Average Guy said:
Fightin TX Aggie said:
For as long as most of us can remember, the loudest voices in the liberal media and prominent Democrat politicians have told us that Republicans are hateful.
This is one of the big lies they tell. Most Republicans, of course, know that they aren't hateful and never have been, and for much of the last 25 years or longer, many on our side responded to the lie by trying to prove to Democrats that it is indeed a lie. "Really, I'm not that way! I promise!"
But I sense a shift in the average Republican voter.
There is a growing certainty that a large percentage of the country really and truly hates them. They feel the left hates them because the left repeatedly tells them how terrible they are. It's a pack of lies. They're racists. They hate science. They don't care about the poor. They're dumb. They're conspiracy theorists. They are a "rot" in the country.
And the average GOP voter is losing the desire to say yet again, "Really, I'm not that way! I promise!" The average GOP voter has lost all patience with the lies.
Instead of trying to prove them wrong, at least what I am sensing, is that they are ready to say, "Fine. F you. You want to hate me over a bunch of bull**** lies? Well, f you. I'm done caring 1/2 a dog crap what you think. Go F yourself."
Cue the Star Wars emperor gif: "Good, let the hate flow through you."
All the post-DC riot moves to silence and shame Republicans just make it worse. I would like to be rationally disturbed by the DC riot, but given that Nancy Pelosi, AOC and company want to blame me for it, I find myself thinking the entire thing is overblown. I am not alone.
Not sure where this goes, but the left has lived for all their lives with a mostly good hearted GOP. They have no idea what the country will look like when the other 1/2 finally starts to hate them back.
[EDIT: The "finally" in the post title is not intended to mean, "Good, finally!" It is intended to mean that after all these years of false claims about GOP hate, maybe the hate is actually coming about.]
Not hateful. Just awake.
This is all true. The next phase has begun.
SLAM put it best here as to what the distinction is.
What you are seeing is the right go from conservative to reactionary. Conservatives are not willing to use violence whiles reactionaries are. Reactionaries are also willing to use authoritarianism to crush their opponents.
Why is this happening? For the exact reasons you stated. People have drawn a line in the sand and will no longer accept the progressive changes lying down like conservatives did for 70 years.
When the left goes communist, the right always goes reactionary. It's an inevitable backlash that can and has the potential to take on monstrous forms. But this is what happens when you make it so that the people feel they ave no other choice.
Having spent much time watching various Capitol occupation videos and especially some of the remarks of those walking away, this is the transition underway. What specially stood out is after the use of pepper spray and tear gas, how many walking away were so enraged between the contrast of the force used and how BLM and Antifa riots had gone on for multiple days with less crack down. Person after person said they `were done with it' . The problem is that building and grounds were so vast, they had no way to realize what was happening even mere tens and tens of yards from them, let alone inside, so had not context to forgive the very muscular expulsion beginning shortly after 5pm.
What Biden's speech yesterday and his behavior today shows, is the lines remain drawn, and he is heading hard toward the POTLEFT kind of approach. Which will leave all of the above unaddressed. And yet it does so in a context where conservatives are unwilling to remain impotent. That is why can speak of a true next phase, whatever it may bring.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."