I did! The first episode featured an unknown South Texas fighter up against a champion east coast fighter---and the Texas guy kicked his ass!
The show is really hard to watch though, you start to like these guys (the east coast champ had a devoted wife and a sweet little girl and the Texas guy's family showed up from Mexico to watch him fight) and then they go beat each other up. I liked it a lot though...I think viewing will pick up when word gets out.
After watching Oscar De La Hoya's "Contender" type show on FSN a while back I thought this would be much of the same but I was actually impressed with this show. I thought the first show was done very well (great personal story's and good boxing match). By the way...when is the next episode? Its fun watching "ROCKO" get excited about boxing!
I thought it was a great show. You do really get attached to those guys, and its hard to watch them lose their dream. I was rooting for the Texas kid, he wanted to take down the best 'East' fighter on the first night, and looking at him you wouldn't think he stood a chance.
Alfonso Gomez! Yeah, I just had to pull for him, too. I felt for the guy with the kid, but Alfonso showed a lot of heart and ambition by volunteering to fight the "toughest" east coast fighter. He's like Rudy, with talent!
I think this is one of the very best reality shows ever produced. It is a shame not many people are watching it. I think most boxing fans would appreciate the show.
i'm a big boxing fan and the fights have been good. the problem is that the fights only make up about 5 minutes of the show. the rest of it has pretty much sucked imho. last night was some trash talk followed by a lame challenge followed by some lame family stuff, with 5 minutes of boxing at the end. the first 50 minutes had very little "boxing" in it. it was a pretty good fight where they were both landing some shots, and i definitely would have enjoyed seeing more than what they showed (less than 1/3). this show should be onto the fight by 30-35 minutes into the show, not 50 minutes. the flame-out of oscar's boxing show is probably not helping these guys get viewers.
[This message has been edited by Bob the Enzyte Guy (edited 3/11/2005 4:52p).]
That's intresting. A lot of my friends have the exact opposite reaction: they like the first part of the show but hate seeing these guys beat each other up. I mean look at their faces after each fight...yikes! I'm not much a fan of boxing either, but I still like the show.
Whenever I see Sly I think of his ex Bridget from VH1's Strangelove. EW!