Just because I haven't seen him mentioned but most of Guy Gavriel Kay's books are very good. He doesn't seem to write much anymore though. The Fionavar Tapestry was a fun trilogy. Sort of a combination between The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and LOTR. Was written in mid-80s which is probably why many don't know it.
Also, don't forget Clive Barker. While he started out in Horror much of his mid career and later stuff was more Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror. I would include Weaveworld and Imajica here although they aren't traditional Fantasy. Another author who has unfortunately retired from writing for the most part.
Also, don't forget Clive Barker. While he started out in Horror much of his mid career and later stuff was more Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror. I would include Weaveworld and Imajica here although they aren't traditional Fantasy. Another author who has unfortunately retired from writing for the most part.