964,256 Views | 9220 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Pizza
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daggertx said:

Sounds like a troll account

Isn't that against TexAgs policies?
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
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Prognightmare said:

Translation: the House Dems in Trump won districts got their asses handed to them over this impeachment farce by their constituents during the 2 week recess.
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Wow. In today's WaPo. This particular action by Rudy poses no jeopardy to Trump, but it raises a ton more questions about who all is paying Rudy.


Rudolph W. Giuliani privately urged President Trump in 2017 to extradite a Turkish cleric living in exile in the United States, a top priority of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to multiple former administration officials familiar with the discussions.

Giuliani, a Trump ally who later became the president's personal attorney, repeatedly argued to Trump that the U.S. government should eject Fethullah Gulen from the country, according to the former officials, who spoke on the condition on anonymity to describe private conversations.

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4stringAg said:

Prognightmare said:

Translation: the House Dems in Trump won districts got their asses handed to them over this impeachment farce by their constituents during the 2 week recess.
Yep. Pelosi doesn't have the votes anymore.
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aggiehawg said:

4stringAg said:

Prognightmare said:

Translation: the House Dems in Trump won districts got their asses handed to them over this impeachment farce by their constituents during the 2 week recess.
Yep. Pelosi doesn't have the votes anymore.
She may and may not. But I think the reason she doesn't bring it for a vote is the blow back the House will get when the Senate does the REAL investigation and opens all the cans of worms that the Democrats have squirreled away.
Joe Exotic
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Lot of truth to that. Pelosi knows that once they pass impeachment McConnell and Graham then control the narrative and proceedings.

Good for goose and gander all that.
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aggiehawg said:

4stringAg said:

Prognightmare said:

Translation: the House Dems in Trump won districts got their asses handed to them over this impeachment farce by their constituents during the 2 week recess.
Yep. Pelosi doesn't have the votes anymore.

This is also cover for Dems in purple districts who would be forced to vote for impeachment and risk losing their seats.

Pelosi is either a coward or smart enough to realize she would probably go down in flames if impeachment proceeded.
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MetoliusAg said:

Wow. In today's WaPo. This particular action by Rudy poses no jeopardy to Trump, but it raises a ton more questions about who all is paying Rudy.


Rudolph W. Giuliani privately urged President Trump in 2017 to extradite a Turkish cleric living in exile in the United States, a top priority of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to multiple former administration officials familiar with the discussions.

Giuliani, a Trump ally who later became the president's personal attorney, repeatedly argued to Trump that the U.S. government should eject Fethullah Gulen from the country, according to the former officials, who spoke on the condition on anonymity to describe private conversations.

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Burdizzo said:

aggiehawg said:

4stringAg said:

Prognightmare said:

Translation: the House Dems in Trump won districts got their asses handed to them over this impeachment farce by their constituents during the 2 week recess.
Yep. Pelosi doesn't have the votes anymore.

This is also cover for Dems in purple districts who would be forced to vote for impeachment and risk losing their seats.

Pelosi is either a coward or smart enough to realize she would probably go down in flames if impeachment proceeded.
She's 80. Her last hurrah. The House will be lost in 2020, her Speakership permanently over.

She's like a WWI fighter pilot who refused to give up when shot all to hell and insisted on a crash without being in flames.
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YouBet said:

MetoliusAg said:

Wow. In today's WaPo. This particular action by Rudy poses no jeopardy to Trump, but it raises a ton more questions about who all is paying Rudy.


Rudolph W. Giuliani privately urged President Trump in 2017 to extradite a Turkish cleric living in exile in the United States, a top priority of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to multiple former administration officials familiar with the discussions.

Giuliani, a Trump ally who later became the president's personal attorney, repeatedly argued to Trump that the U.S. government should eject Fethullah Gulen from the country, according to the former officials, who spoke on the condition on anonymity to describe private conversations.


Well, WAPO?
Ag with kids
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aginlakeway said:

Why are all of your posts anti-Trump?

What was your former username?
He was StephenvilleAg for about 15-18 years...
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MetoliusAg said:

Wow. In today's WaPo. This particular action by Rudy poses no jeopardy to Trump, but it raises a ton more questions about who all is paying Rudy.


Rudolph W. Giuliani privately urged President Trump in 2017 to extradite a Turkish cleric living in exile in the United States, a top priority of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to multiple former administration officials familiar with the discussions.

Giuliani, a Trump ally who later became the president's personal attorney, repeatedly argued to Trump that the U.S. government should eject Fethullah Gulen from the country, according to the former officials, who spoke on the condition on anonymity to describe private conversations.

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MetoliusAg said:

Wow. In today's WaPo. This particular action by Rudy poses no jeopardy to Trump, but it raises a ton more questions about who all is paying Rudy.


Rudolph W. Giuliani privately urged President Trump in 2017 to extradite a Turkish cleric living in exile in the United States, a top priority of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to multiple former administration officials familiar with the discussions.

Giuliani, a Trump ally who later became the president's personal attorney, repeatedly argued to Trump that the U.S. government should eject Fethullah Gulen from the country, according to the former officials, who spoke on the condition on anonymity to describe private conversations.

You serious Clark? The F ing WaPo, did you say WaPo? I mean did you say WaPo?

Bahahahahahahaha... WaPo did you really say WaPo?

Conclusion: WaPo is CNN or CNN is WaPo... junk rated leftist propaganda tools for lying

Did you really say WaPo? Rolling on the floor
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MetoliusAg said:

Proof that "It really is a small world", Exhibit #2,472, 147.

Wait, so you are telling me that a career diplomat in charge of the Ukraine office has professional experience in Ukraine? You have to ask how deep the swamp really is when "coincidences" like that keep piling up.
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aggiehawg said:


The subpoena of the former congressman offers a window into the investigation by the Manhattan U.S. attorney's office into the business dealings of Mr. Giuliani in Ukraine, including his finances, meetings and work for a city mayor there. Investigators have examined his bank records and have questioned witnesses about him since at least August.
This may surprise you but if there is any corruption there with Rudy and Sessions, by all means investigate it.
If you really mean that, then yes, that would surprise me.


The corruption and numerous crimes committed by Erdogan, Zarrab, and many others in Turkey are well known inside the US State Dept, SDNY, CIA, and US Treasury Dept.. For now he is untouchable by the long arm of US justice, because he is the "elected" leader of Turkey.

But someday Erdogan will no longer be the ruler of Turkey, and he will end up in US custody. If the Turkish people don't kill him first.

For the past several years Erdogan has expended a lot of backroom dealmaking and a ton of money trying to get the criminal cases in the US dropped and Gulen and Zarrab sent back to Turkey. For Gulen, it would be a death sentence. Erdogan paid big $$$$ to quite a few Americans, including Rudy, General Flynn, Michael Mukasey Jr., and others to aid him in this.



Berman would not be doing it without a heads up to Main Justice, so Barr has given his blessing apparently.
The rumor going round DC and NYC for the past several weeks is Barr & Trump want to replace Berman at SDNY.
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will25u said:

But, But, But, according to a "well respected CNN journalist" none of this is happening.

etcetera said so, so it must be true.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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But, But, But, according to a "well respected CNN journalist" none of this is happening.

etcetera said so, so it must be true.
He's having a rough day, today.
Pro Sandy
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In a secret interview, Rep. Adam Schiff, leader of the House Democratic effort to impeach President Trump, pressed former United States special representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter as a result of Trump withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine.

Volker denied that was the case, noting that Ukrainian leaders did not even know the aid was being withheld and that they believed their relationship with the U.S. was moving along satisfactorily, without them having done anything Trump mentioned in his notorious July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
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Schiff pressed Volker to agree one more time. In response, Volker tried to explain that the Ukrainians did not seem to be feeling pressure from Trump and the U.S.

"Congressman, this is why I'm trying to say the context is different, because at the time they learned that, if we assume it's Aug. 29, they had just had a visit from the national security adviser, John Bolton. That's a high-level meeting already. He was recommending and working on scheduling the visit of President Zelensky to Washington. We were also working on a bilateral meeting to take place in Warsaw on the margins of a commemoration on the beginning of World War II. And in that context, I think the Ukrainians felt like things are going the right direction, and they had not done anything on they had not done anything on an investigation, they had not done anything on a statement, and things were ramping up in terms of their engagement with the administration. So I think they were actually feeling pretty good then."

At that point, Schiff gave up. Why was Volker resisting? "Ambassador, I find it remarkable as a career diplomat that you have difficulty acknowledging that when Ukraine learned that their aid had been suspended for unknown reasons, that this wouldn't add additional urgency to a request by the president of the United States. I find that remarkable."

Later, Republican Rep. Scott Perry questioned Volker, returning to the colloquy with Schiff. Perry asked Volker whether he, Volker, had close relations with Ukrainian officials and whether, if those officials felt something was amiss, they would tell Volker.

"The folks that you dealt with in Ukraine at the very highest level, I don't know, but I'm going to ask, do you feel like they had a fair amount of trust in you?"

"Absolutely," said Volker.

"So they would confide things in you if they had a question?"

"They would confide things," Volker answered. "They would ask questions. They would ask for help. We had a very candid relationship ... "

"In your conversation with Rep. Schiff, he kind of implied and wanted you to intimate that there was an agreement based on that conversation that: If you do the investigation, then you can have a meeting [with Trump] and maybe we'll consider this military aid. If that were the case from the call, do you feel, because they had some trust in you, that they would have come to you and said, 'Hey how do we handle this? Is this what the President of the United States is asking?' Would they confide would they ask you that?"

"Yes," said Volker. "They would have asked me exactly that, you know. How do we handle this?"
Now we see why Schiff doesn't want GOP House members to do much questioning. His narrative gets destroyed upon cross examination.

Which is exactly what will happen in a Senate trial.
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Looks like Manu Raju's reporting was correct.

Hopefully there won't be anymore posts made which claim "No Republicans are allowed in the depositions" and "Republicans aren't allowed to ask questions to the witnesses in the depositions".

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MetoliusAg said:

Looks like Manu Raju's reporting was correct.

Hopefully there won't be anymore posts made which claim "No Republicans are allowed in the depositions" and "Republicans aren't allowed to ask questions to the witnesses in the depositions".

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. Reps still can't subpoena witnesses.
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EKUAg said:

MetoliusAg said:

Looks like Manu Raju's reporting was correct.

Hopefully there won't be anymore posts made which claim "No Republicans are allowed in the depositions" and "Republicans aren't allowed to ask questions to the witnesses in the depositions".

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. Reps still can't subpoena witnesses.
And are still locked out of most hearings, probably because Volker burned Schiff's ass and he doesn't want a repeat.

Of course, etcetera thinks everything is on the up and up and Republicans aren't being blocked from the hearings or if they're allowed, highly restricted in what Schiff allows them to say.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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MetoliusAg said:

Looks like Manu Raju's reporting was correct.

Hopefully there won't be anymore posts made which claim "No Republicans are allowed in the depositions" and "Republicans aren't allowed to ask questions to the witnesses in the depositions".

If it were there would be reporting on more than ONE GOP member asking questions, don't you think?

Still can't understand the difference between equal time and subpoena authority, can you?

Wait, I know who I am talking to. You are a Clintonista still focused on the meaning of the word "is, is."
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It's October 16th and it's almost 7 pm...

Is Trump still our president?
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MetoliusAg said:

aggiehawg said:


The subpoena of the former congressman offers a window into the investigation by the Manhattan U.S. attorney's office into the business dealings of Mr. Giuliani in Ukraine, including his finances, meetings and work for a city mayor there. Investigators have examined his bank records and have questioned witnesses about him since at least August.
This may surprise you but if there is any corruption there with Rudy and Sessions, by all means investigate it.
If you really mean that, then yes, that would surprise me.


The corruption and numerous crimes committed by Erdogan, Zarrab, and many others in Turkey are well known inside the US State Dept, SDNY, CIA, and US Treasury Dept.. For now he is untouchable by the long arm of US justice, because he is the "elected" leader of Turkey.

But someday Erdogan will no longer be the ruler of Turkey, and he will end up in US custody. If the Turkish people don't kill him first.

For the past several years Erdogan has expended a lot of backroom dealmaking and a ton of money trying to get the criminal cases in the US dropped and Gulen and Zarrab sent back to Turkey. For Gulen, it would be a death sentence. Erdogan paid big $$$$ to quite a few Americans, including Rudy, General Flynn, Michael Mukasey Jr., and others to aid him in this.



Berman would not be doing it without a heads up to Main Justice, so Barr has given his blessing apparently.
The rumor going round DC and NYC for the past several weeks is Barr & Trump want to replace Berman at SDNY.

Do you even remember the last time you were right? Been years now.
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jokershady said:

It's October 16th and it's almost 7 pm...

Is Trump still our president?

Well, yes he is!
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EKUAg said:

MetoliusAg said:

Looks like Manu Raju's reporting was correct.

Hopefully there won't be anymore posts made which claim "No Republicans are allowed in the depositions" and "Republicans aren't allowed to ask questions to the witnesses in the depositions".

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. Reps still can't subpoena witnesses.
Just like the way Trey Gowdy & the R's ran the select committee's Benghazi depositions, iirc.
Joe Exotic
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Does it bother you knowing the gop senate won't convict and they will easily maintain their majority?
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aggiehawg said:

MetoliusAg said:

Looks like Manu Raju's reporting was correct.

Hopefully there won't be anymore posts made which claim "No Republicans are allowed in the depositions" and "Republicans aren't allowed to ask questions to the witnesses in the depositions".
If it were there would be reporting on more than ONE GOP member asking questions, don't you think?
It's been reported by Raju and a number of other journalists. Two Dem House members on the committees who attend the depositions stated it.
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