a multitude of things, really.
it was a two year position, that has been transitioned into one.
the first year my sisters and i did a multitude of things...helped with the donor banquet in several ways, did a lot of last minute things for red pots, put together a fundraiser, helped with Burn Night details, organized the member database and kept up with all the paperwork--and what everyone saw was that we checked people in during cut/stack.--just to name a few things-- also, during the first year it was the Green's responsibility to keep up with the finances...or recording them, anyway. But for this past Burn and for the future, it has been transferred to a Red pot position for efficiency reasons: they're the ones that deal with the money, it's most logical for them to take care of it.
This year, because there was such a plethera of Red pots, we pretty much just kept up with the database and checked people in. And the Burn Night stuff...the girls did that too.
It's nothing that requires too buff of a brain, but requires a lot of time and dedication. I really loved it my first year. It was a way for a girl to really help out in Bonfire...as I am not as strong/am much less interested in killing trees or physically building it. It seemed that the position was on the same level of leadership as a Brown Pot, just on the administrative/secretarial spectrum as opposed to the brawn of the browns. This year I would say that it was reduced to less--simply because there were enough people to handle the responsibility and take up the things that we did in 06. That doesn't mean I'm complaining--just a humble member's speculation.