What if trump pardons himself

6,399 Views | 100 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by JamesBREI06
Paradise Ag
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Yes, Trump should absolutely pardon himself for any future crimes while at the same time arresting Biden, Harris, and Pelosi right now for their future crimes.

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Very interesting. Most of you consider the possibility beyond outlandish and some of you think he would be a fool not to do it, since he's been such a victim these past four years, etc.

I sincerely hope he doesn't and it should be the normal, expected thing for ANY president NOT to pardon himself when leaving office.... but I still feel like I should bookmark this thread, just in case.
Cast Iron
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The ignore feature should also hide threads started by those posters
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Cast Iron said:

The ignore feature should also hide threads started by those posters
Yet here you are, commenting. Good job ignoring me, buddy!
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eric76 said:

If Trump wants a pardon, he could resign with a couple of days left and let Pence become President and then Pence could pardon him.
I think if trump is convinced that a self-pardon might not actually make it past a legal challenge, and that it would be better to be safe than sorry, this is the way he would go. And I think Pence's ambition and desire to be president is so absolute that he would do it just so he can forever say that he WAS president, even if only for a few days.
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HoustonAggie37713 said:

Interesting given we have so much proof of Biden's crimes. Will he pardon himself?
I think if Biden pardoned himself or any of his children, ever, for anything, he would be instantly rebuked and despised by every single Democrat, by they a voter or an elected official. Judging by the responses to this thread, the same can't be said for trump.
Cast Iron
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Has OP apologized for this dumbass thread?
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cevans_40 said:

agjacent said:

BMX Bandit said:

He can't pardon for future crimes.

And if he pardoned himself, that's an admission of being being guilty later if he was charged. Why would he do that?

There's no actual precedent for a president pardoning himself, since no president's ever tried it before. There's a DOJ memo from Nixon-times saying that, because no one can serve as their own judge, no one can pardon themselves, but again, it's never been actually tried.

As for why trump would pardon himself, I think the answer's obvious - to stay out of prison. If he did it, I don't think he would care that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt so long as it means he won't be federally prosecuted for anything.

What actual crime are you dreaming up?

My post was incorrect. I meant to say in the New York State court. My apologies.
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Cast Iron said:

Has OP apologized for this dumbass thread?
Aren't you supposed to be ignoring me?

BMX Bandit
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federal crimes. A pardon won't help him with what is happening in the SD of NY

SD of NY is federal
Paradise Ag
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agjacent said:

HoustonAggie37713 said:

Interesting given we have so much proof of Biden's crimes. Will he pardon himself?
I think if Biden pardoned himself or any of his children, ever, for anything, he would be instantly rebuked and despised by every single Democrat, by they a voter or an elected official. Judging by the responses to this thread, the same can't be said for trump.

Because obviously the Democrats are the Party of high moral standards and respect for law and order?

I'll have what you're drinking, amigo, just not as much.
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Op gonna make a poop slap bet ?
Cast Iron
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FPS_Dough said:

Op gonna make a poop slap bet ?
OP does not need incentives to play with poop
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agjacent said:

HoustonAggie37713 said:

Interesting given we have so much proof of Biden's crimes. Will he pardon himself?
I think if Biden pardoned himself or any of his children, ever, for anything, he would be instantly rebuked and despised by every single Democrat, by they a voter or an elected official. Judging by the responses to this thread, the same can't be said for trump.

Clinton lied to the American people, personally lied to his cabinet members, then lied to a court. And yet when busted after the blue dress came out, they all rallied around him. He lost his damn law license for committing that crime while in office. R's never came after him for that crime after he left like you want to do to Trump, who committed no crime.

Dems are pure evil. They would rally to braindead Biden if he pardoned himself. Fcker already committed crimes in office and you libs voted for him anyway.
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agjacent said:

aggieforester05 said:

Should Obama be charged with crimes for his plethora of criminal activity in office? If not, why is it different than prosecution of fishing expedition crimes that Democrats manage to scrape up against Trump?
I mean, if Obama had been an unindicted co-conspirator in charges that sent his personal attorney to prison during his first term, I would not have been surprised if Obama were to have been charged after leaving office.
He did a lot more than that and was not charged with any crime. I'm actually glad he wasn't because it would set a bad precedent for every President going forward looking at criminal charges when they leave office. You can always find a process crime if you go on a fishing expedition. Impeachment and Senate conviction followed by removal from office should continue to be the enforcement action used to deal with presidential criminality. I know that system is far from perfect, but that alternative of every president facing political prosecution isn't better.
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policywonk98 said:

agjacent said:

cevans_40 said:

agjacent said:

BMX Bandit said:

He can't pardon for future crimes.

And if he pardoned himself, that's an admission of being being guilty later if he was charged. Why would he do that?

There's no actual precedent for a president pardoning himself, since no president's ever tried it before. There's a DOJ memo from Nixon-times saying that, because no one can serve as their own judge, no one can pardon themselves, but again, it's never been actually tried.

As for why trump would pardon himself, I think the answer's obvious - to stay out of prison. If he did it, I don't think he would care that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt so long as it means he won't be federally prosecuted for anything.

What actual crime are you dreaming up?
The same thing trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, went to prison for - campaign finance violations. Did you forget that trump is "Individual-1"?

Alabama and Clemson are just as dirty at 80s SMU in football if not more so. 80s tsips even dirtier than 80s SMU.

I'll let you ponder on the relevancy of this information and give you the time to come up with your own conclusions as to why Trump should never face any charges for "crimes" related to campaign "violations".

As far as other crimes you think he's done. Can you list off what crimes you beleive he has engaged in over the last 4 years.

Not wanting to hijack, and not saying any of the three (other than SMU) are clean by any means, but this is just factually incorrect. SMU took it to an entirely different level. The ADs office was actually HANDING OUT MONTHLY CHECKS (or at least, cash in envelopes)!
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agjacent said:

What if trump pardons himself before leaving office for any and all crimes he "may" have committed? What if he pardons his children in the same blanket manner? What if he pardons himself and/or his children for any future crimes?

Would any of that change your opinion of him?

I assume that some here will respond that it'll be necessary for trump to issue such broad pardons for himself and his family, including even for future crimes, as protection from vindictive/false prosecution by the deep state, etc. If that's how you feel about it, okay, duly noted. But for the rest of you who support trump, would him pardoning himself before leaving office cause you to reconsider your support?

What crimes did he commit, dumbass?
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agjacent said:

HoustonAggie37713 said:

Interesting given we have so much proof of Biden's crimes. Will he pardon himself?
I think if Biden pardoned himself or any of his children, ever, for anything, he would be instantly rebuked and despised by every single Democrat, by they a voter or an elected official. Judging by the responses to this thread, the same can't be said for trump.
Have you at all paid attention over the last four years? There would likely be a handful like Manchin and Tulsi, but it would be a very very small minority. There are no ethical boundaries left in the Democrat party. I hope for your sake that you don't have that much faith in the Democrat party, because you would be surely disappointed if this scenario ever comes to fruition.
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XXXVII said:

agjacent said:

What if trump pardons himself before leaving office for any and all crimes he "may" have committed? What if he pardons his children in the same blanket manner? What if he pardons himself and/or his children for any future crimes?

Would any of that change your opinion of him?

I assume that some here will respond that it'll be necessary for trump to issue such broad pardons for himself and his family, including even for future crimes, as protection from vindictive/false prosecution by the deep state, etc. If that's how you feel about it, okay, duly noted. But for the rest of you who support trump, would him pardoning himself before leaving office cause you to reconsider your support?

What crimes did he commit, dumbass?
I already answered that question on page 1, dumbass.
Funky Winkerbean
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Hopefully he's negotiating a pardon for Biden in exchange for giving up the deep state.
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91AggieLawyer said:

policywonk98 said:

agjacent said:

cevans_40 said:

agjacent said:

BMX Bandit said:

He can't pardon for future crimes.

And if he pardoned himself, that's an admission of being being guilty later if he was charged. Why would he do that?

There's no actual precedent for a president pardoning himself, since no president's ever tried it before. There's a DOJ memo from Nixon-times saying that, because no one can serve as their own judge, no one can pardon themselves, but again, it's never been actually tried.

As for why trump would pardon himself, I think the answer's obvious - to stay out of prison. If he did it, I don't think he would care that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt so long as it means he won't be federally prosecuted for anything.

What actual crime are you dreaming up?
The same thing trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, went to prison for - campaign finance violations. Did you forget that trump is "Individual-1"?

Alabama and Clemson are just as dirty at 80s SMU in football if not more so. 80s tsips even dirtier than 80s SMU.

I'll let you ponder on the relevancy of this information and give you the time to come up with your own conclusions as to why Trump should never face any charges for "crimes" related to campaign "violations".

As far as other crimes you think he's done. Can you list off what crimes you beleive he has engaged in over the last 4 years.

Not wanting to hijack, and not saying any of the three (other than SMU) are clean by any means, but this is just factually incorrect. SMU took it to an entirely different level. The ADs office was actually HANDING OUT MONTHLY CHECKS (or at least, cash in envelopes)!

So as long as the cash in envelopes or money to player families isn't run out of the ADs office, its legal?

I wanted OP or someone to make this exact point.

Which proves a point I'm trying to make about people that get busted for campaign finance laws.

Garrelli 5000
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agjacent said:

HoustonAggie37713 said:

Interesting given we have so much proof of Biden's crimes. Will he pardon himself?
I think if Biden pardoned himself or any of his children, ever, for anything, he would be instantly rebuked and despised by every single Democrat, by they a voter or an elected official. Judging by the responses to this thread, the same can't be said for trump.
I think your delusion knows no bounds.

Biden called Obama the first "clean, articulate black guy" to run for POTUS. Said you can't go in a convenience store w/out an Indian accent. He opposed bussing minorities into schools because he didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle.

Biden is actually every lie you tell about Trump. Haven't seen you rebuke him yet. Pardoning for self-preservation isn't as despicable as being a racist. Unless of course you agree with what Biden has consistently said over nearly 50 years in WA in front of a camera.

Staff - take out the trash.
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Cassius said:

agjacent said:

HoustonAggie37713 said:

Interesting given we have so much proof of Biden's crimes. Will he pardon himself?
I think if Biden pardoned himself or any of his children, ever, for anything, he would be instantly rebuked and despised by every single Democrat, by they a voter or an elected official. Judging by the responses to this thread, the same can't be said for trump.

Clinton lied to the American people, personally lied to his cabinet members, then lied to a court. And yet when busted after the blue dress came out, they all rallied around him. He lost his damn law license for committing that crime while in office. R's never came after him for that crime after he left like you want to do to Trump, who committed no crime.

Dems are pure evil. They would rally to braindead Biden if he pardoned himself. Fcker already committed crimes in office and you libs voted for him anyway.
Yes, Clinton committed perjury and was never prosecuted for it. If he had been, I have no doubt that the majority of the party would have still supported him, and would have accused Republicans of using such a prosecution as political retribution.

However - if Clinton had pardoned himself for it, especially preemptively, prior to any charges being filed? I dunno. Especially in the 90's, pre-trump, when political norms still meant something? I don't think the party support would have gone that far.

As for Biden, if he were to pardon himself at some point in the future, in a post-trump era, I do believe no Democrat would support it.
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holy ***** op, ive been drinking since 9 and im not on your level
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agjacent said:

ProphAC said:

I'm confused... what crimes have any of the Trump family committed? Serious question.
Serious question - do you know what who Micheal Cohen is, and why he went to prison? Are you aware that in the sentencing documents for his federal crimes, a co-conspirator named "Individual-1" was identified to be trump? Are you aware that people who conspire together to commit crimes are both equally guilty of said crimes?
Yep, and Clinton apologist Lanny Davis became a Cohen attorney shortly before the plea deal and was quick to claim "if it's a crime for Cohen, it's a crime for Trump". No way could they establish that crime in court, but having that talking point for their lemmings was all they wanted.

Remember when Obama was charged with a felony and went to prison for a $1.8 million dollar campaign finance violation?

Obama campaign finance violations

Oops, he didn't go to prison, like virtually every campaign finance violation, it was a civil matter and punished by a fine. For some reason, Cohen's was treated as a criminal violation. The lemming is responding as desired, congrats.
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Charlie Kelley said:

holy ***** op, ive been drinking since 9 and im not on your level
To be honest, I want to believe that the idea is so beyond the pale that only a maniac would ever seriously suggest it. Unfortunately the past four years have taught me that I can put nothing past this president. I'm not saying that he definitely will, I'm only wondering - truly, honestly curious - how his supporters would react if he did. Based on the responses, some would find it perfectly acceptable but a decent amount would (presumably, based on the general incredulity to this thread) disapprove rather strongly.

I genuinely hope this remains a mere thought exercise.
Cast Iron
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Opened one of your posts to see what you were blathering about. Here's some attention
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Charlie Kelley said:

holy ***** op, ive been drinking since 9 and im not on your level
Username absolutely checks out.
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VegasAg86 said:

agjacent said:

ProphAC said:

I'm confused... what crimes have any of the Trump family committed? Serious question.
Serious question - do you know what who Micheal Cohen is, and why he went to prison? Are you aware that in the sentencing documents for his federal crimes, a co-conspirator named "Individual-1" was identified to be trump? Are you aware that people who conspire together to commit crimes are both equally guilty of said crimes?
Yep, and Clinton apologist Lanny Davis became a Cohen attorney shortly before the plea deal and was quick to claim "if it's a crime for Cohen, it's a crime for Trump". No way could they establish that crime in court, but having that talking point for their lemmings was all they wanted.

Remember when Obama was charged with a felony and went to prison for a $1.8 million dollar campaign finance violation?

Obama campaign finance violations

Oops, he didn't go to prison, like virtually every campaign finance violation, it was a civil matter and punished by a fine. For some reason, Cohen's was treated as a criminal violation. The lemming is responding as desired, congrats.
From the article you linked:

The major sticking point for the FEC appeared to be a series of missing 48-hour notices for nearly 1,300 contributions totaling more than $1.8 million an issue that lawyers familiar with the commission's work say the FEC takes seriously. The notices must be filed on contributions of $1,000 or more that are received within the 20-day window of Election Day.

More than half of those contributions were transferred from the Obama Victory Fund,a joint committee between the campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Sources said the fine resulting from the settlement agreement has been paid, with $230,000 coming from the Obama campaign's coffers and the remainder from the DNC.

The document outlined other violations, such as erroneous contribution dates on some campaign reports. The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit.

You're going to compare paperwork errors to paying off a porn star so she won't go public about her affair with the candidate? Where the person paying off said porn star was the candidate's personal attorney? lol okay.

You'd have been better off comparing trump to John Edwards, who was in fact indicted and prosecuted for using campaign funds to pay off his pregnant mistress.
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Trump has never committed any crimes.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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agjacent said:

Charlie Kelley said:

holy ***** op, ive been drinking since 9 and im not on your level
To be honest, I want to believe that the idea is so beyond the pale that only a maniac would ever seriously suggest it. Unfortunately the past four years have taught me that I can put nothing past this president. I'm not saying that he definitely will, I'm only wondering - truly, honestly curious - how his supporters would react if he did. Based on the responses, some would find it perfectly acceptable but a decent amount would (presumably, based on the general incredulity to this thread) disapprove rather strongly.

I genuinely hope this remains a mere thought exercise.
How can you say this about Trump and his supporters but ignore the despicable behavior of the Democrat party over the last four years and have faith that they would do the right thing? It's simply incomprehensible for me to think that the majority of the Democrat party would call out one of their own for doing something wrong. That just isn't going to happen, no way, no how. It's like expecting a gang member to call out one of their own for running from corrupt police working for a rival gang.

Take your Clinton scenario and compare it to the Democrat Lord and Savior Obama. The modern Democrat party is not the party of the 90s. Zero chance they would have called out Obama for pardoning himself if he thought Trump was going to prosecute him. Zero chance. These are not people that have any ethics whatsoever. We're talking about Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler. People that are pathological liars and place power above all else.
nu awlins ag
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agjacent said:

What if trump pardons himself before leaving office for any and all crimes he "may" have committed? What if he pardons his children in the same blanket manner? What if he pardons himself and/or his children for any future crimes?

Would any of that change your opinion of him?

I assume that some here will respond that it'll be necessary for trump to issue such broad pardons for himself and his family, including even for future crimes, as protection from vindictive/false prosecution by the deep state, etc. If that's how you feel about it, okay, duly noted. But for the rest of you who support trump, would him pardoning himself before leaving office cause you to reconsider your support?

Go circle jerk elsewhere. What an absolute pathetic statement.....
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Cast Iron said:

Opened one of your posts to see what you were blathering about. Here's some attention
Okay, thanks for the attention!

Cast Iron
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Good Lord you need it that's for sure! How pathetic
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