Just got it today as well. Like #3 and #6 the best. I REALLY like it now, but I'm sure by next week, I'll think it's the greatest album ever made....just like I did with "Odelay."
Me likey. After listening to it a few times, there's still not a song that jumps out as the best on the album yet. But there aren't any real stinkers yet either. I give it an A-/B+.
I noticed on allofmp3.com there's a bonus track called "traccia audio 14" that my CD does not have. I downloaded it and it's pretty good, not sure why it didn't make the CD. I guess it's on one of the foreign releases or something. Anyways, check it out.
agreed. best album of his in recent memory, and by "best" i mean that it didn't make me want to go out and hang myself in depression like his last album.