A redass fish. Read more below.
- First Cut
- Cut II
- Cut III, Double Cut at Habitat for Humanity
- Cut IIII
- Father/Son Cut, Pt. I
- Father/Son Cut, Pt. II
- Cut VI
- Cut VII
- Centerpole Unload
- Perimeter Poles
- Centerpole Raising
BTHOB 2016
Bonfire 2016 has begun to build toward this year's Burn Night on November 23. Participation is high and the canopies are higher (for now). Cut is in Robertson County, in a familiar stretch off Bucksnort. Bonfire was last in this area 8 years ago, and it's great to be back.
For those who aren't familiar, the modern Bonfire construction is defined by every log touching the ground. That means the interior logs comprising the first tier are the full height of the Stack. Dress Logs (the big ones on the outside) are still a feature. Both varieties, the big ones and the tall ones, are generally hard to come by. I say all that to say this:
In 2016, you can stand in one place and lose count of "first-tier Dress Logs", trees big enough at the base to dress the Stack, and tall enough to lay a first tier. I can't remember anything like it. It's making for a heck of an experience for these motivated Aggies, and a joy for me to shoot. I hope you'll enjoy the scenes as much as I have.
Redass fish
Well, it may all be downhill from here, photo-wise. That young man pictured is a fish in the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band. He's about overcome with motivation at his first tree there. Talking with him later, I asked "did you know about Bonfire before you came to A&M?" "It's WHY I came here," he said, with frank military precision. We're seeing a new wave of old spirit - Aggies who come to campus set on the Bonfire experience. I for one look forward to their progress this year and long into the future.
For more about Bonfire visit studentbonfire.com and the Burn Night 2016 page. And follow Student Bonfire on twitter @StudentBonfire. There's also a Burn Night event page on facebook. Follow there for progress toward Burn and important news and updates.
Build the Hell Outta Bonfire!