Wow, this is the mentality that we are up against

4,834 Views | 43 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by AG @ HEART
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3:29 duration video that really illustrates the brainwashing we are up against. This will not get better without something big happening.

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A lot of terroristic threats in those video interviews. In a just world, those people would at least be interviewed in depth by law enforcement, their social media posts be gathered and reviewed and their actual threat status determined.

But the FBI routinely let mass shooters go sometime before the firing starts so I doubt it would do any good.
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Let em burn down their blue cities
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Just simplify the criminal system. If you commit violence, work gangs for years. Murder (defined properly as intentional) --- done away with. Details irrelevant. Do that for a few years and all that inciting violence would lose its luster.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
DallasAg 94
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titan said:

Just simplify the criminal system. If you commit violence, work gangs for years. Murder (defined properly as intentional) --- done away with. Details irrelevant. Do that for a few years and all that inciting violence would lose its luster.
That's quite a statement coming from you!

This rolling barrage of crap getting to you too?

I've been depressed in my life from my multiple personal losses but I haven't feared losing my country until now. I can't really envision a post USA world. But it scares the crap outta me.
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aggiehawg said:

titan said:

Just simplify the criminal system. If you commit violence, work gangs for years. Murder (defined properly as intentional) --- done away with. Details irrelevant. Do that for a few years and all that inciting violence would lose its luster.
That's quite a statement coming from you!

This rolling barrage of crap getting to you too?

I've been depressed in my life from my multiple personal losses but I haven't feared losing my country until now. I can't really envision a post USA world. But it scares the crap outta me.
Well understand I don't mean without trial, but stop dwelling on the details and have a period of making certain actions just off limits. If everyone has to walk eggshells about killing in the commission of a crime, it will make a difference.

I can't imagine a post USA world either if taken too literally, but can easily imagine where it is not 50 and looks more like Europe of former "Holy Roman Empire" members now going their own but similar ways. The French really didn't think they had to like Germans and vice-versa.

FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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These people have been fed so many lies it is astounding. They truly believed that thousands of unarmed blacks are killed by police every year and that most of the country is populated with White Supremist and open racists. They are openly talking about killing white people because they are white. This was done on purpose and is very dangerous to the entire country. It is going to get worse, a lot worse.
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You hear them basically say they're willing to go through with a second Civil war and also state that they believe thousands of unarmed blacks died from genocide. Didn't even bother looking the facts up, when the number for the entire year for the entire country was 18. But hey, let's start burning cities down and killing white people. I sure hope Texas follows Florida with what they're doing over there.
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PaulC_80 said:

These people have been fed so many lies it is astounding. They truly believed that thousands of unarmed blacks are killed by police every year and that most of the country is populated with White Supremist and open racists. They are openly talking about killing white people because they are white. This was done on purpose and is very dangerous to the entire country. It is going to get worse, a lot worse.
Bill O'Reilly was on the radio today talking about his and had all the various figures proving the Democrat-MSM lie and sham.

But he also said this, actually contradicting Hannity's "how to come together" with a more blunt statement "That actually can't happen and won't because you have an entire political party and an obliging corrupt media invested in identity politics as the way it holds power and promoting strife, not agreement, is its way." Words to that effect.

Make it about the narrative setters. Even some of the left can be turned that way if you at least weigh their pov about some disparities and the climate.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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Again, ask them why they believe this and there lies our problem. Nobody is asking them why they believe these things to be true.
Funky Winkerbean
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The disgusting part is we have educated and experienced leaders pandering to them out of political convenience and fear. I'm convinced now that bloodshed is necessary to stop the idiocy.
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Stunning and horrifying.

These aren't Americans. They're terrorists who openly support revolution based off of skin color.
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Liberals talk **** about conservative rural white trash hill billy type folks but damn, that is a different level.
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The most violent ones are always the women.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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AggieIce said:

Let em burn down their blue cities
Go for it. This time no bail outs or rebuild funds from the taxpayers.
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Idiots. Every single one of them.

Way to go libs. You created this Frankenstein, not that you give a damn.
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This just saddens me. Every one of these people have been lied to by a hyperbolic, biased media.

The true enemies are people like Jack Dorsey, Chris Cuomo, George Stephanopolous, et al. These folks are just their pawns.
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When I heard people say last year after Floyd, white people just need to shut up and listen. Don't talk, listen. Well I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to idiots who don't use facts and have been brainwashed into believing that their race is being genocided and that the majority of the country are white supremacists and this somehow justifies them rioting, looting, and pillaging and killing white people. You can't uplift your race by promoting constant victimhood and more racism.

This is the type mentality that corporations, media, Dems, white liberals, CRT etc are enabling right now with all their ridiculous pandering and virtue signalling (which is quite frankly racist in itself in their low expectation of black and brown people). They are emboldening a hatred within a race of people for their fellow man on the basis of a miniscule number of incidents involving police and killing of black people.

They are probably right about one thing. This train might stop at civil war if their mentality is going to continue to be like that.
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Thank God they all are wearing their masks outside as they burn the city down.
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Is this what the Germans said about the Nazis and the Jews..? "Not that I would do it, but I think it's okay if some else does."
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Troutslime said:

The disgusting part is we have educated and experienced leaders pandering to them out of political convenience and fear. I'm convinced now that bloodshed is necessary to stop the idiocy.
Whose blood? I would think that the least amount of blood would be preferential; and at some point it should be that of the charlatans that are instigating this disunity, not the common folks who have been duped by them.

Tar and feathering should make a comeback.
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Cheetah01 said:

This just saddens me. Every one of these people have been lied to by a hyperbolic, biased media.

The true enemies are people like Jack Dorsey, Chris Cuomo, George Stephanopolous, et al. These folks are just their pawns.

Yes. Remember the "We are governed by people who suck" someone article posted on the board several days ago?

That about sums it up. The upper tier of this decade is absolute trash -- from owners of giants to Senators.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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bmks270 said:

Is this what the Germans said about the Nazis and the Jews..? "Not that I would do it, but I think it's okay if some else does."
Not really. They were more honest about it. It was actually more camouflaged in forms of just simply running out of the country at first. You didn't get as much of the "I wouldn't do it, but its fine" --- its more a split about where they thought it led, then lying about how much they knew once it couldn't be stopped. In some ways in other words, far less willful than those backing Dem-MSM rhetoric today are like this. You see, they didn't have the warning example we do....
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
FrioAg 00
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Look, part of me hears stuff like this - people advocating for me and part of my family (white) to be harmed and killed in a new civil war - and of course it inspires me to engage in similar terms. I'm confident that hit war wouldn't go the way these knuckleheads believe.

But on the other hand, how sad that these ignorant people have been fed these lies for their whole life and they believe them. Their entire worldview is a fantasy dreamed up by greedy politicians who continue to trade them like cattle. They are left with nothing, and they don't have a clue what is happening.

It reminds me of something like the Matrix
6-2, stack monster
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TheHoneybadger said:

You hear them basically say they're willing to go through with a second Civil war and also state that they believe thousands of unarmed blacks died from genocide. Didn't even bother looking the facts up, when the number for the entire year for the entire country was 18. But hey, let's start burning cities down and killing white people. I sure hope Texas follows Florida with what they're doing over there.
It's kind of hard to look up facts when you lay around all day HIGH thx to govt handouts. Not to mention 7 kids with 7 diff baby daddy's and vice versa.
2nd civil war, lmao. Who do they think owns most of the weapons and ammo across this country....
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FrioAg 00 said:

Look, part of me hears stuff like this - people advocating for me and part of my family (white) to be harmed and killed in a new civil war - and of course it inspires me to engage in similar terms. I'm confident that hit war wouldn't go the way these knuckleheads believe.

But on the other hand, how sad that these ignorant people have been fed these lies for their whole life and they believe them. Their entire worldview is a fantasy dreamed up by greedy politicians who continue to trade them like cattle. They are left with nothing, and they don't have a clue what is happening.

It reminds me of something like the Matrix
Just watched the video now. It is INFURIATING.

This is why the reaction to Jan6 was at it was---it was the only time the consequences came anywhere toward culprits of policy.

This is ALL on the Democratic Party and their Media allies that those people in the video believe what they do and had such distorted feelings of what is happening and how often, and how much of victims made.

They talked about willing to do away with the justice system if necessary -- so unfairly do they feel they are treated.

That is all from one source. Democrat aligned Journalism.

If you are going to take away anything -- take away news crime coverage for profit. Has to be done for free. And massive fines imposed for incorrect and false stats and numbers.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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Is our justice system outdated? I mean, 20 years ago you didn't have every murder caught on 1080p video. How about, if we catch you, no more drawn out trial we just keep it moving and provide some common sense justice
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Everyone who hadn't watched that yet, watch it. Earlier posts were simply commenting on the remarks and posts made and quotes. But having just watched it, it is far, far worse, than it looks. And it is all at the feet of the reportage class and their DNC cohorts. It is staggering the magnitude of the false lie they are being fed, and while you will want to get very angry at them and say "just say when" --- keep in mind WHY they think that way, when assigning accountability.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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Agzonfire said:

Is our justice system outdated? I mean, 20 years ago you didn't have every murder caught on 1080p video. How about, if we catch you, no more drawn out trial we just keep it moving and provide some common sense justice

I think you're on to something. Justice should totally be served As a result of selectively edited iPhone videos that Jack Dorsey thinks are fit for the unwashed. Due process is a total waste of time.
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The left has succeeded in turning one group against all others.

The majority of the country are white supremacists?
Thousands of blacks killed by police?
Rounding up scores of people for street justice?

There is no coming back from this.

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cisgenderedAggie said:

Agzonfire said:

Is our justice system outdated? I mean, 20 years ago you didn't have every murder caught on 1080p video. How about, if we catch you, no more drawn out trial we just keep it moving and provide some common sense justice

I think you're on to something. Justice should totally be served As a result of selectively edited iPhone videos that Jack Dorsey thinks are fit for the unwashed. Due process is a total waste of time.

Social media is the default courtroom.

The Chauvin verdict laid this to rest.
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fixer said:

The left has succeeded in turning one group against all others.

The majority of the country are white supremacists?
Thousands of blacks killed by police?
Rounding up scores of people for street justice?

There is no coming back from this.

Now without breaking the narrative, no there is not. That can only be done by the right doing a bit of the left does, and putting the establishment on a hot seat. The anti-Alisnky thread is correct---it is time that Republicans abandon their usual aversion to boycotts--- as major consumers, conservatives actually wield great economic power if they will use it.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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I'd like to see the same segment but asking a questions like "How do you feel when you hear BLM leader Patrisse Khan-Cullors has several million dollar homes? Do you feel like BLM is working for you, or are you being hustled?". Maybe they are completely unaware of how they are being used.
Fishin Texas Aggie 05
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Bring on thunderdome
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