Vaccine Conspiracy Thread

9,634 Views | 103 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Stat Monitor Repairman
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combat wombat said:

Not only that, but the government so wants you to be vaccinated that they'll give you the vaccine for FREE. For an illness that is 99.7% survivable. That doesn't make any sense at all, really.

That's because it has ZERO to do with the covid hoax and 100% to do with "control". They try to force that shot on me or my family, there will be a funeral. Whether it's mine or theirs, that's yet to be determined.
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An Aussie friend of mine who is a big conspiracy guy (he's the one who first turned me on to Alex Jones, I'd never heard of him before), reckons that China came up with a virus specifically to kill people over 80 years old who would become a burden on their infrastructure. Especially since the effects of the one-child policy mean that there is only one younger person to care for two older people.

Then the thing got loose.

Governments figured out that Covid Fear was the ultimate control tool and blew the risks way out of proportion.

COVID was the perfect cover for ensuring that they got the Orange Man out of the White House. And it worked like a charm.

But, while Democrat Governors were busy scaring their constituents into submission, they got to liking the level of control and thus, even though Texas and Florida are open, places like California are only partially open and still with a lot of restrictions. Seriously, you can go out to eat at a restaurant now in Los Angeles but the restaurant can't have a TV on.

It's never been about science. It's been about control the whole time.

And of course it has gone on for so long and become so polarizing that this might very well lead to the destruction of American society.

Which - back to square one with my Aussie friend and Chinese conspiracy.

How does China defeat the USA without firing a single shot. COVID-19 has done a great job. Look at our Military masked up like a bunch of clowns.

EDIT: I left out the vaccine conspiracy part - that is belief in the vaccine. Government retains control, citizens find a new religion. And if you don't convert, I can't be friends with you.
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Take the shot or kill people is the choice. Killing will start before ever to be forced vaccine.
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The vaccine has definitely affected menstrual cycles of 2 of my female relatives. One started a week early and was extremely heavy and painful. Maybe not a big deal, but I have never heard of that kind of side effect from a vaccine before.
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The purpose to release the virus was to be the vehicle for mail-in-ballots.
This is the answer. Gotta stay home. Gotta have mail in ballots for our cheating plans to be successful. That was the goal. Remember, before Wuhan, they were all in on the impeachment. That was going to be the way. When they saw that was going to fail, somebody made a call to Chyna. In return, Chyna sanctions go away. Real life House of Cards stuff.
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HollywoodBQ said:

An Aussie friend of mine who is a big conspiracy guy (he's the one who first turned me on to Alex Jones, I'd never heard of him before), reckons that China came up with a virus specifically to kill people over 80 years old who would become a burden on their infrastructure. Especially since the effects of the one-child policy mean that there is only one younger person to care for two older people.

Then the thing got loose.

Governments figured out that Covid Fear was the ultimate control tool and blew the risks way out of proportion.

COVID was the perfect cover for ensuring that they got the Orange Man out of the White House. And it worked like a charm.

But, while Democrat Governors were busy scaring their constituents into submission, they got to liking the level of control and thus, even though Texas and Florida are open, places like California are only partially open and still with a lot of restrictions. Seriously, you can go out to eat at a restaurant now in Los Angeles but the restaurant can't have a TV on.

It's never been about science. It's been about control the whole time.

And of course it has gone on for so long and become so polarizing that this might very well lead to the destruction of American society.

Which - back to square one with my Aussie friend and Chinese conspiracy.

How does China defeat the USA without firing a single shot. COVID-19 has done a great job. Look at our Military masked up like a bunch of clowns.

EDIT: I left out the vaccine conspiracy part - that is belief in the vaccine. Government retains control, citizens find a new religion. And if you don't convert, I can't be friends with you.
I'm fairly convinced this was their plan all along. What has been forgotten by the media along the way is that before COVID hit China was operating a nation-wide food rationing plan. They lost something like 2/3 of their pork supply due to viruses and the flooding wiped out mucho farmland. They couldn't feed their people.

And then a virus that only kills old people hits. And has the simultaneous effect of confounding the first President we've had to push back on them.

It's all pretty convenient.
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Wait are some of y'all actually listening to Alex Jones? Like legit believing what he says?
Maroon Elephant
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Wife got shot #1 of Moderna and was in pain head to toe for three days. Had a 102 fever, vomiting the first day followed by dry heaving the next two days. Shot site on her arm was hard as a rock for a week. Isn't this the body saying "get this out of here now!"?
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nai06 said:

Wait are some of y'all actually listening to Alex Jones? Like legit believing what he says?
I don't. I didn't even know who he was until last year when I saw his Joe Rogan episode. It was spectacular from an entertainment POV.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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nai06 said:

Wait are some of y'all actually listening to Alex Jones? Like legit believing what he says?
Who has more credibility, Alex Jones or Anthony Fauci?
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

nai06 said:

Wait are some of y'all actually listening to Alex Jones? Like legit believing what he says?
Who has more credibility, Alex Jones or Anthony Fauci?
Good question!
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Maroon Elephant said:

Wife got shot #1 of Moderna and was in pain head to toe for three days. Had a 102 fever, vomiting the first day followed by dry heaving the next two days. Shot site on her arm was hard as a rock for a week. Isn't this the body saying "get this out of here now!"?
That sucks man.

I think the reality is that its a crap shoot. Each individual is different.

In my mind the risk of some sort of side effect is greater than Corvids.

I'll play the health cards I was dealt.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Man, I don't think any of it is legit.

I've made an attempt to step back and look at the big picture. Every facet of this thing is suspect in my mind.

A couple of examples:

1. The pre-pandemic hysteria with people buying up N-95 masks and shipping to Hong Kong to aid in the protests. (Protests against china disappeared like a fart in the wind with onset of Corvid)

2. Laying the ground work with all kinds of propaganda coming out of China. People spraying buildings down with disinfectant from fire hoses.

3. Hysteria surrounding the crisis in Italy. Media caught faking footage.

4. Hysteria surrounding ventilators which were never needed and now doctors discourage using ventilators at all.

5. Absolute vicious and hysterical attack on anything related to Hydroxycloriquine.

6. Hysteria surround hand washing and virus transmitting on surfaces .. when later this was proven to all be bull****'

7. The fact that Fauci was involved in the funding and research at the Wuhan lab.

8. The fact that the dems strangely delayed impeachment proceedings for weeks while actively encouraging behavior that would spread the virus and allow it to take hold (ride the subway, go to restaurants, eat at chinatown ... we remember)

9. Opposition to the early travel ban.

10. Billions spent construction field hospitals that never saw a single patient.

11. Obvious and swift culling of any reports related to vaccine side effects.

12. The fact that Fauci and the WHO is on record flip-flopping on EVERY conceivable issue related to this virus. Seriously, they've taken opposing positions on everything from effectiveness of masks to whether there was even human to human transmission. (Remember Fauci scoffed at the idea of wearing masks early on.)

13. The common flu just flat out disappears from reported statistics with no explanation / acknowledgement of this fact.

That's a good list. Couple other things that weigh on my decision

- One of the greatest proponents of the covid vaccine also happens to be a very significant proponent of population control - Bill Gates. And he's not the only one.

- Looking back, early videos out of China were almost certainly faked. Remember people dropping dead on the street? The giant covid hospital supposedly being built in a couple weeks in Wuhan? People being welded into their apartments? There was all of this sensational news coming from China and then POOF, nothing. You don't hear anything about China's covid response anymore or really anything about China and Covid. It was ground zero wouldn't there be medical papers being published on long-termers and treatment guidance and antibodies, etc. Follow ups with people that were welded into their apartments? Thousands of posts from Chinese people documenting their experiences? You can't tell me that China is successfully blocking this stuff now but was unable to keep posts about people getting welded into their apartments from getting out. It's like the social media news was manufactured and provided to western audience.
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DallasAg 94 said:

You should write a book.
Yeah, he's 3/4 of the way there!
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nai06 said:

Wait are some of y'all actually listening to Alex Jones? Like legit believing what he says?

I think he's a Mosad plant.
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This is a big Wow!
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I think some of you have truly lost it. Don't want to take the vaccine, then don't. It needs to continue to be a free country, and that includes not making this vaccine mandatory. But this anti vaxx conspiracy push is dangerous to what is clearly shaping up to be a much, much quicker end to this thing than we would have without the vaccine.

But please, take off your conspiracy theorist glasses, and think like a public health official for once. Most things begin to make much, much more sense than any of the conspiracy theories on this thread. At least with regards to the vaccine.

The reaction to covid, the origin of covid. The politicizing of covid, possibly even test runs for how easily controlled our population is? The thoughts that maybe covid could get Trump out of office and that's a big reason we've had this reaction? Okay, there is some plausibility in those things.

But man, this board has it really, really wrong with regards to the vaccines though.
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HumpitPuryear said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Man, I don't think any of it is legit.

I've made an attempt to step back and look at the big picture. Every facet of this thing is suspect in my mind.

A couple of examples:

1. The pre-pandemic hysteria with people buying up N-95 masks and shipping to Hong Kong to aid in the protests. (Protests against china disappeared like a fart in the wind with onset of Corvid)

2. Laying the ground work with all kinds of propaganda coming out of China. People spraying buildings down with disinfectant from fire hoses.

3. Hysteria surrounding the crisis in Italy. Media caught faking footage.

4. Hysteria surrounding ventilators which were never needed and now doctors discourage using ventilators at all.

5. Absolute vicious and hysterical attack on anything related to Hydroxycloriquine.

6. Hysteria surround hand washing and virus transmitting on surfaces .. when later this was proven to all be bull****'

7. The fact that Fauci was involved in the funding and research at the Wuhan lab.

8. The fact that the dems strangely delayed impeachment proceedings for weeks while actively encouraging behavior that would spread the virus and allow it to take hold (ride the subway, go to restaurants, eat at chinatown ... we remember)

9. Opposition to the early travel ban.

10. Billions spent construction field hospitals that never saw a single patient.

11. Obvious and swift culling of any reports related to vaccine side effects.

12. The fact that Fauci and the WHO is on record flip-flopping on EVERY conceivable issue related to this virus. Seriously, they've taken opposing positions on everything from effectiveness of masks to whether there was even human to human transmission. (Remember Fauci scoffed at the idea of wearing masks early on.)

13. The common flu just flat out disappears from reported statistics with no explanation / acknowledgement of this fact.

That's a good list. Couple other things that weigh on my decision

- One of the greatest proponents of the covid vaccine also happens to be a very significant proponent of population control - Bill Gates. And he's not the only one.

- Looking back, early videos out of China were almost certainly faked. Remember people dropping dead on the street? The giant covid hospital supposedly being built in a couple weeks in Wuhan? People being welded into their apartments? There was all of this sensational news coming from China and then POOF, nothing. You don't hear anything about China's covid response anymore or really anything about China and Covid. It was ground zero wouldn't there be medical papers being published on long-termers and treatment guidance and antibodies, etc. Follow ups with people that were welded into their apartments? Thousands of posts from Chinese people documenting their experiences? You can't tell me that China is successfully blocking this stuff now but was unable to keep posts about people getting welded into their apartments from getting out. It's like the social media news was manufactured and provided to western audience.
They went to 0 cases almost literally overnight like a year ago. Lol. Sure.
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nai06 said:

Wait are some of y'all actually listening to Alex Jones? Like legit believing what he says?
I didn't even know who he was until my Aussie buddy told me about him.

Since I'm from Texas, I figured out Alex Jones schtick in one episode. But, he was getting some good interviews from time to time. Billy Corgan was interesting and of course Dave Mustaine is always good.
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SoupNazi2001 said:

So here's the deal. Nothing the government has done to combat Covid has made sense. Masks, restrictions, lockdowns, etc. The same response and restrictions for everyone including kids who Covid doesn't effect. The response has been far worse in socialist controlled countries. Why is everyone so quick to trust the vaccine when many of the government responses to this have been borderline evil. There is no research on the vaccine longer than a year and they are already saying we will need annual boosters. I unfortunately think the ex Pfizer research guy is correct and they are going to use the vaccine as a vector for something nefarious. Comments other than I'm crazy?

What is the vaccine is really protection from a future virus that is targeted to kill the many conservatives that will not get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Stat Monitor Repairman
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That crossed my mind.

At least, its included in my decision to avoid the thing.

Whatever happens happens. We got to get back to living though.
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I think many on this board are just wanting to see the science behind this particular vaccine - the long term science is still years away. I would assume most on this board don't have many issues with some of the vaccines that have been around longer.

That's the other thing that baffles me - many folks are saying come on guys, it's science! And we're saying actually there isn't that much science quite yet.
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The science is playing out right in front of your very eyes. This thread is conspiracy level s***, not science.

The continued misunderstanding of what happens when a vaccine, ANY IN HISTORY, goes into 1 billion arms. You don't think there will be some issues? The fact that this has so few, and is so effective, is quite incredible. To me, the overwhelming data is coming back to continue to reconfirm just how damn good they are. And they are being quite transparent about the issues. It's all there to find.
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And as with any vaccine in history, you don't need years upon years to prove the safety. Almost every vaccine in the past that had issues, they arose in the first few weeks to months.

For anyone concerned about the supposed unknown long term safety of a vaccine, how come these same people are so quick to shove that to the side when it comes to the virus itself, which I would bet my life on are far worse?
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stetson said:

SoupNazi2001 said:

So here's the deal. Nothing the government has done to combat Covid has made sense. Masks, restrictions, lockdowns, etc. The same response and restrictions for everyone including kids who Covid doesn't effect. The response has been far worse in socialist controlled countries. Why is everyone so quick to trust the vaccine when many of the government responses to this have been borderline evil. There is no research on the vaccine longer than a year and they are already saying we will need annual boosters. I unfortunately think the ex Pfizer research guy is correct and they are going to use the vaccine as a vector for something nefarious. Comments other than I'm crazy?

What is the vaccine is really protection from a future virus that is targeted to kill the many conservatives that will not get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Sounds biblical.
If that's the case then we might be better off dead.
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beerad12man said:

And as with any vaccine in history, you don't need years upon years to prove the safety. Almost every vaccine in the past that had issues, they arose in the first few weeks to months.

For anyone concerned about the supposed unknown long term safety of a vaccine, how come these same people are so quick to shove that to the side when it comes to the virus itself, which I would bet my life on are far worse?
That's fine. I'm glad you're onboard with the vaccine and it offers you some solace. I remain a skeptic and I just don't believe this vaccine BS. In a few years, let's re-visit this thread and see what facts and fictions boil to the surface about the "Pandemic" exercise....shall we? Naturally, if one of us dies due to our action/inaction regarding the COVID vaccine, then it goes without saying who was right or wrong about all of this.

I'm also an evil ginger-lizard overlord. You Pleiadians are far more cruel in giving these humans hope. Be done with it, enslave your portion, and stop playing with your food.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Ragoo said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Ragoo said:

The flu is only spread human to human. A lot fewer people going to work or kids to school reduces the spread of flu. Period. Not difficult to understand.
Corvid spreads but flu doesn't under identical conditions?
flu is seasonal and there is a yearly vaccine. The total viral load for covid was much much higher than the flu when it came into season.

In other words - something that is already infecting 1,000,000 people is going to spread faster than 100, under "identical" conditions.
This is like saying you had an oil leak on your car but a new oil leak developed and the old oil leak suddenly went away.
. The flu disappeared during H1N1 (2009) and Bird Flu (?) (2001 ish). It's what happens when a new highly contagious virus shows up. Someone posted an article awhile back but I don't have the link, sorry.
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Wife's Aunt took the vaccine the Pfizer Covid vaccine. She was 69 and had no underlining medical issues. Was in great health and just recently seen her primary care doctor for her blood work and check up. Everything was good. 48 hours after taking the vaccine she had to be rushed to Baylor Scott & White hospital and died the next day.

Her kids attorney is filing a lawsuit and has been told has to go through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Thread started 3-months after the vaccines came out.

Let's not forget that.
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TTUArmy said:

beerad12man said:

And as with any vaccine in history, you don't need years upon years to prove the safety. Almost every vaccine in the past that had issues, they arose in the first few weeks to months.

For anyone concerned about the supposed unknown long term safety of a vaccine, how come these same people are so quick to shove that to the side when it comes to the virus itself, which I would bet my life on are far worse?
That's fine. I'm glad you're onboard with the vaccine and it offers you some solace. I remain a skeptic and I just don't believe this vaccine BS. In a few years, let's re-visit this thread and see what facts and fictions boil to the surface about the "Pandemic" exercise....shall we? Naturally, if one of us dies due to our action/inaction regarding the COVID vaccine, then it goes without saying who was right or wrong about all of this.

I'm also an evil ginger-lizard overlord. You Pleiadians are far more cruel in giving these humans hope. Be done with it, enslave your portion, and stop playing with your food.

Just wondering if these two guys are still alive.
Robert L. Peters
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It's fun to bring up these old threads. I wonder how many of these fools changed their names?
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Meanwhile, in Russia.
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