I wouldn't go so far as to say that at all. Has he had a little comment here or there about the "militarization" of the Catholic Church or radicalness (that's a word right?) of religion, sure. But not attacking faith in general. That was out of the norm and when you couple that with other comments that have been made the first few episodes and RTD's comments about trying to make "the right" as uncomfortable as possible with this season, it becomes pretty apparent what they are doing.powerbelly said:
The Doctor is always pretty dismissive of The Church in most episodes.
And regarding it being a British show so conservative vs liberal is different, that is a fair point. However, this is the first year that they are being bank rolled (for the most part) by Disney. They are pushing the marketing for Dr Who big time to an American audience and I believe the greatness of the show is being, maybe not overshadowed, but at least shadowed by the directed comments being made to the right side of the political spectrum.
So far this season they have made comments about Abortion, Trans issue, and now faith; all of which has been from the left perspective. All of these comments have been throwaway, and the episodes gained nothing with having them in there.
Again, I'm a fan of the show and went in with very low expectations due RTD's comments about what he wanted this season of the show to accomplish but I have been pleasantly surprised. The storytelling is so so so much better than anything we got with Jodie's doctor. In my opinion, if they just clean up these few comments this would be on par with some of Tennant's early seasons.