Scurry, by Author/Artist Mac Smith was recently released in a graphic novel format by Image comics.

The trope of a post-apocalyptic world where animals are the main characters is a field filled with numerous works - some good, many bad. Luckily Scurry is one of the good ones.

Take a few parts Don Bluth (ok, make that HUGE parts Don Bluth), a little bit of the Godfather, a tiny bit of Shakespeare and some Watership Down and put it in a post-apocalyptic world populated by animals and you have Scurry.

This story tells the tale of a mouse colony trying to survive in the world, all the while internal politics and external treats by cats, wolves and the environment threaten that existence. Of course there is a diverse menagerie of animal characters that our protagonists meet on their journey that help to bring the world alive and push our characters on their way.

Story - pretty typical for this kind of story, but told well. 330 pages.
Art - incredible, gorgeous, sumptuous, insert all the adjectives here. I cannot say enough good things about the art. The art is done in a painterly/watercolor style with gorgeous shading. Examples below.
Recommended - Hell yeah.

(not monetized links. just providing links in case anyone is interested)