Actually, ThatGuy, I could see awarding some kind of recognition to the outfits that come out to the new fire.
My reasoning is based on what I saw in the 90s.
I know some of the
really old guys

that read this don't like the ragging on the Corps that we take so much fun in. And in these guys' day, I'm sure the Corps put out. However, the outfits I saw in the 90s had a majority of guys that were forced out there and sat on their butts until about lunch and then left. At stack, they sat around the perimeter fires until dismissed. Of course, not ALL of them did this, but enough to earn the reputation for the group.
These new guys, however, are out there because they want to be. In fact, from what I can gather, they are even taking some risk in being out there. If dots require numbers, then it may take some time, but there is no questioning the dedication of CTs that are coming out.
(I'm still going to poke fun at them, but that's just part of Bonfire

Scott Coker '92
[This message has been edited by COKEMAN (edited 1/27/2006 11:08p).]