The sets were impressive and the acting was top notch. My main issue as a close observer is all of the realistic, compelling stories cast aside for typical Hollywood reasons: Good people good, bad people are bad, mmmkay.
It's not honest.
- It's impossible to understand the abuse crisis without the homosexual context. YES ITS TRUE. Review honest leftist Richard Sipe. Literally over 90% of abuse cases were post pubescent same sex.
- There really was / is a "Lavendar mafia." We even know nicknames - for example, Donna. We know McCarrick, almost everyone knew - open conspiracy. Most powerful prelates gatekeepers at seminaries.
- Bernandin, most powerful cardinal in US history….Spellman of NYC - blackmailers AND so many were blackmailable.
Satanic? Including in St. Paul's chapel? We have excellent evidence. Homosexual conduct is RELEVANT.
Much else. Much. I could fill this thread, including horrific things from the National Cathedral in DC (beach houses for boyfriends is the least of it).
But does not conform to Narrative.
Instead we get this, a horribly written film, yet on narrative.