kurt vonnegut said:
DirtDiver said:
It's not fair that sinless Jesus has to endure separation from the Father and endure the rejection of His own creation and endure the cross to pay for my sin.
I know I'm repeating what I just posted a minute ago, but why did Jesus have to endure spearation and suffering to pay for your sin. What is the natural law that God and goodness and sin is all subject to that is beyond God that says this is the way for Jesus to pay for your sins? Who made that rule?
Couldn't God have created a rule that said that Jesus only had to go on a beach vacation in order to pay for our sins? Sure, it wouldn't have had any of the same affect or symbolic resonance. . . . . .
The "why" questions are the hardest to answer within Christianity. Why does God allow suffering, why did God make us this way, why did make the rules that He did, why did Jesus have to suffer? Sometimes the Bible directly answers these questions, sometimes we can make educated guesses, sometimes we guess and get it totally wrong and in the process become foolish (see Job's friends), and sometimes the honest answer is, "I don't know".
I've been a parent for a few years now and have rules for my child. I try to teach "why" we do things but she's too young and doesn't not have enough life experience to comprehend everything. In the areas of life that she cannot comprehend, I just need her to trust me and obey.
When it comes to our relationship with God, do we have enough information to believe that He exists and to personally put our trust in Him even though we may be left with some mystery to all of the "why" questions? For me it's a yes.
Here's my best guess at the answer from the biblical text to the question of, why did Jesus have to suffer...
1. Sin is severe and results in death. Death means both physical death and spiritual separation from God.
2. This consequence is a rule God created.
3. My guess (I could be wrong) that given God's unique, holiness, at the very core of his nature, sin is something that cannot dwell in His presence. Thus the rule would not be arbitrary, its just is, because of who He is.
4. God's desire is for us to relate to Him and our sin prevents it.
5. The severity of sin is illustrated with blood sacrifices. OT: The blood or death of animals provided a temporary covering for sin foreshadowing a better blood sacrifice. This death is the consequence of the curse.
6. The blood sacrifices of animals, while a temporary covering, was not a satisfactory payment for sin. An animal can not pay for my sins.
7. Likewise, you and I cannot pay for each other sins because we are both sinful.
8. If the sinless son of God (God incarnate) become a man, then His death could pay for all sins of all humanity for all time.
9. This payment satisfied God's wrath toward sin and provided the proper payment for the consequences of sin which is death.
10. The separation of Jesus from the Father is also a proper payment for sin as the consequence of sin is also spiritual death.
A friend hypothesized the other day that Jesus would have endured a million crucifixions over and over to never experience the separation He experienced from the Father when He bore the sins of the world.
While I could be completely wrong in my assessment above to the, "why did Jesus" have to suffer question, that inability is not a roadblock as I have the pages of Biblical History to see that God is good, we hate His authority, and that He's demonstrated His love, that while we are guilty and sinful, He would die for us to bring us into relationship with Him and one another. I can also see His faithfulness to keep His promises in history which causes me to trust that He will be faithful to keep His promises about our future and eradicate sin and death, and the curse, once and for all.