quote:I'm not a book reader so I can't confirm if she has or has not spent an entire year at the Tower of Joy being guarded by Sir Arthur Dayne. From the show's perspective, we know that Raegar kidnapped her and then the battle ensued. I'm still not quite sure why or how Ned's father and brother were killed by the Mad King, but it wouldn't be THAT far out of character for him to also rape Llyana, another Stark. From my perspective, Raegar may have feared for her safety and instructed his best men to hide her in the Tower of Joy and protect her (not knowing she was ever pregnant). The fact that Jon's name was purposely cut out and also that she didn't mention the father, just that he was Targeryan was a bit convenient.quote:agreed.
Point is, the more you deep dive into the background and the motivations of characters, the easier it is to predict things and, while that is awesome at times, it also takes away some of the suspense and fun. I see it both ways. My path is chosen, but I try not to say things like "Jon's father could actually be the Mad King" on the show only thread because I don't want to ruin that "surprise" factor for those who like still being surprised.
What the **** are you talking about?
She spent a year in the Tower of Joy with the Mad King anywhere around and gave birth at the end of that time just prior to Ned arriving. How the heck could it be the Mad Kings kid?
Only Rhaegar and his knights were there and I doubt it was the knights. Rhaegar would have them killed if they touched her.
It's Rhaegar's kid with Lyanna. Any other conclusion is stupid.
IF that were the case, a few things would make quite a bit of sense. Aerys Targeryan had a history of troublesome pregnancies, I think two or three were still-born, another couple died as infants, Dany's mom died during childbirth. Furthermore, as the theory goes, he had an affinity for Tywin's wife and, coincidentally, she died during Tyrion's birth. It makes sense with some of the lines Tywin said to Tyrion such as "I took you in as if you were one of my own, and this is how you repay me" and on his death bed he says to Tyrion "you're no son of mine". If that were the case, then Tyrion, Dany, and Jon would all be half-brother's and half-sisters and would all come from mothers who died during child-birth.
Anyways, it's just a theory, but again that only proves my point that a happy-go-lucky show-only watcher likely doesn't want to be exposed to such a lavish and intricate theory as this one because they would rather be surprised than to say "oh man, I can't believe that one dude on the message boards was right after all!"