What about the homeless guy that washes your windshield or car with a dirty squeegee at the intersection without your permission?
Frok said:
What about the homeless guy that washes your windshield or car with a dirty squeegee at the intersection without your permission?
I don't buy this at all. Almost all the contributors to homeless are worsened by stress and hopelessness. Mental illness, poverty, drug abuse are all products of these problems or those problems make this worse. Can you imagine a world where a hopeless, depressed drug addict goes around asking for help and almost everyone helps them? Hard to feel hopeless and depressed when it seems that every random stranger cares enough to give you whatever they can. I'd bet that most people in that situation would either use all that help to make their lives better or at the very least be more open to other people trying to make their lives better.Quote:
Cumulative behaviors matter. A thousand people like you and you've just enabled that guys negative behaviors.
That goes for most small acts of kindness or selfishness. If I litter one cup is it really that big a deal? No. But it doesn't take too many people with that attitude to make a huge mess.
don't buy this at all. Almost all the contributors to homeless are worsened by stress and hopelessness
Frok said:Quote:
don't buy this at all. Almost all the contributors to homeless are worsened by stress and hopelessness
IMO to end up on the street you have to burn through several safety nets of family/friends/charity. Addiction is the thing that can do that.
Ain't nothing wrong with giving money if you feel it in your heart to do so. Sometimes you can tell a person needs food or water and they are not simply panhandling.
Ain't nothing wrong with giving money if you feel it in your heart to do so.