end of year tally: 45 books,, i'll blame football season, baseball playoffs, and a 2 week vacation in new zealand for not hitting the 1 per week mark!
unbroken by laura hildebrand A+
hp and goblet of fire A
planetfall by emma newman B
after atlas by emma newman C
one second after by william forstchen A+
one year after by william forstchen B+
the long earth by terry pratchett B+
dark forest by cixin liu A+++
hp and order of phoenix B
apollo 8 by kluger A
long way to small angry planet by becky chambers B
death's end by cixin liu A+++
final day by forstchen B
hp and half blood prince A
hidden figures A
the explorer by james smythe F
hp and deathly hallows A
the stand by stephen king B+
seveneves by neal stephenson A+
billion dollar spy by david hoffman A+
armada by ernest cline B
48 hours by forstchen B
revenger by alastair reynolds B
a closed and common orbit by becky chambers B
pillar to the sky by forstchen B+
foundation by asimov C+
killing the ss by bill o'reilly B+
brief answers to the big questions by stephen hawking A
medium raw by bourdain A
an absolutely remarkable thing by hank green b+
red war by vince flynn a-
a few sherlock holmes short stories b
texas by michener a
catch 22 by heller b
airframe by chrichton a
The Redemption of Time--A Three-Body Problem Novel by Baoshu b
memory called empire by arkady martine b-
red moon by ksr b-
red rising by pierce brown b-
old man's war by scalzi a
going home by a. american b
cryptonomicon by neal stephenson b+
blind descent by james tabor a
slaughterhouse five by vonnegut b
forgotten 500 by greg freeman a