Vader Was Framed said:
Old Army Metal said:
Come on y'all. Now this is funny. And I find Ted Cruz to be smart and funny.
An outright insult is not funny. Calling people pathetic is only funny to wannabe bullies and people with low self esteem.
satire is funny because it exposes human frailty and flaws and hypocrisy WITHOUT resorting to outright name calling.
good satire is like the fool in the court of the king in any shakespeare play.
he says the truth with brutal accuracy BUT without overt judgements.
This invites the person at whom the satire is targeted to rethink their views rather than beating them over the head with how stupid you think they are or how horribly wrong they are.
when someone is insulting you you are more likely to punch them in the face than listen to them, but when someone invites you in on a personal joke, even if it is about you, you can laugh a little and go along with it and even think about their point.
the only people satire offends are the people who already know they are wrong and the cognitive dissonance is so intense that it literally causes a mental breakdown when they are confronted with it.