Absolutely loved them on Top Gear and have really enjoyed Grand Tour but, sadly, it's time. The last few episodes of GT, while enjoyable, lost some of the magic in comparison to what they use to produce. The guys, save perhaps Richard Hammond, just look tired. Which is understandable given their age.
One thing is clear, having watched the various work they have all put out in the last few years, Clarkson has that special touch that made the shows enjoyable. Clarkson's Farm is just as enjoyable as TG and GT. Have loved every second of it. Yet. I can't get through more than a few minutes of anything James May puts out. Damn, without Clarkson and Hammond he's as dull as paste. Hammonds work has been so-so but he seems more keen on riding the coattails of TG/GT into the sunset as opposed to putting out new stuff.