So once upon a time we used this thread as our unofficial fantasy book discussion and people would post a lot of great book ideas
I think we have all moved on from Rothfuss and it tends to annoy people when we bump that thread so I figure its time to make a dedicated thread where people can throw out new or old book recommendations.
Just as a summary here are a lot of the previous series recommended in that thread.
Fantasy -
Patrick Rothfuss - Kingkiller Chronicles (likely to never finish)
Jim Butcher - Dresden Files
Brandon Sanderson - Everything
Anthony Ryan - Blood Song (not so much support for rest of the trilogy)
Scott Lynch - The Gentleman B a s t a r d series
Brent Weeks - Night Angel and Lightbringer
Joe Abercrombie - First Law Trilogy
Robin Hobb - Farseer Trilogy
Robert Jordan/Sanderson - Wheel of Time
Stephen Erikson - Malazan Book of the Fallen series
Bernard Cromwell's the Saxon Stories
Stephen King - Dark Tower
Jonathan Renshaw - Dawn of Wonder
Mark Lawrence - The Broken Empire
Brian McClellan - Powder Mage Trilogy
SciFi -
Pierce Brown - Red Rising
James Corey - Expanse series
*I may have missed some since it's a pretty lengthy thread, but it's a good start for a new thread.
Would love to hear some new names that have come around in the past decade.
Also open to scifi as well since Red Rising was a great rec from the other thread.
I think we have all moved on from Rothfuss and it tends to annoy people when we bump that thread so I figure its time to make a dedicated thread where people can throw out new or old book recommendations.
Just as a summary here are a lot of the previous series recommended in that thread.
Fantasy -
Patrick Rothfuss - Kingkiller Chronicles (likely to never finish)
Jim Butcher - Dresden Files
Brandon Sanderson - Everything
Anthony Ryan - Blood Song (not so much support for rest of the trilogy)
Scott Lynch - The Gentleman B a s t a r d series
Brent Weeks - Night Angel and Lightbringer
Joe Abercrombie - First Law Trilogy
Robin Hobb - Farseer Trilogy
Robert Jordan/Sanderson - Wheel of Time
Stephen Erikson - Malazan Book of the Fallen series
Bernard Cromwell's the Saxon Stories
Stephen King - Dark Tower
Jonathan Renshaw - Dawn of Wonder
Mark Lawrence - The Broken Empire
Brian McClellan - Powder Mage Trilogy
SciFi -
Pierce Brown - Red Rising
James Corey - Expanse series
*I may have missed some since it's a pretty lengthy thread, but it's a good start for a new thread.
Would love to hear some new names that have come around in the past decade.
Also open to scifi as well since Red Rising was a great rec from the other thread.
Formerly tv1113