A lot of people will not agree and cry sacrilege but I always wanted to see a Breakfast Club sequel and apparently originally John Hughes intended a movie every 10 years checking in with them at different stages of their lives but had a falling out over something with Judd Nelson and none of them ever happened.
My vision for it is more along the lines of Cobra Kai where you turn the original story on it's head a bit and find out it wasn't really what you maybe thought.
For example I would have their stereotypes while true maybe not play out the way you would expect in adulthood now 40 years later. Some of them could have kids in the 15-18 year range now so maybe a situation where two of them are dropping off for some school program but not detention - but same school etc.... just a funny intro. Focus is not on those kids though.
Some of them meet for breakfast and to catch up and we learn some surprising fates for them.
In my version:
Claire - was ostracized by the popular kids for dating Bender after that detention finds out they aren't her real friends and now is a lonely soccer mom housewife to some neurotic kids of her own (not with Bender it did not last).
Brian - the nerd goes into computers of course and founded some mildly successful game or social media thing or whatever and has money but donates a lot of time and money to the school and runs a program for kids there maybe he is there when they drop their kids off because of that. His kids, surprisingly are jocks and he has beefed up (like Anthony Michael Hall has in real life).
Allison - the neurotic one surprisingly through Claire ends up being accepted more but never really fits in but they remained friends. She is a child psychologist actually and is treating Claire's kids.
Andrew - was a state wrestling champ of course and is the high school coach now and he coaches Brian's kids. He is one of those peaked in high school types and there are signs of that but we see he is a much better coach and motivator than his father was.
Bender - the biggest surprise. We find out there was some other history with Mr. Vernon but after Benders dad died (drunk driving) Vernon reached out to him and quietly guided him on a better path and helped him get into Juco and mentors him all the way to a law degree which was Vernons dream for himself. He also represented Brian in some lawsuit about his tech creation. No surprise he is a tough cutthroat lawyer.
So Claire and Allison run into Brian and they all go out for coffee.... Brian messages Bender who shows up partway through. As does Andrew and we learn he and Allison are married. Their kids are not jocks, not neorotic and actually benefitted from Brian's program at the school and in fact the oldest just received a scholarship in Vernons name which Bender had funded after Mr. Vernon dies.
I don't know, something along those lines. There are many ways you could go. I like to think while they did not all just become besties they still are intertwined in some way. In my version anyway.
I think there are too many holdouts from making this possible so it exists only in my head.
Oh side note: I my version "Don't You Forget About Me" is playing on the music in the diner or whatever when Bender walks in and the first thing he says is "God I hate this ****ing song!". The girls disagree and say it reminds them of a better time and he says "What was so great about the 80's????" Brian says "Huh, I don't remember this song at at all." And Andrew says, "Of course not, nerd."
Note 2: Carl owns the diner and makes cameo when someone (Claire) complains about the food. He sees who they are and gives them some **** about it like she special orders everything and doesn't tip. Or something.