, etc. which means they were this close to overtaking the US Government in a coup d'etat, grabbing the nuclear codes and having the US military at their command! (Please just disregard the antifa/blm impostors who encouraged them to break windows, film it, and sell their video to CNN for tens of thousands of dollars.)

You are right....Republicans were angry that Democrats committed uncountable crimes that were destroying our Republic during the Trump administration....punctuate with stealing the election.