Enjoyed the tug of war between the meditation women, Amrita, and Rick. Will she spiral down or will she improve his outlook
Posey and Leslie Bibb you mean?Quote:
The exchange between Posey and Monaghan's character was odd. Surely there'll be a story reason for that scene eventually other than showing Posey to be aloof.
tk for tu juan said:
I am guessing Valentin was in on the jewelry heist as a distraction to Gaitok at the gate
Quinn said:
Also, my wife was cringing so hard from how real that opening conversation scene was between Kate and Jaclyn.
There was one sentence when he was on the phone, where he sounded very Austrialian. (Not sure if it's the same one you're referring to.)Seven Costanza said:
One more accent comment and then I'll leave it alone. Isaacs nailed the accent in the phone scene where he told the guy he was going to kill him. Didn't screw up once in that particular scene.
I enjoyed the interaction between Amrita and Goggins.
I'm assuming security guy will get himself killed trying to be a tough hero in an attempt to impress the girl, or do something similarly crazy with a wounded ego after getting rejected.
Not sure the older brother isn't, bc he sure is teasing that incest.Quote:
Younger brother is gay, right?
We weren't told his mother OD'd when we was 10 and his father was murdered before he was born for that not to come into play somehow. Felt like that was maybe bit more than backstory.VP at Pierce and Pierce said:
I find myself wanting to story to remain with his character, partially because he is such a good actor but also because the character resonates with me for so many reasons some of which are unfortunate but there seems to be a lot there. Did he marry into money and lose his wife?
Leggo My Elko said:
I think that's a safe assumption.
tk for tu juan said:
Everyone watching the show looked at his ass (twice now)
20ag07 said:
Well the younger brother's already done an interview saying he has his first nude scene in future episodes, so you ain't done yet.
Greg being the guy he's trying to get revenge on?Tobias Funke said:
Walton Goggins going full Sawyer on us
"Well you know what they say, having sex in Thailand is like a box of chocolates…you never know which one is gonna have nuts", followed by Parker Posey cackling her ass off is my favorite moment of this season.Quote:
Probably with a ladyboy
That pretty cool. I had no clue, just thought they nailed the casting with some talented very pretty unknown actress.Sex Panther said:
She's one of the most famous people on the planet