"Four laugh tracks?"Charlie Conway said:
I've never heard anyone describe each instance of laughing as a separate "track."
"Four laugh tracks?"Charlie Conway said:
I've seen this rebuttal plenty, but I've never seen that actual defense of the show. Never heard anyone make the claim that since the show is about scientists, it's for a smart audience.One Louder said:
It was never my cup of tea but I really started hating it when their fans would defend it online by saying "It'S n0t tHeir fAuLt y0u're t00 St00pid t0 uNdErsTaNd tHe j0kEs!"
What's amazing to me about Young Sheldon is that both my sons (19 and 16) watch it and both love it. The amazing part is that like most Gen Z boys, they don't consume, or consume very little, of this type of media. Outside of kid/family programs when they were little I don't recall them watching any network tv or sitcoms.Bruce Almighty said:
Young Sheldon is much better than BBT.
Old guy here:Aggie Infantry said:
My "Mount Rushmore" of comedy sitcoms:
1. Cheers
2. Seinfeld
3. Andy Griffith (b&w w/Barney)
4. Big Bang
Or maybe, it's not their fault and you're just too stupid to understand the jokesOne Louder said:
I don't like the humor on the show because it tries too hard to lean into stereotypes, making them into caricatures.
La Fours said:
Who argues about sitcoms on Facebook? Much less sitcoms they don't like?
One Louder said:
It was never my cup of tea but I really started hating it when their fans would defend it online by saying "It'S n0t tHeir fAuLt y0u're t00 St00pid t0 uNdErsTaNd tHe j0kEs!"
RikkiTikkaTagem said:One Louder said:
It was never my cup of tea but I really started hating it when their fans would defend it online by saying "It'S n0t tHeir fAuLt y0u're t00 St00pid t0 uNdErsTaNd tHe j0kEs!"
The jokes were a bit too telegraphed if anything. I could watch an episode for the first time and say the punch line before the characters did. My wife hated watching it with me.