Clark Griswold said:
You have to love those that believe it was justified to INVADE STATES that exercised their legal right to secede because they no longer wanted to be a part of something. The North was the Big 12 of governments. Don't allow people that want to leave to leave, pretend it's all in the name of ending slavery when it's really about maintaining your food supply, and years later have white liberals arguing that such tyranny was justified.
It is my understanding that the Union would have had very little issue maintaining their food supply considering that the Northerners grew more food than the South. The legality of secession is one that is hardly decided but if you look at court precedents, I believe Texas v. White decided the issue to be illegal.
And most reasonable people on here don't believe all Northerners fought the war to end slavery, especially in the beginning. As the war went on, the number of people who did fight the war to end slavery increased though. That being said, the south fought the war to "preserve" slavery even though no significant credible threat existed.
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.