M1Buckeye said:
BluHorseShu said:
M1Buckeye said:
BluHorseShu said:
M1Buckeye said:
Inbev (owner of Anheuser Busch)
Joel Osteen
Catholic Church
Most universities
etc., etc. etc.
Maybe the Amish have had it right all along.
Wow. Not afraid to just come right out again the Christ's Church without any context. Bold move Cotton. Well, opinions and elbows....you know the drill.
There are many false teachers and pretenders in various "Christian" denominations that are "of the world" and not of God.
Those are individuals and are not the Church. Christ is the head of the Church. It still all goes back to the individual. When we sin, we are doing things that are not of God and of the world.
I'd be interested in your belief that the Catholic Church is part of the beast mentioned in revelation (I believe you mentioned this in your other post).
Jesus's church is his body of followers which include many Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, non-denominational, etc. Jesus's church is NOT some worldly institution located in Vatican City or anywhere else. Believers in Christ, such as you (I presume) and I are his church.
That is part of the members of His Church but is better defined as the Body of Christ. But what makes more sense...That Jesus only left the scriptures for us to figure out on our own and pick and choose how and what we interpret? Or that he left us an actually Church to continue the teachings (interpretation) of scripture as the Apostles where doing? Seems Jesus would not put us in a position to just continue to reinvent various interpretations but something that represents his teaching authority (like he tasked the Apostles and they tasked their successors? The problem with the idea its only made up of people who at bare minimum believe Christ is the Messiah who died and was resurrected is that there is significant disagreement about key elements of Christs teachings.
Technically, the Church and specifically the early Church...was just the Christian Church. So what would the Apostles be.....Baptist, Methodist, Pentacostal, non-denominational (which is just a vague term for not being bound to any organization and able to change statements of faith).?
I think its fair to say that the amalgam of denominations looks absolutely nothing like the early Church.