Where some see an invasion others see hope

19,283 Views | 220 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by AggieRain
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Posting this as a new thread topic about Rev. Franklin Graham's Border Tour that just kicked off.

"I can't think of another region of the nation that needs hope more than this one. Everyone along the border is overwhelmed churches, law enforcement, residents, as well as the people coming into our country. I'm coming to the border to tell everyone about God's Son, Jesus Christ, and how He can make a difference in our lives." - Franklin Graham


I think he is right and will do some great work for Christ! Wish more Christians had this attitude.

ETA: If you have not heard of Marcos Witt - he is an amazing singer/songwriter (en espanol)
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I wonder if she saw hope or an invasion?

Prexys Moon
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I see an invasion of young, military aged criminals who are a threat to everything meaningful and right about the united states. Enemies of our nation. the border does not need "hope". the border needs a wall and military intervention.
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Lol - don't hold back.

I do wonder though and that it is why this is posted on this forum and not others- IF you are a disciple/follower of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Christian) - what do you say to people like Rev. Franklin Graham?

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I agree. People on the border need hope.

I agree migrants should be treated humanely.

I agree we should invest efforts to empower them to fix their homelands.

I agree we should enforce our laws and borders, which is our right as a sovereign nation.

I agree our immigration laws/rules are difficult and should be reformed to prioritize abilities, assimilation and acceptance into our country.

I agree Jesus Christ is the answer to all of our ills.

None of the above are contradictory however none of the above means we are obligated to allow unfettered mass illegal immigration nor that those who illegally enter our nation should not be humanely processed and returned to their home.

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Prexys Moon said:

I see an invasion of young, military aged criminals who are a threat to everything meaningful and right about the united states. Enemies of our nation. the border does not need "hope". the border needs a wall and military intervention.
Young men are the most expendable part of any family or group. If you want to try something risky to make things better for everyone, you aren't sending women, and you aren't sending established older men. It's dangerous, risky, and scary to go to a new country, and even more so when you are entering illegally. Of course the vast majority of these people are young men. They are also the best people to work and send money back.

This is entirely a consequence of our immigration policy. We don't enforce our borders, and we don't punish US companies that employ people here illegally. We also make it very difficult and expensive to come into the country legally. If you do come here illegally, even as a baby, then you're screwed. I know plenty of people that were brought to the US as babies that have been trying to get legal residency for 30-40 years. That's not even citizenship, just residency. The status quo is there by design. US companies get cheap labor, immigration agencies, lawyers, and enforcers get jobs, money wire agencies and poor countries make a killing from remitences, the Left gets a future voting base, and the Right gets a perpetual talking point. I can't tell if the human trafficking and illegal drug trade are also intended effects or unintended consequences, but no one in power seems to be much bothered by them.

A sensible approach such as:
a streamlined immigration system for able bodied workers that encourages people to bring their entire family to the US and fast tracks "good people" to citizenship
coupled with a strong border and deportation policy

would make too many important people lose money.
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PabloSerna said:

Lol - don't hold back.

I do wonder though and that it is why this is posted on this forum and not others- IF you are a disciple/follower of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Christian) - what do you say to people like Rev. Franklin Graham?

Franklin Graham strongly believes in spreading the Gospel and good news to all….much like his father before him, which is awesome!! He is using this opportunity to reach thousands!! But Franklin Graham also adamantly believes in a strong border and enforcing our laws!!! The two can co-exist!!! If your intentions are to use Franklin Graham's crusade as an attempt to justify open borders then you are seriously mistaken…..if you are referring to Franklin Graham's evangelism as a great thing in and of itself….kudos to you!!
Fins Up!
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Pablo: what about how Biden's collusion with the cartels have created the largest human smuggling operation in our history? He has created a false hope and enabled these people to become victims of heinous crimes. That's what Biden did. He destroyed hope. How do you square that up?

I think Jesus mourns for the awful things that Biden has enabled the cartels to do this people. He enabled Satan to work through the cartels and their smuggling. The only hope is the vengeance that is God's and God's alone.
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And oh by the way, look who was with him.

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1. No one here is arguing for Open Borders, so full stop on that idea.
2. This is a religious & philosophy forum, so keep the cartel collusion conspiracy for another forum.
3. Policies and the Presidents actions/inactions are fodder for another forum.

Again, just want to understand the dynamic between the words of Jesus, which many Christians have taken to heart and are helping out strangers in a new land with food, clothing, and shelter - versus the rhetoric coming from the Texas AG office trying to shut down these types of ministries.

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First I have heard of a USA and Mexican cartel collusion. Maybe you have some specifics on that or is this your way of seeing the human crisis as someone else's problem so you can cast stones?

As an American and Christian (Catholic), I see a lot of people/families suffering at the hands of a few. I have heard some of their stories and most are coming here to find a better life and make money that they can send back home. Are there some that hate American and are imbedding themselves here for a surprise attack? I would think so. So we have to be careful and secure the border for a safe and orderly process to address each person's situation.

While they are here, awaiting further legal action, the humane act to do is offer basic food, clothing, and shelter that is safe. If you have ever tried to show up unannounced at a Women's Shelter, or similar place of refuge, the staff will try and stop the possibility of exposing the visitor's identities. Watch the video of the news crew trying to "expose" a shelter in Arizona, and trying to make a connection to a stash house. A complete lack of that ministry's purpose and duty.

I will put my cards on the table, but it should already be obvious, I see the connection between Christ's words that what so ever we do to the least of these, so we do unto him. These, as Rev. Graham has already noted, ARE the least of these- they deserve some dignity and help. I believe when we offer a better solution, maybe not faster, but safer and one that does not destroy families- they will stop choosing the coyotes. They won't stop coming- it is part of our history from the first Puritans that fled England, to the young men fleeing El Salvador to escape MS-13, we are that city on a hill, IMHO.

ETA (Quote from Graham)

"It would be very difficult to do this without the local church. We want our local church involved because tomorrow when we are gone, the church is still here. The people who make decisions for Christ, we want to get them into the church and the local church to benefit from having new believers," Graham said.

B-1 83
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Imagine the people on here or F16 losing their minds if the Pope had said the same thing.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
Fins Up!
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Pablo, I understand and actually do emphasize. I am a devout Christian myself, of the Reformed Protestant variety. I agree with most all that you have said, especially the part about helping the poor and hopeless.

However, to deny that this is a human smuggling operation that Biden allows (or encourages) is erroneous and foolish. Ask anyone with land along the river. The levy in the Valley is littered with wristbands. In fact, landowners are finding wristbands on their property hundreds of miles from the border. Allegedly, the cartel uses the wristbands to determine what day they cross, and/or what level of servitude they owe. As a Christian this makes my heart weep because Biden enabled, encouraged, and facilitated the cartel's exploitation of these people. We both agree they have suffered, so why make them slaves to the cartel? And ask yourself if any of the illegals look like they've been walking through Mexico? Of course not!

No, Biden wanted this to happen so they could flood the country with illegal aliens and overwhelm the system. Then they can give them amnesty and ensure generations of loyal Democrat voters, so they can stay in power indefinitely. The elitist white liberals that run the party really despise the poor, and are the true facilitators in this. And they know the poor are needed to keep them in power. Exploitation indeed! As a Christian I am angry that the Democrats use the cartels to exploit the poor and hopeless. Aren't you also? It's all about power.

This smuggling operation was well orchestrated and executed by both the cartels and the Biden Administration. So as a Christian, why can't I feel compassion and be outraged simultaneously?

Why can't we, as a once Christian nation (because we aren't anymore), do all we can to help other countries raise their standard of living? It seems to me that would be a way to spread the love of Christ. Why don't we eradicate the cartels out of Mexico with the fervor that we used in Afghanistan, but only see it through to completion? But I surmise that is a separate debate.
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'The charities accused of 'aiding and abetting' migrant crisis after volunteer from Tucson Samaritans was filmed 'holding hole in fence open''


In Arizona, footage shared by Representative Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin showed a volunteer from the Tucson Samaritans appear to hold open a section of border fence so a group of migrants could enter the country. The migrants then boarded a charity vehicle before they were transported away.
This is facilitating the flow of illegal immigrants.
The Hefty Lefty
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PabloSerna said:

Posting this as a new thread topic about Rev. Franklin Graham's Border Tour that just kicked off.

"I can't think of another region of the nation that needs hope more than this one. Everyone along the border is overwhelmed churches, law enforcement, residents, as well as the people coming into our country. I'm coming to the border to tell everyone about God's Son, Jesus Christ, and how He can make a difference in our lives." - Franklin Graham


I think he is right and will do some great work for Christ! Wish more Christians had this attitude.

ETA: If you have not heard of Marcos Witt - he is an amazing singer/songwriter (en espanol)

I remember when lefties hated Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse ministries so much, they wanted to refuse allowing them to set up field hospitals in and around Central Park during the early parts of the C19 plandemic. If he preaches repentance and faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the border, it'll not be long before lefties rage again and call him an xenophobic / homophobic.
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RAB91 said:

'The charities accused of 'aiding and abetting' migrant crisis after volunteer from Tucson Samaritans was filmed 'holding hole in fence open''


In Arizona, footage shared by Representative Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin showed a volunteer from the Tucson Samaritans appear to hold open a section of border fence so a group of migrants could enter the country. The migrants then boarded a charity vehicle before they were transported away.
This is facilitating the flow of illegal immigrants.

Is that equivalent to police brutality or police stealing? This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you look at their mission statement they are clear that they are only dealing with immigrants that have been processed and in need of help.
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That's a strange response. They're caught on video breaking the law but it doesn't matter because their mission statement says otherwise?
Leonard H. Stringfield
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"One Nation Under God"

Are we?

But until the law is changed, the first act these troubled folk commit upon entering the US is an illegal one?

Bad ju-ju IMO. Not a good way to start.

I recall back in the mid-70's a professor for one of my classes at A&M pretty much predicted this thing to happen due to over-population in Mexico.
"Roswell, 1947, there was a uap (ufo) that crashed, in fact there were 2 uaps, 1 crashed and one flew away and the other one did not and was recovered by the US GOVERNMENT."
- Lue Elizondo-former director of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program-August 20, 2024

Are A&M's core values..optional? Who has the POWER to determine that? Are certain departments exempt? Why?

Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA

Jack Boyett
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Aren't these people coming from countries that are 90+% catholic? Does Franklin Graham have some info that they don't already have?

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Is it possible that there are some people volunteering or working for these non-profits that are acting alone?
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Which countries are you thinking about?
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Over population?

Did you buy that lie too?
Leonard H. Stringfield
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Again, strange response. There is video of the van owned by the non-profit. So your assumption is now that some volunteers went rogue, stole the van from the organization to then break more laws on their own?
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Rusty Aha said:

PabloSerna said:

Posting this as a new thread topic about Rev. Franklin Graham's Border Tour that just kicked off.

"I can't think of another region of the nation that needs hope more than this one. Everyone along the border is overwhelmed churches, law enforcement, residents, as well as the people coming into our country. I'm coming to the border to tell everyone about God's Son, Jesus Christ, and how He can make a difference in our lives." - Franklin Graham


I think he is right and will do some great work for Christ! Wish more Christians had this attitude.

ETA: If you have not heard of Marcos Witt - he is an amazing singer/songwriter (en espanol)

I remember when lefties hated Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse ministries so much, they wanted to refuse allowing them to set up field hospitals in and around Central Park during the early parts of the C19 plandemic. If he preaches repentance and faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the border, it'll not be long before lefties rage again and call him an xenophobic / homophobic.
I don't remember that being any big deal....I do, however, remember Scientology setting up tents in a variety of places causes a stink.

I think if Graham is preaching to illegals on the border, many on the right will have a problem with it if he's not pushing them back across. And not sure he'd need to preach on the border since most of the illegal immigrants are Christians already.
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BluHorseShu said:

Rusty Aha said:

PabloSerna said:

Posting this as a new thread topic about Rev. Franklin Graham's Border Tour that just kicked off.

"I can't think of another region of the nation that needs hope more than this one. Everyone along the border is overwhelmed churches, law enforcement, residents, as well as the people coming into our country. I'm coming to the border to tell everyone about God's Son, Jesus Christ, and how He can make a difference in our lives." - Franklin Graham


I think he is right and will do some great work for Christ! Wish more Christians had this attitude.

ETA: If you have not heard of Marcos Witt - he is an amazing singer/songwriter (en espanol)

I remember when lefties hated Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse ministries so much, they wanted to refuse allowing them to set up field hospitals in and around Central Park during the early parts of the C19 plandemic. If he preaches repentance and faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the border, it'll not be long before lefties rage again and call him an xenophobic / homophobic.
I don't remember that being any big deal....I do, however, remember Scientology setting up tents in a variety of places causes a stink.

I think if Graham is preaching to illegals on the border, many on the right will have a problem with it if he's not pushing them back across. And not sure he'd need to preach on the border since most of the illegal immigrants are Christians already.

What would make you think that most illegal immigrants are Christians? (Side note…..I wouldn't think it's very Christlike to openly break the law.)
Mark Fairchild
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Have read your posts for a long time, and tried to be charitable. I have finally decided that the clutter and confusion you sow must be extinguished. Hence, you are now "Ignored".
Gig'em, Ole Army Class of '70
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PabloSerna said:

Is it possible that there are some people volunteering or working for these non-profits that are acting alone?
What a weak answer. You know the truth... these NGO's are facilitating illegal immigration.
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RAB91 said:

PabloSerna said:

Is it possible that there are some people volunteering or working for these non-profits that are acting alone?
What a weak answer. You know the truth... these NGO's are facilitating illegal immigration.

I think that is just it- we don't know the truth. I don't think anyone on here has a smoking gun showing this being a policy written down that can stand up in a court of law. The court of public opinion however has weighed in and cast enough stones. Jesus would be proud?

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Mark Fairchild said:

Have read your posts for a long time, and tried to be charitable. I have finally decided that the clutter and confusion you sow must be extinguished. Hence, you are now "Ignored".

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
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PabloSerna said:

RAB91 said:

PabloSerna said:

Is it possible that there are some people volunteering or working for these non-profits that are acting alone?
What a weak answer. You know the truth... these NGO's are facilitating illegal immigration.

I think that is just it- we don't know the truth. I don't think anyone on here has a smoking gun showing this being a policy written down that can stand up in a court of law. The court of public opinion however has weighed in and cast enough stones. Jesus would be proud?

It doesn't matter what is written down. It matters what they do. Why are you making this harder than it needs to be?
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Bighunter43 said:

BluHorseShu said:

Rusty Aha said:

PabloSerna said:

Posting this as a new thread topic about Rev. Franklin Graham's Border Tour that just kicked off.

"I can't think of another region of the nation that needs hope more than this one. Everyone along the border is overwhelmed churches, law enforcement, residents, as well as the people coming into our country. I'm coming to the border to tell everyone about God's Son, Jesus Christ, and how He can make a difference in our lives." - Franklin Graham


I think he is right and will do some great work for Christ! Wish more Christians had this attitude.

ETA: If you have not heard of Marcos Witt - he is an amazing singer/songwriter (en espanol)

I remember when lefties hated Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse ministries so much, they wanted to refuse allowing them to set up field hospitals in and around Central Park during the early parts of the C19 plandemic. If he preaches repentance and faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the border, it'll not be long before lefties rage again and call him an xenophobic / homophobic.
I don't remember that being any big deal....I do, however, remember Scientology setting up tents in a variety of places causes a stink.

I think if Graham is preaching to illegals on the border, many on the right will have a problem with it if he's not pushing them back across. And not sure he'd need to preach on the border since most of the illegal immigrants are Christians already.

What would make you think that most illegal immigrants are Christians? (Side note…..I wouldn't think it's very Christlike to openly break the law.)
Are you of the opinion that most coming from Mexico are not Catholic? Its not very Christlike to sin....yet we all do it almost every day. I'm not saying that every illegal immigrant has the same background/story, but I will say that any of those that are just trying to escape harsh treatment or extreme poverty for a better life for their family, I would absolutely break the law of crossing a border illegally.
I realize that a good number of people don't believe those crossing have any redeeming qualities or sympathy for their situation. I'm not condoning it, I'm looking at it from their perspective. Allowing all the immigrants is untenable. But while I don't approve of it....I understand it for many of them and sympathize.
I was just lucky enough to have been born in the U.S. I did absolutely nothing to earn that right, and neither did anyone else born in the U.S.
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BluHorseShu said:

Bighunter43 said:

BluHorseShu said:

Rusty Aha said:

PabloSerna said:

Posting this as a new thread topic about Rev. Franklin Graham's Border Tour that just kicked off.

"I can't think of another region of the nation that needs hope more than this one. Everyone along the border is overwhelmed churches, law enforcement, residents, as well as the people coming into our country. I'm coming to the border to tell everyone about God's Son, Jesus Christ, and how He can make a difference in our lives." - Franklin Graham


I think he is right and will do some great work for Christ! Wish more Christians had this attitude.

ETA: If you have not heard of Marcos Witt - he is an amazing singer/songwriter (en espanol)

I remember when lefties hated Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse ministries so much, they wanted to refuse allowing them to set up field hospitals in and around Central Park during the early parts of the C19 plandemic. If he preaches repentance and faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the border, it'll not be long before lefties rage again and call him an xenophobic / homophobic.
I don't remember that being any big deal....I do, however, remember Scientology setting up tents in a variety of places causes a stink.

I think if Graham is preaching to illegals on the border, many on the right will have a problem with it if he's not pushing them back across. And not sure he'd need to preach on the border since most of the illegal immigrants are Christians already.

What would make you think that most illegal immigrants are Christians? (Side note…..I wouldn't think it's very Christlike to openly break the law.)
Are you of the opinion that most coming from Mexico are not Catholic? Its not very Christlike to sin....yet we all do it almost every day. I'm not saying that every illegal immigrant has the same background/story, but I will say that any of those that are just trying to escape harsh treatment or extreme poverty for a better life for their family, I would absolutely break the law of crossing a border illegally.
I realize that a good number of people don't believe those crossing have any redeeming qualities or sympathy for their situation. I'm not condoning it, I'm looking at it from their perspective. Allowing all the immigrants is untenable. But while I don't approve of it....I understand it for many of them and sympathize.
I was just lucky enough to have been born in the U.S. I did absolutely nothing to earn that right, and neither did anyone else born in the U.S.

I don't disagree with your sentiment about the plight of many of the people coming in. I've witnessed it firsthand. I cannot blame anyone for wanting to come here….but unfortunately "open borders" is not the answer. I wish more could come "legally" and that the process was easier and more streamlined. I understand that many are in total poverty and looking for a better life, but I don't think coming in illegally is the right way. If I'm homeless and starving, then is it ok to break into your house in the middle of the night and take your food because I am not as fortunate?
My question was why you think the majority coming are already Christians? Which you answered by saying most are Catholic. I don't want to overstate this…but there's not a single religion, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, whatever that makes you a Christian. Being baptized into a "religion" at birth doesn't make you a Christian…."knowingly" accepting Christ as your Savior and repenting of your sins is the ONLY way. There's no way one can determine if the majority of immigrants are actually Christians, especially assuming that they "might" belong to a specific religion, which in itself has no bearing on one's status as a Christian.
What Franklin Graham is doing along the border is awesome!! Spreading the gospel to people is what Christians are commanded to do….and yes we need to help our fellow man in need….just need to find a better way to accomplish legal immigration, which includes a vetting process.
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Bighunter43 said:

BluHorseShu said:

Bighunter43 said:

BluHorseShu said:

Rusty Aha said:

PabloSerna said:

Posting this as a new thread topic about Rev. Franklin Graham's Border Tour that just kicked off.

"I can't think of another region of the nation that needs hope more than this one. Everyone along the border is overwhelmed churches, law enforcement, residents, as well as the people coming into our country. I'm coming to the border to tell everyone about God's Son, Jesus Christ, and how He can make a difference in our lives." - Franklin Graham


I think he is right and will do some great work for Christ! Wish more Christians had this attitude.

ETA: If you have not heard of Marcos Witt - he is an amazing singer/songwriter (en espanol)

I remember when lefties hated Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse ministries so much, they wanted to refuse allowing them to set up field hospitals in and around Central Park during the early parts of the C19 plandemic. If he preaches repentance and faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the border, it'll not be long before lefties rage again and call him an xenophobic / homophobic.
I don't remember that being any big deal....I do, however, remember Scientology setting up tents in a variety of places causes a stink.

I think if Graham is preaching to illegals on the border, many on the right will have a problem with it if he's not pushing them back across. And not sure he'd need to preach on the border since most of the illegal immigrants are Christians already.

What would make you think that most illegal immigrants are Christians? (Side note…..I wouldn't think it's very Christlike to openly break the law.)
Are you of the opinion that most coming from Mexico are not Catholic? Its not very Christlike to sin....yet we all do it almost every day. I'm not saying that every illegal immigrant has the same background/story, but I will say that any of those that are just trying to escape harsh treatment or extreme poverty for a better life for their family, I would absolutely break the law of crossing a border illegally.
I realize that a good number of people don't believe those crossing have any redeeming qualities or sympathy for their situation. I'm not condoning it, I'm looking at it from their perspective. Allowing all the immigrants is untenable. But while I don't approve of it....I understand it for many of them and sympathize.
I was just lucky enough to have been born in the U.S. I did absolutely nothing to earn that right, and neither did anyone else born in the U.S.

I don't disagree with your sentiment about the plight of many of the people coming in. I've witnessed it firsthand. I cannot blame anyone for wanting to come here….but unfortunately "open borders" is not the answer. I wish more could come "legally" and that the process was easier and more streamlined. I understand that many are in total poverty and looking for a better life, but I don't think coming in illegally is the right way. If I'm homeless and starving, then is it ok to break into your house in the middle of the night and take your food because I am not as fortunate?
My question was why you think the majority coming are already Christians? Which you answered by saying most are Catholic. I don't want to overstate this…but there's not a single religion, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, whatever that makes you a Christian. Being baptized into a "religion" at birth doesn't make you a Christian…."knowingly" accepting Christ as your Savior and repenting of your sins is the ONLY way. There's no way one can determine if the majority of immigrants are actually Christians, especially assuming that they "might" belong to a specific religion, which in itself has no bearing on one's status as a Christian.
What Franklin Graham is doing along the border is awesome!! Spreading the gospel to people is what Christians are commanded to do….and yes we need to help our fellow man in need….just need to find a better way to accomplish legal immigration, which includes a vetting process.
I can get behind most of what you said. Though being baptized at any time doesn't mean one has faith that perseveres. Even Catholics require confirmation (knowingly confirming your faith in Christ for salvation). So to your original point, I wouldn't assume they are not Christians just because they are doing something we deem illegal. If you were homeless, breaking into someones house is vastly different than crossing a border to look for work to support your family. I don't think that analogy works. To date I have yet to be directly impacted by all the illegal immigration but I see the folly of allowing it to happen an the strain it has on our system. However, I know people along the border have experienced break ins an even some violent interactions.
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