Also, if your preferred method of posting is to get super high, blast out an emphatic nonsense sentence for a thread title, and then put EOT in your op... the platform you are looking for is Twitter.
I'm really trying to figure out what the heck the OP was thinking. Is there even a Taco Bell in Egypt? If so it's no shock they don't serve meat because most Taco Bell's have meat paste instead of actual meat.
Abraham, who's family line was on the verge of extinction, has a few kids and decades later, surprisingly, his mass of kids running around questioning The King of kings HIMSELF.
I kind of want to argue the other side purely out of curiosity, but I legitimately don't know what that other side might be. Should I be rebutting vegetarianism? Explaining why Taco Bueno is a superior fast food "Mexican" chain compared to Taco Bell? Exodus and political leadership seem to play a role, but I'm not sure exactly what aspect we're fired up about.
Sometimes I wonder if I am making the same mistake they were by asking for unnecessary things or asking the wrong way, demanding instead of asking nicely with please and thank you.