*****SHOW ONLY Game of Thrones Season 6*****

162,265 Views | 1081 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by TXAGFAN
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Not gonna lie, I didn't expect Osha to get knifed, but when you have a solo scene with Ramsay so one is going down.
I didn't expect her to get knifed. I expected Ramsay to bend her over then torture her just because he is a sick, sadistic, *******.
True. But she has never been submissive and she wasn't tied up. Sucks for her to go out that way.
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That reunion had me in tears. Yes, she was a **** to John Snow, but it's been a long long time. The first episode watching again is sad knowing that things will never ever be the same.

Definitely Not A Cop
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One thing I hadn't considered until this episode was the awkwardness that is going to exist between Brienne and the Stannis camp. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.
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Brienne may just have to make peace, she's running out of friends in the world if she keeps holding all her grudges.
Zombie Jon Snow
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So whats the deal with the youngest stark sister? her story has sucked this season. Also the other Stark brother. His story has sucked as well.

Jon Snows story has been good so has Sansas. I like Ramsay. Dude is cray.

The midget is good as always too. The dragon girl story is finally starting back again. That was getting boring.

So far not my favorite season though.

this guy is some kind of troll. ignore him.

only 3 posts on GOT threads (1 here and 2 in the spoilers thread) which included

"This is the worst season yet."
"the fire stuff was cheesy"

doesn't even know but a few characters names - lol. ok.

and in the MOST action packed 4 episodes to start ANY season he declares it the worst one yet.

i don't get the point....but just ignore him....he got called out on the spoilers thread and came here looking for support i guess.

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Not gonna lie, I didn't expect Osha to get knifed, but when you have a solo scene with Ramsay so one is going down.
I didn't expect her to get knifed. I expected Ramsay to bend her over then torture her just because he is a sick, sadistic, *******.
True. But she has never been submissive and she wasn't tied up. Sucks for her to go out that way.
I'm trying to figure out if her interaction with Ramsay tells us anything about the Umbers having some kind of plan to overtake Ramsay. If it was part of the plan, that may show us they're underestimating him which is obviously not good.

I really loved this episode. Interesting parallel with Dany and Jon coming back from the dead. We've seen that help Dany gather an army, I'd assume the same thing is true with Jon.
The Debt
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Ramsay gets so poetic with his threats. The bit about Jons eye sockets was spectacular
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I think the fire stuff was fine story-wise, but I did think the way they did it was a bit cheesy. Especially the last one, something about it made it look like she had the ability to control fire.
The Debt
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Go away troll.
The Debt
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I don't care for "empowered Sansa" she is still at the mercy of decision making men. When cercei has a tactic/strat/command she bludgeon you with her force, Sansa is on her knees making her case with garbled words.
Zombie Jon Snow
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So whats the deal with the youngest stark sister? her story has sucked this season. Also the other Stark brother. His story has sucked as well.

Jon Snows story has been good so has Sansas. I like Ramsay. Dude is cray.

The midget is good as always too. The dragon girl story is finally starting back again. That was getting boring.

So far not my favorite season though.

this guy is some kind of troll. ignore him.

only 3 posts on GOT threads (1 here and 2 in the spoilers thread) which included

"This is the worst season yet."
"the fire stuff was cheesy"

doesn't even know but a few characters names - lol. ok.

and in the MOST action packed 4 episodes to start ANY season he declares it the worst one yet.

i don't get the point....but just ignore him....he got called out on the spoilers thread and came here looking for support i guess.

easy bro. it's just a show. so no answers about the younger stark girl or boy?

whats the deal with Arya - is that what you mean? she's in training or just completed training to become No One. did you watch last episode? she was not in this episode...maybe thats your point. there are like 10 story lines and they tend to have 5-6 per episode so....no arya this week. her story has sucked. ok. if you say so. i think it's just building but whatever.

this isn't a show about instant gratification. although it has delivered a lot this season. hence my confusion and wondering if you have even watched the show much. or perhaps you werre a recent binge watcher and watched 5 season in 10 days so you were used to more action cuz you were basically fast forwarding mentally and only recall action.

"the other stark" brother...i assume you mean Bran. well he is providing a very valuable narrative of some back story i won't go into because this is the non book readers no spoilers thread. but google it if you want to know more.

the "midget" is Tyrion.
The "dragon girl" is Daenerys

so you said this season sucks then said jon, sansa, ramsay, tyrion and dany stories were good....ok. thats like 75% of what we've seen outside Kings Landing, minor stuff in the Iron Islands and Brans visions.

Zombie Jon Snow
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oh and the fire scene was cheesy my dude.
i didn't say it wasn't i said all you have offered is "this season sucks" and "the fire was cheesy". great input.
The Debt
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He can't be bothered to learn the name Dany, she has only had 10 hours of screen time over the last half decade.
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oh and the fire scene was cheesy my dude.
i didn't say it wasn't i said all you have offered is "this season sucks" and "the fire was cheesy". great input.

Feeding the troll.
Definitely Not A Cop
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You're the reason she hasn't been naked for 4 seasons.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Please stop posting that stupid quote.
The Debt
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Grats on your first reply without the use of "dude" or "bro".
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I watch the INSIDE GAME OF THRONES after each episode and always learn something.

One of the shows producers said that this is the first time Jon and Sansa have been on screen together in the entire show. I was thinking he meant on screen alone together, then thought about it and it is possible they have never been on the same screen at the same time.

Zombie Jon Snow
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So whats the deal with the youngest stark sister? her story has sucked this season. Also the other Stark brother. His story has sucked as well.

Jon Snows story has been good so has Sansas. I like Ramsay. Dude is cray.

The midget is good as always too. The dragon girl story is finally starting back again. That was getting boring.

So far not my favorite season though.

this guy is some kind of troll. ignore him.

only 3 posts on GOT threads (1 here and 2 in the spoilers thread) which included

"This is the worst season yet."
"the fire stuff was cheesy"

doesn't even know but a few characters names - lol. ok.

and in the MOST action packed 4 episodes to start ANY season he declares it the worst one yet.

i don't get the point....but just ignore him....he got called out on the spoilers thread and came here looking for support i guess.

easy bro. it's just a show. so no answers about the younger stark girl or boy?

whats the deal with Arya - is that what you mean? she's in training or just completed training to become No One. did you watch last episode? she was not in this episode...maybe thats your point. there are like 10 story lines and they tend to have 5-6 per episode so....no arya this week. her story has sucked. ok. if you say so. i think it's just building but whatever.

this isn't a show about instant gratification. although it has delivered a lot this season. hence my confusion and wondering if you have even watched the show much. or perhaps you werre a recent binge watcher and watched 5 season in 10 days so you were used to more action cuz you were basically fast forwarding mentally and only recall action.

"the other stark" brother...i assume you mean Bran. well he is providing a very valuable narrative of some back story i won't go into because this is the non book readers no spoilers thread. but google it if you want to know more.

the "midget" is Tyrion.
The "dragon girl" is Daenerys

so you said this season sucks then said jon, sansa, ramsay, tyrion and dany stories were good....ok. thats like 75% of what we've seen outside Kings Landing, minor stuff in the Iron Islands and Brans visions.

I've watched every episode and every season, and no I didn't binge watch, I actually own the first two seasons . But I've only watched them once, except maybe that one episode where the stark mom and son were killed. that was pretty brutal. Look I like the show but I don't freaking remember every single side story going on.

Ya thanks for the names. The story with Daenerys has not been good this season until tonight, and that's only because now we can move on and not be stuck freeing slaves or what not. I like Tyrion, so that has been fun to follow. I'm really looking forward to his sister/brother taking out those religious zealots in kings landing. The little king is a ***** for not going to get his hot ass wife out of the clink.

The reason I say its not as good as the previous episodes is it seems like some of these stories are stuck. Arya and Bran's. I mean what the hell is the point of Arya right now? She's a waste of time right now. I did like her much more when she was with the hound.

Look my bro, I'm a fan of the show just to be clear. And remember, the night is dark and full of terror.

Ok. cool. Just trying to get a handle on what your beef is so thanks for explaining.

I just think its weird that you don't think the stories are going anywhere now. Many many people said that about Season 5 until the battle at Hardhome (Jon and the Nights Watch with the zombies you might remember that) and then Jon getting stabbed. That was episodes 8 and 10...we are on episode 4 here and have had more action than any prior season thru 4 episodes..

Dany was stuck in neutral all season 5. And Arya was with the hound 2 seasons ago she spent all of season 5 doing little except some minor revenge. Cersei was in prison half of the season. The Sand Snakes and Dorne plot was boring as hell in season 5. Sansa was simply a captive and suffering most of season 5.

But I guess each to his own.

Brian Earl Spilner
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There is literally no way anyone could think this season is the worst four eps in. Just a weak troll. Let's move on.
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Wtf is going on?

You idiots aren't even that good at it.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Dude. Please rewatch the series.
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There is literally no way anyone could think this season is the worst four eps in. Just a weak troll. Let's move on.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I should have said that I think Arya and Brans stories are not entertaining. Arya's has offered hardly anything. We get to watch her get beaten up a few times with a stick. Yay.

marble rye
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Good lord. Have you even watched this show? You don't seem to know anything about anyone. Maybe rewatch instead of mucking up the thread.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I watch the INSIDE GAME OF THRONES after each episode and always learn something.

One of the shows producers said that this is the first time Jon and Sansa have been on screen together in the entire show. I was thinking he meant on screen alone together, then thought about it and it is possible they have never been on the same screen at the same time.

They weren't together when they found the dire wolves?
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All of the men were together not the girls.
marble rye
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No. It was all men that found them. They brought them back to Sansa, Arya, and Rickon. Can't remember if Brandon was with them.
marble rye
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Eh nm. I think you might be in high school.
Definitely Not A Cop
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No. It was all men that found them. They brought them back to Sansa, Arya, and Rickon. Can't remember if Brandon was with them.

Ah, ok. Been a while.
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No. It was all men that found them. They brought them back to Sansa, Arya, and Rickon. Can't remember if Brandon was with them.
Bran was there. Jon told him not to look away and Ned talked to him afterwards about why he had to swing the sword.
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I kind of get where black_hat is coming from.

There are hundreds of posts in this thread talking about details and names and locations that make no sense to me. It's like yall are speaking a different language.

I know who Arya, Dany, John Snow, etc are, but there are about 20 middle-aged white guys with beards that all look exactly the same to me. Luckily a lot of them have gotten killed off so we're only down to 4 or 5 now. Regardless, I have to use context clues such as what they're saying or who they're with to figure out who they are...and the scene is often over before I figure it out. Sometimes I don't figure it out at all.

For instance, the guys who showed up at Ramsey's place last week. I have no clue who they are.
The guys at the wall with John Snow...up until now they've all looked the same other than Sam and the guy who was taught to read by the little girl with the burned face.

Even if I know how they fit into the bigger picture I don't know the names of about 90% of the characters. I just give them nicknames. Big Red is what I call the wildlings leader as an example. I refer to some by who they're related to...like "Ramsey's dad" and "Theon's sister." And there's "Brienne's squire" and "Dany's body guard who betrayed her but came back with Tyrion and now has psoriasis that turns him into a monster" (also known as "middle-aged bearded white guy #14.")

Oh, and speaking of Tyrion every time I hear his name, I have to sing "Tyrion my wayward son" to the tune of "Carry On My Wayward Son" by Kansas, and there's nothing I can do about it.

But as for the names of Castles or towns or swords or people who died 3 seasons ago or remembering anything about the plot from Seasons 1-3 beyond what I could sum up in 2 minutes or less, I'm pretty much SOL.

How some of yall can remember a story that Bran's dad told him in season 1 about a sword fight that he'd had years before is beyond me. Assuming that conversation even happened, it was 1 quick conversation 5 years ago! I don't even remember seemingly meaningless conversations from 5 days ago...that I myself actually had in real life with real people! I damn sure don't remember seemingly meaningless conversations that two TV characters had 5 years ago.
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As long as we're making confessions of **** we don't understand...

Why on earth is Arya hanging out in that far away with the pedophile dude and creepy pedophile helper woman talking about girls having no names and many faced gods. I do not understand WTF is going on with that story line.
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