No, Dual didn't get an answer, hence the 3 pages of discussion that followed about ASB's shady communication practices and several others sharing my opinion. As to the date of burn,
you were the one griping about it being a bad date this year, I was fully in favor of it. Oh look, and here's the link proving that very point A blatant you though.
It was 2 years ago that I expressed my opinion on the matter, and several others shared similar opinions too - but wait, they must be liars too, because they don't agree with you. So now you're simply
making things up to try and make me out to be a liar - I can't make this stuff up, it's quality.
TR, just because my opinions don't equal your's doesn't make me a liar, get the point. You're still making pathetic attempts to attack my character, and believe me, I laugh every time I read one of your posts - they're just that ridiculous. You're a funny guy, but not in that "laugh with you" way, rather, in that "laugh at you" way.
To address your last point, I didn't say Bonfire wasn't important, I just said it wasn't the most important, or important enough to merit a discussion being had any time soon. Why you ask? Because the assumption of the discussion would be "When will it be back?" It won't be back. Ever. Why? Because of ALL the problems tied to it when it was on campus. Because 12 students were
killed when it was on campus, and dozens of others were injured. Because Bonfire, unfortunately doesn't seem to have the same romantic mystique it once had - most likely because of its absence on campus, but probably because the university itself is different than it was then - merely speculation though. So there ya go bud, ya happy? I answered your question with my opinion, and I know you're going to disagree, not because you have much of an opinion of your own, because I don't think you do, but because it's my opinion. Keep squackin though bud, maybe someday you'll be right, maybe someday somebody'll agree with you, and maybe someday, just like OJ, if you call me a liar enough, I'll become one. But you know what, he still murdered those folks, and you're still wrong about me as you'll ever be.
Simply - you lie in an effort to discredit me and to attack my character (my e-character hahaha). Way to go. Merry Christmas, and I mean that. This is dumb, don't make schiit personal and have the discussion and see where it goes. A good one can be had - I'd be really interested in making a sock and having the same opinions I do under Square as I did with the sock, just to see what kind of real discussion could be had. But alas, it can't. Merry Christmas to you all though.
[This message has been edited by SquareOne07 (edited 12/20/2007 6:56p).]