So I just finished this season.
I am 100% convinced the show is at least partly scripted. There are times when you can tell Nathan is being painfully, over-the-top awkward and clearly doing it for the camera.
And stuff like the very last scene is obviously planned. Nobody is that melodramatic in real life.
Also I have to say, the main thing I kept repeating to myself throughout every episode was... "Why?" Why go through the insane amounts of effort to do most of the stuff they did when about 95% of it was completely unnecessary? Like recreating all of the Remy interactions, recreating the acting class with him playing the student, etc. It felt like HBO had a budget, they had money to burn, so they figured they'd spend all the money on these elaborate setups.
And yet...I watched every episode. Something about this damn show just made me want to see what they did next. And I guess that's the point. Very odd, albeit unique show. I like the original premise, but that kind of went out the window pretty quick. So you never knew what the next episode would be.
Mission accomplished, I guess?