Agnzona said:
MetoliusAg said:
Gary Johnson said:
Been reading Hayek and Mises.
Still can't find the chapter where they advocate abusing public office for corrupt personal gain.
Trump supporters in this forum don't care that Trump committed bribery, obstruction of justice, and other impeachable offenses. They've said it hundreds of times. Believe them.
If he did these things, commit actually crimes, why is there no mention of it in the Articles of Impeachment?
I dare you to answer honestly!
Before I comment....let me add I voted for Trump, hate the person, good on his accomplishments. However, I am truly curious about the intent and definition of Impeachment. SIAP but with regard to what some consider the go to Cliff Note's of impeachment, Charles Blacks 1974 book describes what might be considered an impeachable offense, though it is not criminal......
"Suppose a president were to move to Saudi Arabia, so he could have four wives, and were to propose to conduct the office of the presidency by mail and wireless from there. This would not be a crime, provided his passport were in order. Is it possible that such gross and wanton neglect of duty could not be grounds for an impeachment and removal?".
Certainly an unlikely situation, but one that makes me think a little deeper about my gut interpretation of what constitutes
"Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors". Alexander Hamilton described it as
"the abuse or violation of some public trust."Should impeachment only be viewed as committing criminal activity. Seriously asking.