TX sues GA, MI, WI, and PA at Supreme Court

80,821 Views | 978 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Rebel Yell
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Here's a link to the Texas filing and expert declaration. This Twitter thread has a take on the expert opinion but I'd suggest reading it yourself before enjoying the commentary


The probability of former Vice President Biden winning the popular vote in the four Defendant StatesGeorgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin independently given President Trump's early lead in those States as of 3 a.m. on November 4, 2020, is less than one in a quadrillion, or 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000. For former Vice President Biden to win these four States collectively, the odds of that event happening decrease to less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power (i.e., 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,0004). See Decl. of Charles J. Cicchetti, Ph.D. ("Cicchetti Decl.") at 14-21, 30-31 (App. 4a-7a, 9a).
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John Maplethorpe said:

This would be a great precedent - states go around reversing other states elections based on narrow legal technicalities in how they were operated.

LMAO, Violating the Constitution of the Stetr and Federal Government... legal technicalities... so murder is like a parking ticket?
Liberals are Damn Liars! Terminate Section 230! It has been ONLY 72!hours since my last banning for defending my conservative values against liberal snowflake cupcakes and the LIBERAL Mod’s that protect them! Fairness is a myth! Stop trying to silence us! Decent LAW ABIDING HUMAN BEINGS MATTER and so do our voices. When you protect the wicked, the Anarchist, the deviant, you become One of them!

ALL LIVES MATTER - I support police and motorcycle riders. Patriot Gun Owners Unite!
Cant Think of a Name
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I dont know. The guy doesnt have a blue checkmark. Can it be trusted?
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Jay Sek weighs in.

SCOTUS can only rule one way ->"Either the Constitution matters and must be followed or not."

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rgag12 said:

I'll go ahead and ignore your partisan expert's opinion. Thanks

It's the Texas expert, not mine.

Unless you mean the Twitter account which I didn't offer as an expert. By all means please do ignore him, as I already mentioned. But read the declaration and tell me what you think about the statistical analysis
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fooz said:


Here's a link to the Texas filing and expert declaration. This Twitter thread has a take on the expert opinion but I'd suggest reading it yourself before enjoying the commentary


The probability of former Vice President Biden winning the popular vote in the four Defendant StatesGeorgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin independently given President Trump's early lead in those States as of 3 a.m. on November 4, 2020, is less than one in a quadrillion, or 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000. For former Vice President Biden to win these four States collectively, the odds of that event happening decrease to less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power (i.e., 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,0004). See Decl. of Charles J. Cicchetti, Ph.D. ("Cicchetti Decl.") at 14-21, 30-31 (App. 4a-7a, 9a).

Right - read the analysis of how he got there and see if you think there are any holes there.
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Sarge 91 said:

eric76 said:

BMX Bandit said:


Number 3 is a huge issue. Kent says the legislatures cannot ignore previous election laws. Paxton says they can.

So if Paxton is right, can PA legislature ignore PA law and allow mail in votes for president?

Unfortunately I think you are right. , I don't think we will get an answer to any of this, but they are definitely fascinating questions
The Pennsylvania Constitution does not determine the legal method(s) of voting. Instead, it explicitly recognizes the methods of voting found in the law as being legal. Act 77 which was passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor added mail-in voting as a legal method of voting. Thus, mail-in voting is recognized by the Pennsylvania Constitution as being legal.
Oh, since it is explicit, maybe you can provide a citation to the article and clause of the Penn Const that says this.

PS - check out Article VII, Section 14, which prescribes the only other permissible method besides in-person Election Day voting.
Sure thing.

Article VII, Section 4:

Method of Elections; Secrecy in Voting

All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be prescribed by law; Provided, That secrecy in voting be preserved.

Check out Article VII, Section 14:

Absentee Voting

(a) The Legislature shall, by general law, provide a manner in which, and the time and place at which, qualified electors who may, on the occurrence of any election, be absent from the State or county of their residence, because their duties, occupation or business require them to be elsewhere or who, on the occurrence of any election, are unable to attend at their proper polling places because of illness or physical disability or who will not attend a polling place because of the observance of a religious holiday or who cannot vote because of Election Day duties, in the case of a county employee, may vote, and for the return and canvass of their votes in the election district in which they respectively reside.

(b) For purposes of this section, "municipality" means a city, borough, incorporated town, township or any similar general purpose unit of government which may be created by the General Assembly.

This does not mandate any particular method of voting for absentee voting, but directs the Legislature provide a method of absentee voting and lists certain classes that are guaranteed the ability to vote absentee. They chose the wording in this manner for the purpose of making it clear that absentee voting can be extended to more than just the classes listed and have extended by law without having to amend the Constitution to do so. As an example, military spouses may vote by absentee ballot even though they are not listed as protected classes in Section 14.

The attorneys from the Pennsylvania government clearly see it the same way. Check out their response in the Kelly lawsuit in front of the US Supreme Court at https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/20/20A98/162968/20201208090425848_20A98%20Response%20in%20Opposition%20efile.pdf

Pay particular attention to pages 19 to 21 where they explain quite eloquently that Act 77 is Constitutional and make the same points.
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rgag12 said:

I'll go ahead and ignore your partisan expert's opinion. Thanks

It's the Texas expert, not mine.

Unless you mean the Twitter account which I didn't offer as an expert. By all means please do ignore him, as I already mentioned. But read the declaration and tell me what you think about the statistical analysis
I saw his claims but haven't figured out where he got them from. Without some kind of explanation, they are pretty much just meaningless drivel.
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marvda1 said:

let's take it to vote if the people of Texas want to use our money to keep a person in office who lost and won't admit it. oh I forgot it might get rigged.
Kinda like the people of PA were supposed to take a vote on a ballot to change their election laws?

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So...did LA actually join as a plaintiff, or is Landry just offering a virtual high-five?
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WHOOP!'91 said:

marvda1 said:

let's take it to vote if the people of Texas want to use our money to keep a person in office who lost and won't admit it. oh I forgot it might get rigged.
Kinda like the people of PA were supposed to take a vote on a ballot to change their election laws?
Actually, Pennsylvania law on the issue is quite clear. The Constitution refers to the state law on what are the legal voting methods provided that those methods maintain the secrecy of the ballot.
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Thank goodness you're not a lawyer jeez
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rgag12 said:

Thank goodness you're not a lawyer jeez
The Pennsylvania lawyers agree with what I've been saying. The claims that Act 77 is unconstitutional is merely more sour grapes from the cult.
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10 other states to join Texas, per Allen West.
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larry culpepper said:

SCOTUS is never going to sniff this one. It has BSC written all over it and is nothing more than a blatant attempt to dishonor the election results and subvert democracy.

I really wish Texas would work as hard fighting COVID and providing its communities with proper resources considering the situation right now, but I know there is nothing our leadership hates more than people voting. It's why they and the state GOP filed suit after suit before the election to severely limit it. I guess when you have a criminal AG, you get **** sandwiches like this.

At this point I really wish they would start disbarring the attorneys for this ***** Courts need to send a message that this bad faith **** can no longer be tolerated.

Joe Biden will be our president come January 20. And a million of these stupid ****ing lawsuits aren't going to stop that.

99.5% survival rate, Texas has done a great job of fighting the Wuhan China Bat Soup Stew Flu!
Liberals are Damn Liars! Terminate Section 230! It has been ONLY 72!hours since my last banning for defending my conservative values against liberal snowflake cupcakes and the LIBERAL Mod’s that protect them! Fairness is a myth! Stop trying to silence us! Decent LAW ABIDING HUMAN BEINGS MATTER and so do our voices. When you protect the wicked, the Anarchist, the deviant, you become One of them!

ALL LIVES MATTER - I support police and motorcycle riders. Patriot Gun Owners Unite!
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The current survival rate is 98.2% according to latest numbers put out by state.
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Alabama to join Texas lawsuit.

Also heard South Carolina will as well.
Cant Think of a Name
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Sounds like a verse to the Bonnie Blue Flag
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From another thread, but a good rundown.

Houston Lee
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Alabama in...

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TurkeyBaconLeg said:

Alabama in...

Next up, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota.
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Battle lines being drawn.
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This is really ridiculous.

Now expect California and other blue states to chime in for the swing states.
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fooz said:

Alabama to join Texas lawsuit.

Also heard South Carolina will as well.
**** GA is gonna be surrounded. On to Atlanta !! Burn that yankee city to the ground.......wait something is wrong with this picture,

2020 is weird.
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eric76 said:

WHOOP!'91 said:

marvda1 said:

let's take it to vote if the people of Texas want to use our money to keep a person in office who lost and won't admit it. oh I forgot it might get rigged.
Kinda like the people of PA were supposed to take a vote on a ballot to change their election laws?
Actually, Pennsylvania law on the issue is quite clear. The Constitution refers to the state law on what are the legal voting methods provided that those methods maintain the secrecy of the ballot.
You are just a partisan hack.

Why do you just advance the legal arguments of one side of an issue? Why not try some actual analysis.

You referenced the law above. It clearly lists the types of people that can request an absentee ballot.

The language is what it is.

Just because a Dem lawyer says means something, doesn't mean that it does. That is what trials are for.
barbacoa taco
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fooz said:

Alabama to join Texas lawsuit.

Also heard South Carolina will as well.
so in other words, this is all a big tantrum by red states over those big mean blue states causing an election result they didn't like.

these people are so vapid, empty, and predictable.
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fooz said:

10 other states to join Texas, per Allen West.
Thats 11.. Creepy
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larry culpepper said:

fooz said:

Alabama to join Texas lawsuit.

Also heard South Carolina will as well.
so in other words, this is all a big tantrum by red states over those big mean blue states causing an election result they didn't like.

these people are so vapid, empty, and predictable.
Especially all these new socks. Its as if its all the same person

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fooz said:

10 other states to join Texas, per Allen West.
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larry culpepper said:

fooz said:

Alabama to join Texas lawsuit.

Also heard South Carolina will as well.
so in other words, this is all a big tantrum by red states over those big mean blue states causing an election result they didn't like.

these people are so vapid, empty, and predictable.
I think you identified the problem very clearly.
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marvda1 said:

Why don't we just do away with our form of government and just anoint Trump king.
I suppose that is no different than having a fraudulent election.
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BusterAg said:

eric76 said:

WHOOP!'91 said:

marvda1 said:

let's take it to vote if the people of Texas want to use our money to keep a person in office who lost and won't admit it. oh I forgot it might get rigged.
Kinda like the people of PA were supposed to take a vote on a ballot to change their election laws?
Actually, Pennsylvania law on the issue is quite clear. The Constitution refers to the state law on what are the legal voting methods provided that those methods maintain the secrecy of the ballot.
You are just a partisan hack.

Why do you just advance the legal arguments of one side of an issue? Why not try some actual analysis.

You referenced the law above. It clearly lists the types of people that can request an absentee ballot.

The language is what it is.

Just because a Dem lawyer says means something, doesn't mean that it does. That is what trials are for.
Under Pennsylvania Law, the list of classes of people in Article VII, Section 14 is not a complete list of everyone legally able to vote by absentee ballot in Pennsylvania. They very specifically Amended their Constitution for the purpose of allowing the criteria of who can vote by absentee ballot to be set in the statutes instead of having to keep amending their Constitution every time.

Let's have a trial.
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BusterAg said:

eric76 said:

WHOOP!'91 said:

marvda1 said:

let's take it to vote if the people of Texas want to use our money to keep a person in office who lost and won't admit it. oh I forgot it might get rigged.
Kinda like the people of PA were supposed to take a vote on a ballot to change their election laws?
Actually, Pennsylvania law on the issue is quite clear. The Constitution refers to the state law on what are the legal voting methods provided that those methods maintain the secrecy of the ballot.
You are just a partisan hack.

Why do you just advance the legal arguments of one side of an issue? Why not try some actual analysis.

You referenced the law above. It clearly lists the types of people that can request an absentee ballot.

The language is what it is.

Just because a Dem lawyer says means something, doesn't mean that it does. That is what trials are for.

This case will be dismissed just like Kelly's.
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Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, SC and South Dakota.

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