Old McDonald said:
My Name Is Judge said:
Old McDonald said:
can't wait to buy the dip
So you vote democrat knowing things will be destroyed & then swoop in like a vulture?
Well at least you're smarter than most of the rest on your team
i invest the same amount every month and hold, regardless of which party is in power
it's worked out pretty well so far, so i just tune out the chicken littles predicting doom and gloom all the time
It worked out well because the bulk of your stocks are American companies practicing capitalism in the most prosperous country the world has ever known.
But Cubans and Venezuelans buying and holding stocks in their countries resulted in poverty with a net worth of zero. I mention that because the politicians you vote for are trying to impose here, the exact same systems of government, communism, socialism and one party rule as Castro and Chavez/Madero imposed on Cuban and Venezuelans respectively.
You know why communism and socialism fails every time? Because there's no money in it. People the government pretends to pay, pretend to work. Communism and socialism produce misery and death.