but (God forbid) should stack start to sway... if the Windles were angled in, this would also put a compression force on the Windles instead of just a moment.
To be completely honest, I got the idea repairing fence... The fence was leaning toward the inside of a curve ...the way to fix that is to brace the post(s) with another post at an angle. The tension in the wire, instead of being supported by the resistance to bending of the vertical post, is supported by the resistance to compression by the brace post.
the BEST solution would be to get rid of the steel windle supports and angle all four of the poles to the centerpole. This would create triangles instead of quadrilaterals. Triangles are ALWAYS better in a static object than quadrilaterals.
drilling the holes to get the Windles to meet centerpole would be a bit of a stretch, and I don't think Batten boasts experience in directional drilling... so the next best move is to drill vertical, but lean the "sticks" toward Centerpole.
if 0° windle sticks help support stack, and Windles that meet Centerpole are ideal, anything in between will work, too.
[This message has been edited by TexasRebel (edited 11/15/2009 1:26a).]