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aggiehawg said:

MetoliusAg said:

Similar to the way the corruption and lying by Watergate and IranContra perps kept getting exposed piece by piece, this Trump / Giuliani / Parnas / Ukraine scandal just keeps getting better & better.

LOL. Newsflash! Poroshenko is an oligarch and corrupt. Lutshenko, Biden's choice to succeed Shokin is also corrupt, but he ended the Burisma investigation!

Newsflash: evidence is surfacing of illegal quid pro quo deals by Trump pal Parnas to two different Ukraine administrations now.
Joe Exotic
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MetoliusAg said:

Keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile, Vindman, Hill, and Sondland are eyewitness fact witnesses. And there's the phone call itself, which documents the quid pro quo. And your boy Trump and his personal attny Rudy G. and Trump's WH COS Mick Mulvaney all publicly admitting to it multiple times in front of tv cameras.

And removal remains at a whopping 0.0%
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A major problem in all this is even the assumption that quid pro quo itself is so large and big. On one level its a pretty standard tactic of governments.

I think this is going to come down more to how much the Republicans in the Senate realize they will be punished if they enable the Democrat framing attempt that has been underway since 2016 and even before he was elected. And this while such types like Brennan and Comey and Hillary skate scott-free and the known FISA lie is unpunished.

Don't think that will fly. The truth is that like 1998 I believe the GOP will realize this is a partisan shame if not outright coup, and simply throw the impeachment in the round file just like the Democrats did in 1998 when they knew Clinton had perjured. From the point of view of their party and voters, they made the right choice.

It will be that way again most likely.

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MetoliusAg said:

Pinche Abogado said:

But what do you want us to take from it exactly? You're posting without argument. Again, serious question.
If you've been following the daily new developments and the daily news reports on the scandals, the posted excerpts speak for themselves.

In the posted excerpts of eyewitness testimony which recounted meetings where Sondland on multiple occasions laid out the illegal quid pro quo demands, it is self-evident why that testimony is problematicly bad for Trump and Giuliani.

Likewise, the significance of the WSJ's reporting and the sworn testimony by senior State Dept and senior NSC officials stating that Parnas, Fruman, and Giuliani had also pushed the prior Ukraine administration to investigate the Bidens and Buresma is patently obvious.

Ditto for the testimony that the President's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani -- who had no US govmt job and no US govmt credentials, and therefore was acting on behalf of himself and private citizen Donald Trump -- was pressuring the board members of Ukraine's state-owned gas producer.

Impeach Sondland
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Here's a question been mulling---what makes the corrupt Left Democrats and truly indeed proven to be partisan news think that impeachment 2019 would go like 1974 rather than the at least 80% more likely scenario of "like 1998" ??

What do they think is left of the world of 1974 - let alone of 1998 after their behavior since 2000?

Why do they think this won't go straight down party lines and get round-filed like happened with Clinton?

The Media pushing this as well as the parties are 1,000 times more polarized than in 1998. An outcome like that seems far more likely.

Just wondering.
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In the running for the dumbest assertion ever made

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captkirk said:

In the running for the dumbest assertion ever made

From the guy who wanted to use nuclear weapons against American citizens who refuse to give up their guns.
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Rapier108 said:

captkirk said:

In the running for the dumbest assertion ever made

From the guy who wanted to use nuclear weapons against American citizens who refuse to give up their guns.
And incidentally that's another case of where the Left Democrats are just inventing stuff that can and should be ignored. Bluntly ignored. Remember the phrase "serve at the pleasure of the President"? The POTUS can fire any one of his area for any reason or none at all that he wishes. Especially an ambassador can be removed or replaced with almost no comment at all because sometimes you don't want the world or nation involved knowing anything about the internal decision making.
Ag with kids
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MetoliusAg said:

Keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile, Vindman, Hill, and Sondland are eyewitness fact witnesses. And there's the phone call itself, which documents the quid pro quo. And your boy Trump and his personal attny Rudy G. and Trump's WH COS Mick Mulvaney all publicly admitting to it multiple times in front of tv cameras.

The phone call has NO PQP in it.

Just the opinions and assumptions, which the folks you have pointed out have said they were...

But keep tilting.

Maybe your next sock name can be a derivative of Don Quixote...
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Every President since the dawn of time has changed out ambassadors
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captkirk said:

Every President since the dawn of time has changed out ambassadors

For any reason or no reason at all.

The thought of impeachment gets dumber and dumber every day.
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MetoliusAg said:

Keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile, Vindman, Hill, and Sondland are eyewitness fact witnesses. And there's the phone call itself, which documents the quid pro quo. And your boy Trump and his personal attny Rudy G. and Trump's WH COS Mick Mulvaney all publicly admitting to it multiple times in front of tv cameras.
QPQs aren't illegal. They are baked into every foreign aid bill on the planet.

The only people who think they have a case are desperate libs like yourself.
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You know, supposing for a second there is a deep-state in a real organized sense rather than brainwashed products of Leftism. If they had any sense they would drop this nonsense, because they are just giving it away and tending to affirm even the more tinfoil takes to many. The 22nd Amendment says Trump leaves in 2024. If they had any brains they would call of this charade that any outside the Left pretty much see through and just concentrate on rigging 2024 or even 2028 and go from there.

As it is, the behavior of the Democrats and MSM warrants "resistance" of their kind, and if they also proceeded with this already gossiped about farce of also impeaching/framing VP Pence to put Pelosi in, it would rate rebellion/ civil war.

But after 2028 its hard to see anything that would get in their way.
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Nice to see Titan posting here again. Sorry you have to deal with Stephenville
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Smdh at Nikki Haley. Thought she had more integrity than this. But nope, she's chosen party over country.

Iirc, Benedict Arnold's plan was discovered and thwarted by liberals, too, before it could be consumated. So "no harm, no foul" there too, eh, Nikki?
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When this is over and Trump is re-elected, can we get a heads up on your new sock name for the 2nd term?
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Do you believe Trump is the first president to do this and that's the reason for your veracious posting or do you simply want your team to win?
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Bolton and Kupperman's lawyer is unhappy that Schiff won't subpoena his clients, so we all can get a court ruling on the validity of said subpoenas in the absence of House vote for formal impeachment inquiries.

From The Hill


An attorney for former national security adviser John Bolton and former deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman said Friday he is "dismayed" that his clients will not be compelled to testify in the ongoing House impeachment inquiry after lawmakers refused to issue subpoenas.

Charles J. Cooper, whose clients declined to testify voluntarily, wrote in a letter to House general counsel Douglas Letter obtained by The Hill that he had hoped to determine in court whether House subpoenas to testify or the White House's assertion of executive privilege took precedence.

"We are dismayed that the Committees have chosen not to join us in seeking resolution from the Judicial Branch of this momentous Constitutional question as expeditiously as possible," Cooper wrote. "It is important both to Dr. Kupperman and to Ambassador Bolton to get a definitive judgment from the Judicial Branch determining their Constitutional duty in the face of conflicting demands of the Legislative and Executive Branches."

"Dr. Kupperman stands ready, as does Ambassador Bolton, to testify if the Judiciary resolves the conflict in favor of the Legislative Branch's position respecting such testimony," he added.


House Democrats had scheduled Bolton to appear on Thursday, but said they wouldn't issue him a subpoena after he declined to appear.

House Democrats also withdrew their subpoena for Kupperman's testimony on Wednesday.

"Given the schedule of our impeachment hearings, a court process that leads to the dismissal of Dr. Kupperman's flawed lawsuit would only result in delay, so we have withdrawn his subpoena," an Intelligence panel official said.

Cooper pushed back on this narrative in his Friday letter to Letter.

"The House Chairs are mistaken to say Dr. Kupperman's lawsuit is intended 'to delay or otherwise obstruct the Committees' vital investigatory work,'" he wrote.

"Nor has the lawsuit been coordinated in any way with the White House, any more than it has been coordinated with the House of Representatives. If the House chooses not to pursue through subpoena the testimony of Dr. Kupperman and Ambassador Bolton, let the record be clear: that is the House's decision," Cooper added.
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Sounds like Schiff may have gotten a preview of what the testimony would be, it was another couple of nothing burgees, and they didn't want to have to try to spin another couple of anti-climatic testimonies...
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Folks. The impeachment process in a nutshell
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titan said:

You know, supposing for a second there is a deep-state in a real organized sense rather than brainwashed products of Leftism. If they had any sense they would drop this nonsense, because they are just giving it away and tending to affirm even the more tinfoil takes to many. The 22nd Amendment says Trump leaves in 2024. If they had any brains they would call of this charade that any outside the Left pretty much see through and just concentrate on rigging 2024 or even 2028 and go from there.

As it is, the behavior of the Democrats and MSM warrants "resistance" of their kind, and if they also proceeded with this already gossiped about farce of also impeaching/framing VP Pence to put Pelosi in, it would rate rebellion/ civil war.

But after 2028 its hard to see anything that would get in their way.
The Democrats realize RBG will not be around much longer, and if Trump can nominate and confirm her replacement, the Supreme Court will be conservative for the next 25 years.

The Democrats will do anything to prevent that from occurring.

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FireAg said:

Sounds like Schiff may have gotten a preview of what the testimony would be, it was another couple of nothing burgees, and they didn't want to have to try to spin another couple of anti-climatic testimonies...
My sense is that the LawFare lawyer that Pelosi hired, Letter, suspects the House Intel Committee would not prevail in court which would bring this clown show to a screeching halt. In any event he doesn't want to risk it.

The time crunch should not factor into this decision for a witness that was at Ground Zero like Bolton was at the very heart of what they are alleging--a quid pro quo of military aid for investigations into the role Ukraine played in the 2016 election. Whether or not Poroshenko was pressured to conduct investigations into Trump and Manafort and if Biden's threat had a role in that pressure.
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MetoliusAg said:

Smdh at Nikki Haley. Thought she had more integrity than this. But nope, she's chosen party over country.

Iirc, Benedict Arnold's plan was discovered and thwarted by liberals, too, before it could be consumated. So "no harm, no foul" there too, eh, Nikki?
She's right
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aggiehawg said:

FireAg said:

Sounds like Schiff may have gotten a preview of what the testimony would be, it was another couple of nothing burgees, and they didn't want to have to try to spin another couple of anti-climatic testimonies...
My sense is that the LawFare lawyer that Pelosi hired, Letter, suspects the House Intel Committee would not prevail in court which would bring this clown show to a screeching halt. In any event he doesn't want to risk it.

The time crunch should not factor into this decision for a witness that was at Ground Zero like Bolton was at the very heart of what they are alleging--a quid pro quo of military aid for investigations into the role Ukraine played in the 2016 election. Whether or not Poroshenko was pressured to conduct investigations into Trump and Manafort and if Biden's threat had a role in that pressure.
They don't want witnesses with first hand knowledge
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hbtheduce said:

MetoliusAg said:

Keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile, Vindman, Hill, and Sondland are eyewitness fact witnesses. And there's the phone call itself, which documents the quid pro quo. And your boy Trump and his personal attny Rudy G. and Trump's WH COS Mick Mulvaney all publicly admitting to it multiple times in front of tv cameras.
QPQs aren't illegal. They are baked into every foreign aid bill on the planet.

The only people who think they have a case are desperate libs like yourself.

The charges will be extortion, bribery, abuse of power.

If Gaetz or Jordan had an IQ north of warm oatmeal they could handle professionals like Hill and Vindman. It's going to be a clownshow.

Been saying it for a longtime - Trump is corrupt to the core and damaging the party.

Cut bait - the Dem field should be easy pickings. Warren is imploding. Mayor Pete couldn't handle crises in South Bend. Uncle Joe needs another nap. Sanders is some Larry David cult, while held together by stents and wires. Bloomberg has the personality of a cardboard box.

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You didn't even finish your usual stupid line.
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DukeMu said:

hbtheduce said:

MetoliusAg said:

Keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile, Vindman, Hill, and Sondland are eyewitness fact witnesses. And there's the phone call itself, which documents the quid pro quo. And your boy Trump and his personal attny Rudy G. and Trump's WH COS Mick Mulvaney all publicly admitting to it multiple times in front of tv cameras.
QPQs aren't illegal. They are baked into every foreign aid bill on the planet.

The only people who think they have a case are desperate libs like yourself.

The charges will be extortion, bribery, abuse of power.

If Gaetz or Jordan had an IQ north of warm oatmeal they could handle professionals like Hill and Vindman. It's going to be a clownshow.

Been saying it for a longtime - Trump is corrupt to the core and damaging the party.

Cut bait - the Dem field should be easy pickings. Warren is imploding. Mayor Pete couldn't handle crises in South Bend. Uncle Joe needs another nap. Sanders is some Larry David cult, while held together by stents and wires. Bloomberg has the personality of a cardboard box.

Extortion and bribery don't apply because an investigation is not "something of value". Thanks for playing though. Abuse of power is a political "crime" that could be debated. He did push to investigate a dem. Too bad for y'all that's a legal (but partisan) action.

I agree, the libs are so trash they suck at arguing for impeachment. Trump will come out ahead though since they don't recognize reality.
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Been saying it for a longtime - Trump is corrupt to the core
Yep. Totally corrupt individuals engage in human trafficking, illegal payoffs to their relatives and themselves, quid pro quo with their family foundations, illegally spying on political opponents, etc.

WAIT. Wtf is Trump against those corrupt practices and is investigating those corrupt individuals?
Gary Johnson
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Trump is a corruption superhero defense.

He's conveniently only interested in debunked conspiracy theory corruption that helps him personally.
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Stephenville is busting out all the socks to star his posts and repeat mindless, completely unhinged pablum.

Take your meds pee-paw and put all those other personalities away.
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titan said:

If they had any brains they would call of this charade that any outside the Left pretty much see through and just concentrate on rigging 2024 or even 2028 and go from there.

Unless they fear that they will be perp walked.
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Smdh at Nikki Haley. Thought she had more integrity than this. But nope, she's chosen party over country.
Few of any `integrity' believe that the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, Hillary, et al, are proceeding from any sense of integrity or concern for the rule of law. Or even any concern for America's interest.

Choosing anything over the Democrat socialist kangaroo court drive is the correct choice just now. It doesn't matter if they find some genuine process crime. As the LIbertarians like Rand so effectively point out, America's laws are so convoluted the corrupt can always "find the crime" for the politician they want to hang out to dry.
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The charges will be extortion, bribery, abuse of power.
Delusion is a helluva drug
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Gary Johnson said:

Trump is a corruption superhero defense.

He's conveniently only interested in debunked conspiracy theory corruption that helps him personally.
I'm starting to think you don't know what the term "debunked" means
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