Neah, those gross grungy hippies would feel right at home wallowing in shT
rab79 said:
OMG! I really thought that was Alf until about the third time I looked at it.Tanya 93 said:
reverse the labels, ......... think about it.........annie88 said:Okay, I just spit out my beer.aggiedata said:
Even better than the original.
Brutalrab79 said:
What's weird about that cartoon is the man looks like Bush 41.rab79 said:
This a joke, right? There's no way anybody could so completely lack a sense of self-awareness that he would actually pitch that to get elected to public office. Right?themissinglink said:
I abused my ex girlfriend, but I didn't choke her. It would not have happened if we had better funded early childhood education and Medicare for All. Quite the election pitch.