For Fun - Wokeness in Entertainment [Staff Edit- 6/24/24]

10,693 Views | 104 Replies | Last: 7 days ago by Wolfpac 08
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BadMoonRisin said:

This is the "other reasons" I alluded to.

People on this board defend this as an unfortunate accident, when the studio execs know exactly what they are doing.

And yet you only ever see actual proof/insanity this extreme from Disney executives.

To be clear, once again, I find videos/practices like this abhorrent, and I haven't seen a single person on this board defend this crap in any way, despite what you're saying, or what bad faith obsessives like maroon barchetta will have you believe.

That said... we do only ever see/hear about this level of nonsense from Disney, and I can count the amount of times on one hand, at that. That's not to say other studios don't dabble in this idiocy, but I promise you guys the vast majority of execs don't think like this. I'm constantly working with these people and damn near everyone rolls their eyes at this bull****, is starting to more vocally push back, etc.

This place is not a monolith.

Just like in real life, it's an extreme minority trying to shove their "agenda" through, while everyone else was/is either too busy or too scared of being fired/"cancelled" to say anything. Slowly but surely, though, that's finally starting to change.
Proposition Joe
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-> "There's too many weirdos walking around these days!"

-> "An 'agenda' has to be the reason that advertisers are pandering to these weirdos!"

It's really like some you don't understand very basic marketing and advertising.
El Gallo Blanco
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I am 43. My entire life, the political bias in movies has been overwhelmingly in favor of one political party/group. With very very few exceptions.

A few posts above, the poster mentions that there has been philosophical/political messaging in art since the caveman days. That may be true, but I think the main issues people have with it is how insanely one sided it is when you consider both entertainment and media. And then you have a bunch of people who like to gaslight you into thinking you're crazy for taking notice or expressing annoyance.

Basically, half of the country is pretty conservative/traditional….but entertainment/media is very monolithic (on the left)….completely unrepresentative of mainstream America. I don't think considering this a nuisance or expressing frustration makes one "crazy" or "unreasonable". I promise many would be singing a vastly diff tune if the shoe was on the other foot. But leftists can't even begin to imagine a world where the machine is against them ideologically and politically.
El Gallo Blanco
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Proposition Joe said:

-> "There's too many weirdos walking around these days!"

-> "An 'agenda' has to be the reason that advertisers are pandering to these weirdos!"

It's really like some you don't understand very basic marketing and advertising.

What's the upside to pandering to a group that makes up maybe 0.1-0.2% of the population?
maroon barchetta
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It's been going on for a long time in ads.

Plain vanilla dad/husband: (in whiny voice) "Honey, these kitchen trash bags keep tearing when I try to take the trash out! It makes a big smelly mess!"

Mom/wife: (in assertive voice) "I told you to get the Hefty cinch sack! You tried to save money on the store brand and look where it got you. Listen to me next time and you wouldn't have a mess to clean up!" *gives him a smiling smirk*

No way those roles get reversed and he talks down to her in the same way. No a person of color gets the same treatment.

It's even on radio ads for a local realtor in BCS. She's the expert on Aggie sports, and her husband is a bumbling idiot on every bit of Aggie sports trivia. Been that way for years.

This isn't by chance.
Proposition Joe
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El Gallo Blanco said:

Proposition Joe said:

-> "There's too many weirdos walking around these days!"

-> "An 'agenda' has to be the reason that advertisers are pandering to these weirdos!"

It's really like some you don't understand very basic marketing and advertising.

What's the upside to pandering to a group that makes up maybe 0.1-0.2% of the population?

Typically because they already have brand loyalty from one demo, so pandering to a different demo potentially increases their market share.

Sure, there are scenarios where it backfires and the strategy was not a sound one and you lose a decent chunk of your base (eg. Bud Lite).

But the almighty $ rules all.
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Are you saying it's illogical to think that people in charge, some of whom are on tape saying they would never hire a certain people because of their gender or race, would not engage in some sort of agenda outside of the goal of increasing profit?
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Today I was discussing with my 7 year old (entering 2nd grade) his change of affection from Star Wars (anchored by Lego versions) to Jurassic Park (anchored both by my DVDs and Netflix's cartoons).

He is aware of the socio-political progress that Kennedy, Johnson, Abrams, Iger, Stenberg, Headland and many others have made. And at the HEB today, he ran into a Black friend from the playground (public library, half a mile away), and was extremely friendly. We both value BIPOC Representation.

I've been concerned about his change of entertainment direction, but as we talked I recalled also the amazing progress Jurassic Park has made…

not just Darius, the central character of Camp Cretaceous, but consider Dominion, recently rented from the library. We were very pleased to see pilots, scientists, security personnel, administration - a variety of high-level, purposeful, bountiful Representation.

Universal and Disney, as with others including my beloved Paramount and Sony, have presented us with much to criticize. Yet we should also - optimistically - recognize Progress.
Proposition Joe
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Fenrir said:

Are you saying it's illogical to think that people in charge, some of whom are on tape saying they would never hire a certain people because of their gender or race, would not engage in some sort of agenda outside of the goal of increasing profit?
No, I'm saying that for the most part if it's not profitable for the company then no matter what the agenda is, it's retired.

Remember there was once an "agenda" to not have blacks or gays portrayed in certain roles. This isn't some new shocking thing, it's just something people are suddenly aghast about because it's not catering to them.
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Proposition Joe said:

Fenrir said:

Are you saying it's illogical to think that people in charge, some of whom are on tape saying they would never hire a certain people because of their gender or race, would not engage in some sort of agenda outside of the goal of increasing profit?
No, I'm saying that for the most part if it's not profitable for the company then no matter what the agenda is, it's retired.

Remember there was once an "agenda" to not have blacks or gays portrayed in certain roles. This isn't some new shocking thing, it's just something people are suddenly aghast about because it's not catering to them.

People were aghast before, that's why there were changes made.

And for someone that's calling others ignorant you're arguing in a rather black and white manner. It's entirely possible to have and push agendas at the expense of some profit. We have a guy saying he will refuse to hire one of the largest demographic groups in the country but there is no way he won't compromise some amount of profit in your mind? There is a gulf between where Disney has lived the last decade in profitability and actually losing our on profits.

Reality is people like this hire subordinates in line with their thinking and this stuff filters downstream. Thinking that this is limited to just Disney or not real is living in denial.
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El Gallo Blanco said:

I am 43. My entire life, the political bias in movies has been overwhelmingly in favor of one political party/group. With very very few exceptions.

A few posts above, the poster mentions that there has been philosophical/political messaging in art since the caveman days. That may be true, but I think the main issues people have with it is how insanely one sided it is when you consider both entertainment and media. And then you have a bunch of people who like to gaslight you into thinking you're crazy for taking notice or expressing annoyance.

Basically, half of the country is pretty conservative/traditional….but entertainment/media is very monolithic (on the left)….completely unrepresentative of mainstream America. I don't think considering this a nuisance or expressing frustration makes one "crazy" or "unreasonable". I promise many would be singing a vastly diff tune if the shoe was on the other foot. But leftists can't even begin to imagine a world where the machine is against them ideologically and politically.
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Bro forgot Chris Pratt
maroon barchetta
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He forgot James Woods
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Are you willing to use your brand awareness to affect positive social change…

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Redstone said:

Today I was discussing with my 7 year old (entering 2nd grade) his change of affection from Star Wars (anchored by Lego versions) to Jurassic Park (anchored both by my DVDs and Netflix's cartoons).

He is aware of the socio-political progress that Kennedy, Johnson, Abrams, Iger, Stenberg, Headland and many others have made. And at the HEB today, he ran into a Black friend from the playground (public library, half a mile away), and was extremely friendly. We both value BIPOC Representation.

I've been concerned about his change of entertainment direction, but as we talked I recalled also the amazing progress Jurassic Park has made…

not just Darius, the central character of Camp Cretaceous, but consider Dominion, recently rented from the library. We were very pleased to see pilots, scientists, security personnel, administration - a variety of high-level, purposeful, bountiful Representation.

Universal and Disney, as with others including my beloved Paramount and Sony, have presented us with much to criticize. Yet we should also - optimistically - recognize Progress.
This might be one of your finest post, luminary Redstone.
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fig96 said:

El Gallo Blanco said:

I am 43. My entire life, the political bias in movies has been overwhelmingly in favor of one political party/group. With very very few exceptions.

A few posts above, the poster mentions that there has been philosophical/political messaging in art since the caveman days. That may be true, but I think the main issues people have with it is how insanely one sided it is when you consider both entertainment and media. And then you have a bunch of people who like to gaslight you into thinking you're crazy for taking notice or expressing annoyance.

Basically, half of the country is pretty conservative/traditional….but entertainment/media is very monolithic (on the left)….completely unrepresentative of mainstream America. I don't think considering this a nuisance or expressing frustration makes one "crazy" or "unreasonable". I promise many would be singing a vastly diff tune if the shoe was on the other foot. But leftists can't even begin to imagine a world where the machine is against them ideologically and politically.

Something about that tweet makes me think of the Dire Straits, Money for Nothing video. Except theres a lack of awareness or self-reflection that Jennings isn't the worker making 'custom kitchen deliveries,' he's the yo-yo making easy money
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If this clear push for diversity was truly about reaching new demographics, most ads or television shows would feature actors and families that are Hispanic (huge underrepresented market) or Asian/Indian (high disposable income).

But they don't.

Also, if you follow this issue at all, you find a similar trend in media from every Western country.

As I said, thinking this is all about marketing people wanting to increase sales is willful blindness.
maroon barchetta
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Proposition Joe said:

-> "There's too many weirdos walking around these days!"

-> "An 'agenda' has to be the reason that advertisers are pandering to these weirdos!"

It's really like some you don't understand very basic marketing and advertising.
Market to weirdos to the exclusion of non-weirdos at your peril.
Proposition Joe
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So you don't know the data, don't trust the data if you did know it, and instead choose to believe it is all being driven by immoral forces.

Welp, that about wraps this thread up. When that is someone's stance, it can't actually be argued against.

I'll defer to wise man Mac on this.

Rock, flag, eagle my friend... Rock, flag, eagle.
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Proposition Joe said:

So you don't know the data, don't trust the data if you did know it, and instead choose to believe it is all being driven by immoral forces.

Welp, that about wraps this thread up. When that is someone's stance, it can't actually be argued against.

I'll defer to wise man Mac on this.

Rock, flag, eagle my friend... Rock, flag, eagle.

lol. Are you serious??

Yours is a give up post if I've ever seen one. I presented timelines, facts, and personal experience as a corporate leader who actually ran Marketing for a while.

Your response: nuh uh. This conversation is over because I won.

How do you know the data? Show me your Marketing analysis that says mixed race couples were discovered almost overnight by all of corporate America who all then went all-in on making mixed race couples the de facto US demographic group. This wasn't a gradual change; it was a complete overhaul of commercials demographics within a matter of 1-2 years.

And as someone else said, if it was actually about money you would see large numbers of Hispanics in these commercials but you don't? Why is that do you wonder?
Proposition Joe
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I would imagine because the data shows that there's not money in marketing to hispanics. I've read previously that television advertising isn't something they respond to and that generate significant sales boosts, but I honestly do not know.

As for a shift happening "overnight", that wasn't the case -- though it did happen very quickly. Like all strategies I imagine someone went for it, it paid off, and then others quickly followed suit.

Do I think there's was at least some "DEI/overlord/minion" push in many of these cases? Absolutely. But at the end of the day they are going with strategies that they believe will be more profitable. You view it as a "You must do this!", when it's more likely a "We need to do this to appeal to [this growing trend]."

Sometimes it's wrong (ref: Miller Lite). I haven't followed the Disney stuff too closely to know if the backlash is truly because of some forced DEI representations or its simply because they are over-valued and not putting out good product -- but that could be another example.

TLDR: Yes they are over-represented, but the numbers obviously don't show it negatively impacting sales so any complaints about it are coming from a minority group of viewers, not a majority. To me that follows a pretty standard ad strategy.
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This is way easier than many of y'all make it out to be.

Many/most people don't really notice the race of people in commercials, so if there's a minority in a commercial they don't really care. A minority is more likely to notice that, however, and become more aware of the product. Win win.

And if you think there isn't marketing to a Hispanic demo you haven't watched tv in Texas recently.
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1.) Im glad you agree that this is ridiculous.

2.) Its extremely obvious to anyone normal, and outside of the progressive bubble/algorithm.

3.) when I criticize "the board", I am not criticizing you personally.

4.) There are people on this board that vigorously defend this nonsense and just call insanely idiotic shows "just bad writing". Like it's a skill issue, and not a will issue. The people that are hired to write on these projects aren't good writers so their shows, predictably, suck -- but either check a diversity box or are activists that are going to take popular intellectual properties and inject their politics into them (She-Hulk and Ghostbuster Gals come to mind), even if its an extreme stretch and doesnt make sense. And when the shows tank, the same predictable lines come out about internet trolls, misogynists, sexists, etc hate the show! It's not our fault it's the audiences fault!!!

I dont participate in the Acolyte thread because I am just not interested in Star Wars anything, but having a showrunner politicize the show before it even releases is not a winning strategy if you want your show to be well-received, in my opinion.

5.) A great example is the flaming dumpster fire that is Dont Look Up.

I do think you are absolutely right and that this stuff has peaked and will be in the rear view for the forseeable future. If studios can detect that people hate this kind of content, we should at least be able to discuss it and get back to good old fashioned storytelling.

Have a good one, my dude.
Belton Ag
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fig96 said:

This is way easier than many of y'all make it out to be.

Many/most people don't really notice the race of people in commercials, so if there's a minority in a commercial they don't really care. A minority is more likely to notice that, however, and become more aware of the product. Win win.

And if you think there isn't marketing to a Hispanic demo you haven't watched tv in Texas recently.
This is the answer. The vast, vast majority of white consumers really don't care if a mixed race couple is featured in an advertisement, if they even notice it at all.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Belton Ag said:

fig96 said:

This is way easier than many of y'all make it out to be.

Many/most people don't really notice the race of people in commercials, so if there's a minority in a commercial they don't really care. A minority is more likely to notice that, however, and become more aware of the product. Win win.

And if you think there isn't marketing to a Hispanic demo you haven't watched tv in Texas recently.
This is the answer. The vast, vast majority of white consumers really don't care if a mixed race couple is featured in an advertisement, if they even notice it at all.

It really is a double edged sword. The whole "woke" movement (whatever you prefer to call it) changed what most boomers through millennials were taught largely under MLK; going from looking at society through a colorblind lens to one that views everything through the lens of each individuals race. I think it causes more division viewing things that way, but I don't claim to be an expert on the subject by any means. I think this video kind of sums up my issues with this line of thinking though.

Belton Ag
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Oh I certainly agree with this. Long term I really don't believe we are going to survive if we continue down the path of tribalism and competing interests we're seeing now.

But going back to the theme of this thread, I don't believe Madison Avenue has woven "replacement theory" as a matter of policy into advertising.
Sea Speed
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fig96 said:

This is way easier than many of y'all make it out to be.

Many/most people don't really notice the race of people in commercials, so if there's a minority in a commercial they don't really care. A minority is more likely to notice that, however, and become more aware of the product. Win win.

And if you think there isn't marketing to a Hispanic demo you haven't watched tv in Texas recently.

So white people are colorblind but not black people? But white people are the ones with original sin racism?
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fig96 said:

This is way easier than many of y'all make it out to be.

Many/most people don't really notice the race of people in commercials, so if there's a minority in a commercial they don't really care. A minority is more likely to notice that, however, and become more aware of the product. Win win.

And if you think there isn't marketing to a Hispanic demo you haven't watched tv in Texas recently.

Well, no ***** Hispanics are the largest ethnic group in Texas now so that makes sense. You should see a lot of commercials with their demo.

On a national scale, Hispanics are a larger group than blacks but blacks dominate commercials in extremely outsized numbers compared to their actual numbers. And part of the problem is that Hispanics and Latinos have been combined back into the white category so now they are lost in whiteness. Look at this link to see it directly:

How in the world can some of y'all be so obtuse on this topic? It's blatant political pandering. Good lord. It's fine to acknowledge it; it happens everywhere on about everything going on this country at this point from both sides of the spectrum.

Commercials are not immune to it.
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Bruce Almighty
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BadMoonRisin said:

It's a toss up between Kent and Appel for MVP of this series.

They have both been massive

A&M baseball gone woke?
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Vought has you covered

Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2012
Sea Speed
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There is TOTALLY some untapped market for black and white interracial couples. Totally.

11% of all current US marriages are interracial, increasing from 3% in 1967
Interracial marriages increased significantly from the 1980s to 2000s
41% of intermarriages are between whites and Hispanics, 15% are between whites and Asians, and 11% are between whites and blacks
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YouBet said:

fig96 said:

This is way easier than many of y'all make it out to be.

Many/most people don't really notice the race of people in commercials, so if there's a minority in a commercial they don't really care. A minority is more likely to notice that, however, and become more aware of the product. Win win.

And if you think there isn't marketing to a Hispanic demo you haven't watched tv in Texas recently.

Well, no ***** Hispanics are the largest ethnic group in Texas now so that makes sense. You should see a lot of commercials with their demo.

On a national scale, Hispanics are a larger group than blacks but blacks dominate commercials in extremely outsized numbers compared to their actual numbers. And part of the problem is that Hispanics and Latinos have been combined back into the white category so now they are lost in whiteness. Look at this link to see it directly:

How in the world can some of y'all be so obtuse on this topic? It's blatant political pandering. Good lord. It's fine to acknowledge it; it happens everywhere on about everything going on this country at this point from both sides of the spectrum.

Commercials are not immune to it.
I never said it wasn't, though as someone with a few decades of experience in marketing I'd call it more marketing department pandering than anything else. Simply making the point that there's no real downside to making your marketing more diverse.

And I made the point about marketing to Hispanics as someone else said they never see it.
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