His age, the frequency of these setbacks, the overall length of time on this much oxygen, and length of hospitalization are all factors working against him. I hope he is not suffering too much discomfort and if he does pass on it is peaceful.
The Banned said:
I will pray for his soul, regardless of whether he makes it through or not. In these times, the concern should be for him and his eternal journey.
I will also pray for the office of the papacy, whether he reigns for the next 10 years or next 10 minutes.
Personally, I am beginning to find it interesting that there seems to be a clinging on to life this "late in the game" I would think if I was in a heated battle against death in my late 80s that I'd be happy to let the nature God created to take it's course, but I've clearly never been there before. I have seen it multiple times in my personal circle over the past 10 years and it doesn't quite make sense.
Whatever happens next, to God be the glory.